/sg/ Syria General - Savior Squad Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

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Devs Mar 11
Putin and Erdogan discussed in a phone call the implementation of the agreements reached during the meeting in Moscow on March 5, - Kremlin
Iraqi Kata'ib Hezbollah militia praises rocket attack on Taji Base that killed 1 Brit & 2 Americans. Says now is the time to renew the jihad
Egyptian Foreign Ministry: The Ethiopian Foreign Ministry statement regarding the Renaissance Dam lacks fitness and diplomacy and involves an unacceptable insult to the League of Arab States
LNA spokesperson: The reason for the delay in the Tripoli liberation battle is to protect civilians and give an opportunity to the entrapped militants to review their position
Houthi claim downing Saudi-led coalition drone over Yemen Hodeidah
Saudi-led coalition blocks STC leaders from returning to Aden
STC leaders threaten coalition with another uprising
Houthi forces are closing in on Marib
.@CENTCOM's Gen. McKenzie on whether the Taliban are adhering to the Doha agreement: "they are honoring some not all of their commitments.attacks continue at an unacceptably high rate across the country" but notes that there haven't been attacks on Coalition forces/cities


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Says now is the time to renew the jihad
That was Nujaba; not the same as KH

i hope erdogan gasses assmad

hello to haifa

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>page 8

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Allah, Syria and Bashar!

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Sick man of Europe

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Check out that nosecel cutie at @7:00.


Nazis wanted to genocide THIS??!

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>lets make the recovered numbers more readable

gains when?

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They onto us

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I like how they blurred out the word "fuck" in that comic despite it being almost unreadable from that angle anyway


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>we wuz khans featured on the mainstreem meteor

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>in Iraq
nothing ever happens

>missile flys into a cook in a kitchen
he was field marshal of eran :DDD

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/sg/ is filled with glowniggers and shills
nothing new

>/sg/'s 5 seconds of fame
>turkish mongol as OP's pic

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>it's real

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Now I can rest in peace.

What is even funnier is the "4channer" they interviewed. He was a mouth breather who they filmed shitposting about neocons and saying how Jews and niggers run the banks.


i think i posted on that thread
so the glownigger theory is real
how do we redpill the cia?

death to Jewish commissars

inb4 Turduni and the German ISIS Turk get vanned

Timestamp the correct time, please.


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There’s an important question you have to answer.

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You've activated my trap card

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Thank you

Redpill me on when action starts.

Today or tomorrow?

spotted the leaf

delete sg and get these sandniggers and putinbots out of our pol!

You definitely used a bot for this.

>niggers run the banks

when bashar al jihad decides to

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There were bombings in Hasaka by Turkish loyalists/TSK on Syrian militias this morning. Ceasefire should last at least for a month. (The scary virus might postpone actions)

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>Assad Based

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why usa make al-caeda?

>“Our goal long-term has got to work with countries around the world. We cannot do it unilaterally,” Sanders said on Sunday.

>“We’ve got to work with countries around the world for a political solution to get rid of this guy to finally bring peace and stability to this country that has been so decimated,” he said, referring to Assad.


>Bernie Sanders on Syria Strikes: Assad Is a War Criminal and a Child-Killer

>Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Bernie Sanders Is the Commander in Chief We Need

he just cursed himeslf lmao

man this is completely fucked.

just got rejected by a black female in a avery black female way.

Sad cause porn doesnt appeal to me as much nowadays

>coof coof

shouldnt you be on pornhub?

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>syrians in hasakah
what flavor?

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ive came to final conclusion
saddam was based and did absolutely nothing wrong
Iraq needs baathism again
seeing all the world uniting against assad
makes me want to bring baathism back and unite with syria RIGHT NOW

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#UPDATE: 1 of 3 US soldiers wounded in rocket attack on Camp Taji is in serious condition, medevaced off base immediately.

via @LucasFoxNews

>the fucking ratio

To hinder the Soviets in Afghanistan?

To hinder the Soviets in Afghanistan.

just your country was killed

I still believe in God and creation and Jesus i just think the ideas presented by este hombre are applicable on the micro level

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The @CJTFOIR confirms at least (25) 107mm rockets impacted Iraq's Camp Taji base hosting Coalition troops, March 14 at 10:51 a.m. (Iraq Time). 3-Coalition WIA, 2-Iraqi WIA. Assessment and investigation ongoing


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>. 3-Coalition WIA

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Iraq never dies
all nations rise and fall, most of these nations reach the highest form of a republic/empire for once, Iraq, however, has reached that level more than once, before and after islam, this is a gift from God and we need to appreciate it, whenever Iraq falls, he comes back even stronger than before

Maybe staying in the country illegally wasn't such a good idea

now Russians are in Syria and Afghanistan for this

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They never figured out how to un-hinder it

>one is in critical condition

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>Iraq needs baathism again
but Saddam destroyed baathism

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