Should China be forced to pay Europe reparations for this?

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Take your disgusting fetish off this board, thanks.


Alina Li

I'm going to need 2 Mongolian or 4 Uyghur wives no older than 16 to deal with the emotional trauma

I'd take the shekels instead desu. Fuck gook women.

>Fuck gook women.

I'll accept one chink female slave

Yes they killed over a thousand at this point. And it's going to happen again unless we take out the chinks

Yes.. Hong Kong is now english soil again.


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Hopefully they don't pay with moon-faced women like this. Why are all Asians so large in the face?

You scared of a people who eat dog or something?

If you tell to a mongol he is chinese he would punch you

China is sending medications to Italy.

US is sending 30000 soldiers.

>if you call a black person in the US a nigger he will punch you

How much cooming will you do for the next 2 weeks?

Why Americans such niggers

Yes. Italy should be purged for Road and Belt, as well.

If you mean disregard those evil whores.

Did she stub her toe?

I want to go full old-testament patriarch and take ten wives in a shithole Asian country and spread my genes as far as possible

Ugly gook.

And yes China needs to be nuked.


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No but you should purge your country of Chinese invaders.

I'll take a zero-child policy. The asian petri dish needs to end.

There's actually a lot of Chinks in Dublin for some reason.

Based leaf

More like if you called a mexican a nigger.

Here you go.

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Your post is designed to make me say no.

So I'm going to say no...

Does Mario wear a red hat

>i'll accept one chink female slave

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And he should punch you. What you should do is tell the "Chinese" people that they are mutts, bastards, and Mongols without even the smallest drop of Han blood.

Yes, with bob and vagene. I'll take 10 handpicked maidens to service me and for cleaning my house/property.

Every. Thread. Who pissed you off?

Asian women have the best lips.

For what?

No because we're not niggers

God I love that little asian slut

Ill take one of those as payment.

>interracial = sex with niggers
sasuga USA


Good luck.

Of course. What kind of barbarians would we be without social justice? Gibs, now!

Chinks defineltly should but if the contiune to ignore the facts ppl should impose a complete chink embargo, make them the second cuba


Yep I already know in what form.

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#MeToo. Shame about the stupid gun tattoo and the fact that she retired way too soon


It's time China stops taking and starts giving.

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That's not that bad, we've lots of worse stuff happening in Brazil all the time.
lol, I know

Pics of her without makeup?

No one

Its an all you can eat buffet, i mean its crowded. But no one swinging at each other or stabbing any one like you monkeys in America would do.


>he's never been to a buffet

Ignoring the article, everything about this website is fucking hilarious. It is so "anti-US" propaganda on a level that is almost identical with eurotrash shitposters on this website.


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Yes and they can pay by swarming us with delicious slant-pussy.