Who'll be the first famous YouTuber to die from COVID-19?

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All of them

Get for pewdiepie

Nick Fuentes hopefully

eight thoughts. wait, you said famous.

Pickleboy from "The Angry Grandpa Show"

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If checkable markiplier gets it. His chink blood will be weak to the disease.


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I hope it’s that ContraPoints dude. That tranny freak should die slow.

That last 2 week stream of his life would be glorious. Banquet meals on tap.

Please let it be every tech blogger

probably this guy


Jim, oh wait you said famous.

Noooooooooo not Mark Ass Brown Lee

I mean, he lives in Washington which is one of the first places to get hit.

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op pic unrelated

Do you guy forget him?

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OP said die of chink flu, not from complication of being a fat fuck

Whats the backstory on the pic? Why did his hands get like that?

If he was living at his old house then maybe but he seems to be pretty clean nowadays

If his mom dies from this, it's gonna get crazy.

Dunked them in liqiud nitrogen so his hands could become paws.

Roll for nutnfancy!

he's a furry and froze them in dry ice for some fucked up furry reason like having paws or something

Aware me on this

Hopefully James Charles.

"LGBTQ isn't mental illness"

Mostly the Q


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He went to FistFest and tried to set the world record of 24 hours double fisting some guys and this happened. Google it.

He actually did that on purpose? The pic should make that more clear. That makes the story significantly more interesting

Hope the young turks, all of em

I know which one of these is true, but if I didn't, they would both seem plausible.

Jesus Christ, I'm so tired.

This fat useless pity-farming faggot finally chokes on his last greasy pizza.

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He had arthritis in his hands. In order to treat this he wore a dry-ice based device for a few minutes each day to numb and reduce the pain in his inflamed wrists.
On this one occasion he fell asleep with it on.

This guy owns/manages a gas station in Truckee Ca. I used to stop there when i was doing construction in Truckee. Didn’t realize he was a mentally disturbed furry retard.

you have to be 18+ to post on this site

Corona will easily finish off onlyusemeblade

Is starting a sentence with "I mean" a new thing or am I just noticing it more? I'm sure you're a good honest person but it's really faggy and seems like something twitter trannies and fag enablers would do, like "oof" and "yikes".

Cenk would be funny, but only after their november coverage. I still watch their 2016 election one everdy few week.

This was my first thought.



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The Quertering, or as I calll him, The Quarantining.

Lard gargling

Thanks for info, I'm 23.

Eh, I type the way I talk. Been on this site for a decade mostly lurking. I don't use reddit or twitter.

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>believing this

H3H3 but only Ethan

>Look at my dumbass misinterpretation of what my enemies are saying, lol, feminists and libs btfo xD

It probably wasn't on purpose, Yas Forums just likes to make up random inflammatory bullshit.

Yeah, it's probably just something that bothers me for no real reason.

I don't really pay any attention to Chris' twitter. I wonder if he's made any official statements on Covid-19 on behalf of CWCVille.

You mean Quarterpounder?

>being this fucking new to the INTERNET in general
Do you need to be spoonfed? OPEN UP, here comes the airplane!

It's chris

Jake Paul

Probably Blade,
He's already in bad shape

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Sorry for not following the life of trannies.

Honestly you people laugh at boogster, but you really dont have enough data yourselves. The average person watches 1 of his videos per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 videos a week. Over 100 a month. Videos will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone watches them.

From what I remember it was a bondage thing gone wrong. Look at the marks on his wrists. He was tied up by his hands for about 30 minutes until his capillaries broke and turned his hands purple

>not believing semitic business practices create a situation where people work to exhaustion
>not believing semitic business practices also make safer arthritis treatment too expensive

Mods ban this dude

Idubbz for being a SIMP

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>muh furry has arthritis and coincidentally had his hands amputated in a common method posted by other furries into paw shit

foodie beauty

fat ones for sure

Is there a live stream?

He already has it, nasty cough the past few weeks.
Come the fuck awn

If this is common then there should be others you can post.

Face it, this person is a victim of ZOG and you are a shill for insisting otherwise

I think you mean "pawsible".

Please explain how someone accidentally freezes their hands off.

Alt Hype for using this gay font.

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he was a member of an amputee forum that give tips on how to become amputee

He got it from finger sniffing

>The average person watches 1 of his videos per day.


try researching yourself furry fag enabler