Slovenia bros get in here: faggots stop testing people

they will just "calculate" amount of infected now via the amount that need to be hospitalized. they will use italian and chinese numbers to calculate. which differ greatly.

lmao what joke is this ? even if it would be okay to be only calculating they should have data from more countries first.

also they just try to play it down. 180 cases lmao its already slowing down according to "official" numbers.

no closing of work or restaurants either.

i think they only deiced to do this to play things down. they dont want people to panic. no reason whatsoever

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Why the fuck

do you type

like this

to make it easier to read than a wall of text. if content of my lines isnt conected i make 2 line breaks

heh, price of garlic has gone up here, people are buying shit load of flour, but everyone keeps going out smoking hookahs drinking and not wearing mask, i hate this country so much

A si to zastavo ti v paintu narisu a kaj

yeah, we're in the phase II, it makes no sense anymore, you're just putting the medical staff in danger, so self quarantine is the best you could do and when you're on the brink of a lunge failure than you will be treated in the ICU

nauči se pisat kot človek, ne pa ko retard iz plebita
in na novinarski konferenci so pojasnili, da ni potrebe po konstantnem testiranju in bo sčasoma matematična formula celo bolj natančna. cilj je razbremenitev

Cifre ne bojo realne, ampak zdej je ta hudič itak že med nami, zdej ga bo 70% fasal

Its painful to read you fag

>when you're on the brink of a lunge failure than you will be treated in the ICU
There's not enough lung ventilators available anyway. Iiirc there's something like 20 in the entire country.

I guess all the old people that got their ljubljana apartments for free and are trying to sell them for 200k € now are just going to have to die. So sad!

u can already see the inaucary of those "calculated numbers". 40 new cases today, while metlika mayor said he knows at least 50 more in only his area new today.

its bullshit. also why does then who even keep number of infected if its so innacurate anyways ? we and sweden are only retards who dont test

an old joke is that if the world is ending you should move to Bosnia since they're 20 years behind.

>no closing of work or restaurants either.
ukrepi še pridejo, tudi bilo vse na novinarski konferenci pojasnjeno zakaj jih še ni. hint: ker bi se radi izognili kaosu, za katerega recimo Klovn ni bil sposoben predvidet, da bo do njega prišlo, ko so razglasili epidemijo in so zdej trgovine gojišče virusov

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testi ti ne povejo nč več novga, če maš simptome ostan doma v karanteni, šele ko ne boš mogu več dihat, se prev po 1 tednu takrat te bodo dal na respirator, seveda če bo še kkšen prost

zato pa ne bit normi pa se nehi družt za 1 teden al pa 2

here people still go to restaurants, fitnes centres and to work after all. coz fags in goverment new and old one were to afraid to close down that stuff.

jansa literaly said today whats good if we close restaurants if people dont self isolate. fukin idiot. people are sheep if restaurant isnt closed they will still go there and etc.

Al pa se greš na hitr ukužit, da rezerviraš respirator pred navalom


not even a joke, you should see the bommers up in the mountain villages, good god its like the 16 century

>while metlika mayor said he knows at least 50 more
vsi iz tega konca že vemo, da je po celi Beli krajini. kaj je point testov? da bomo znali za posamične primere? in kaj pol? itk vsak okuži 6-8 osebkov, in dokler izveš koga vse je ta okužil, je itk že cela občina okužena. brezveze. vsak v svojo bajto, pa se bo manj širilo


si že prepozn

jst sm tak al tak skoz notr. kaj misliš da sem nek retard ko more klapo non stop met ? kje misliš da smo ? to je Yas Forums konc koncu. sploh pa zame me ne skrbi, prej za omo pa opo. pa starše tud.

edino faksa nebi hoto da oprejo. upam da vsaj do konec aprila neo treba na faks idit

It is just a fucking flu!

Can't have a virus crisis if you don't test people for said virus

500 IQ desu

putting additional stress on medical staff when you know half of the country is infected but they don't show the signs yet

celi familiji zabij naj se izolirajo, če te skrbi za bližnje. testi ne bojo pomagali čisto nič.

Speak English you fucking Janezi. No one understands your shitty language.

>testi ne bojo pomagali čisto nič.
14 dni zamika je

ja saj ne hodijo nikamor. sam starši pa še zmer na delo morajo it ne ? dokler dela ne zaprejo moreta vsak dan it ven pa v "družbo". testi bi pomagali dait vsaj za zdaj bolj realno sliko, kar bi pomenilo hitrejše ukrepe. tak pa bojo do zadnjega provali kar se da naret da neojo sluzb zaprli, ker potem vejo da se morajo s polomom cele države soočit.

Jesu svi janezi pederi il samo tako zvučite dok pričate?


pa tudi to delajo ker mislijo da če 2 tedna zdržijo brez zaprtja služb in poloma posledičnega, jih bo lepo vreme rešilo. saj verjetno se jim bo usralo da bo res tak

spizid čefur u tvoj contaimnet thread

Kje ma vojska skladišča orožja? Civilna zaščita? Gasmaske, prva pomoč, MRE,etc. Iirc v Postojni je trgovina z (dolgocevnim) strelnim orožjem.

zabavni časi prijatelji

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why does that coat of arms style look so evil/jewish?

evil twin

this picture of the flag looks so damn autistic tho

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fucking redditposter ljubljana cuck back to plebbit with you

vsepovsod smo v zmagovanju
>based koka

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čas vrvi kdaj???

kje je to? ne vidm kaj piše na znaku

Slo bo cez 2 tedna v karanteni

Vržemo krško v zrak, jebeš evropo. Pol radiacije dobijo hrvati, ker je pol njihova, fer je fer.

kje je faking K90 sindikat al pa vodstvo trgovin, trgovke pa delavke na blagajnah so ga najbolj najebal, pa vemo kakšna je starostna skupina v merkatorju

ich wette das wir mehr menschen testen als ihr pro einwohner

saj, če že vedno nekaj hočejo od nas naj dobijo tudi to

vreme jih bo rešlo na kar tudi upajo. zato so zdaj prešaltali na te "skalkulirane številke" ker bojo za usaj tedna dva manjše kot realne. zaradi tega jim usaj za ta dva tedno nebo treba totalne karantene dat. pol pa ko bi te "skalkulirane št. začele dejansko rast" upajo da nebojo ker bo virus takrat že vpadal zaradi lepšega vremena.

to je njihov plan za zdaj sem 100%. ker da zdaj dajo u karanteno jih tak zjebe. ni šans da so naši sposobni se soočit s tako stvarjo.


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Butterface ki dnevno daja take slike gor

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To all outsiders ITT:
>we have new government since yesterday evening
>capable government
>previous PM was LITERAL CLOWN
>they did like everyone else in the west: nothing. until it was too late and new upcoming government stepped in in the middle of the week and things started to change
>in panic mode, without thinking of consequences, previous government declared epidemics
>panic among population kicks in
>shops FULL of people, perfect breeding ground for viruses

>government needs to fix everything NOT being done in the previous 2,3 weeks
>must not induce more panic
>crisis HQ founded an hour after government took office
>they already done in one day than previous government in 2 weeks

>repeat every hour: SELF-ISOLATE, everyone, do it fucking nao!
>cancel all public life
>the same day everything shuts down, except for shops, even though there was no official government action (law or such)
>press conference today (and there will be new ones twice a day as I understood)
>stop testing because it's useless. mathematical model is actually more precise since now we have two countries where they did this extensively
>medical peronel can now do medical jobs, not test every individual
>it is clear epidemics CANNOT be stopped, what we can do is take control over it and not let having Italy situation where doctors decide who lives and who doesn't
>we must stop the pace of spread and have it under control
>whatever the case, you self-isolate; if you have symptoms you stay at home, if you don't, you stay at home. If you need medical treatment, you go to hospital

Further actions to be expected within days, including logistics, shutting down bars, shops (stopping panic mode), borders, distribution of food, production of food. Neither of which previous government even thought about doing, this one already have plans for it. Tough luck, it's Saturday so most of the things cannot be done and government is one day old so understandibly it'll take a couple of days.

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Nice :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

slo-ita meja, so nahitrco nekaj skup nabasali

dej odjebi z pozornokurbam proklet coomer

baš je simpa ovaj slovenski

>tfw they removed the female commander of the army and the director of the police

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ee Hrvoje i vi ste ga najebali

>cancel publi life
just on paper tho. they only closed clubs and shit like that. fitnes centres are open, restaurants bars all open. shoping centres open. at least by goverment decree. if centre closed by itself its not because of new government.

also i hate commies but i severly doubt janša would make that much diference honestly

kupte kripto zdej k je dip bil. Chainlink predvsem. Se mi boste kasnej zahvall


To those that are good with languages, any language is simple, to me, it's fucking hard for some reason even bosnian/serbian/croatian is impossible to me. English I learned as a child

Une babe iz NIJZ se pa ne morjo znebit, zato je bla na konferenci ena sposobna ženska, NIJZ so čisto odjebali, k so čisto nesposobni

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>še štiri rabm za svoj piramidni sistem

Nah, female (male)

a vidš kje kak referal? Link je mankajoči piece kripta

>141 zaražen

če bi gledal tiskovko, bi slišal, da tega ne morjo naredit brez povzročanja dodatne panike. ker pač mora bit narejeno tako kot se spodobi, al pa bi papeški Slovenci naredili tako, kot piše v enem drugem zakonu. še vse to sledi v prihodnjih dneh

>tokrat bo delovalo, zaupajte mi

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