Do you guys know any good alternatives to capitalism and socialism? Is it just mixed economy? Because it doesn't seem to work either.
Alternatives for capitalism and socialism
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We need a resource-based economy that prioritizes local, sustainable production of at least 95% of goods, but in order for this to work the global population needs to be less than 500 million.
FPBP and Georgia Guidestone pilled
Gitocracy - Laborrency - Worker Owned cooperatives - Reset
Pff all we need to do is CAP the max anual profit under capatalism and enforce re- investments of the remainder
>Worker owned cooperatives
Do you mean something like syndicalism?
The whole point of capitalism is to be sustainable. I took a class on sustainable finance while doing my MBA and it should be taught in every major corporation. The best example of this is Tom Brady taking pay cuts to spread the wealth and being as successful as he is. Capitalism is the carrot and communism is the stick. Real capitalism is sustainable, it should be the responsibility of the capitalists not the government to self regulate.
Inb4 what a retarded take, billionaires don't care. Jamie dimon CEO of JP Morgan talks about this frequently
This. Feudalism and Imperialism are the future
>muh evil capitalism
Imagine being this much of a retard. Watch the documentary "Collapse" then tell me a global population of 1 billion or more people is sustainable. We live on a planet with finite resources and governed by universal laws such as those of thermodynamics. Only a kike like YOU would want to keep us in this Rothschild pyramid scheme perpetuated by the FEDERAL RESERVE and based on fiat, currency, fractional reserve banking, and compound interest.
You're a retard. Watch this documentary, then btfo with your dumb ass post:
National Socialism assuming by "socialism" you mean Marxist Socialism.
Its valuing of the common good regardless of ideology really helps it to find the best possibly results 9/10
Most of the top CEOs don't care though. Only a few people are talking about pay cuts to the ultra wealthy to spread the wealth around to the lower rungs of society.
>government should not regulate free market
>government should not regulate propriety rights
>some dude moves into your house when you are out and claim it's his own
Every nation on earth is somewhere between 100% socialist and a mixed economy. There are no capitalist countries with the exception of MAYBE Hong Kong pre-takeover and Singapore. Historically, the United States between the years of 1870 and 1914 was pretty close.
Other than that, we've balked as a species at the idea that people get different returns out of trade because we don't like the hard truth that some people are more productive and skilled than others, and therefore become wealthier than others. We're too envious to let it stand.
So instead, we get these half-half economies like the present one and then blame the capitalist half when the socialist half fucks everything up. Every dishonest fortune was made with the aid of government force married to economics. Every honest fortune was made with capitalism.
>Do you guys know any good alternatives to capitalism and socialism?
I know a guy who fought both. A great guy. Great leader. Very charismatic.
Adolf Hitler was his name
I used to think just like you. But in recent years it seems that more and more leftist propaganda comes from capitalists and not from the government. They want to influence people a little bit too much It is kind of eerie.
You mean alternatives for GLOBALISM and socialism?
"Third postition". Google it.
So, go back 500 years, you mean. Regress as a society, then we will be okay again! You should kill yourself.
If you only said Chang Kai shek I could agree with you.
Isn't nazism just another flavor of socialism?
Capitalism, but you get $1000 NEETbux a month. It's the perfect system. The system jews don't want us to live in.
Do you mean something like Strasserism or something else?
Tfw no anarchofascism
Have you never read "The Richest Man in Babylon"? Spreading the wealth is ineffective/futile, because poor people will ALWAYS lose/waste the wealth then demand more. Being poor is directly correlated with one's mindset and approach to wealth. Altogether, this system is evil. We rape the Earth of it's natural resources, and for what? Profit? Paper notes? Numbers on a screen? At least 95% of the global population should consist of self-sustainable farmers. At the end of the day if you can feed yourself, your family, maybe have a bit extra to give for charity, all without the stress of modern lifestyles, then you'll be happy and at peace. Again, in order for this to work the population needs to be reduced.
There we go, 110 different economic system to peruse at your leisure.
Yeah I'm not watching you're hour and 20 min schizo portugese video retard
begone masonic jew
Damn, are you A&W? Because you best burger. I've became a fan of Singapore, Hong Kong and "Tapei and Surroundings" in the last few months.
Anarchy should have the two sticks guys pointing guns at eachother.
Personally, I am a national socialist. One People, One Nation, and an economy that allowes personal growth and achievement while making sure that all members of society are still cared for.
Are you a brainlet? How the fuck did you misinterpret my post so terribly that you arrived to it somehow being regressive? Clearly your a prisoner of the empty chasm of your ignorance. Watch this documentary:
We don't live with finite resources in the practical sense.
200 years ago, aluminum was the most precious metal on earth, which is why it's on top of the Washington monument. Now, we make cans out of it because we've found more and developed ways to more easily extract and use it. Copper used to be highly valuable since it conducted electricity so well, but now we no longer need it for that purpose.
As technology moves forwards, we develop ways to escape dependencies on rare materials because there is a massive economic incentive to do so. The person who manages to figure it out stands to gain immense wealth, so the most brilliant people are always looking for it. It's the beauty of a profit motive in a world where people trade for wealth.
Your point about the Fed is pretty on point, though, since a central bank represents a violation of free markets. The US operated without a Fed just fine for almost 150 years, including those of most rapid economic expansion.
I would say a bigger issue than fractional reserve banking and interest is the fact that the government insures your money in banks, which pretty much creates an incentive for bankers to gamble with it, secure in the knowledge that taxpayers pick up the bill when snake eyes come up. That's not capitalism, though, it's government intervention in markets.
>t. retarded brainlet
pure capitalism does not exist currently anywhere in the world, when capitalists say 'capitalism' they all mean the current modern day capitalism with all of its afferent social reform, those that don't will let you know that they don't, and leftists' understanding of capitalism is 'the rich people we tell each other it's ethical to murder and steal from', nothing more, nothing less
pure socialism, naturally, doesn't exist at all, and you can go to the congo for 100% pure uncut anarchy
fascism is a mid 20th century buzzword that is making a remergence and simply means authoritarian leftists that have managed to not starve themselves and are thus capable of war
Over here in Burgerland A&W is a root beer. So yes.
Idk I just took some random picture from Google images on the topic. Don't take it too personally.
> No government
> State-enforced nationalist socialism
By definition, contradictions do not exist. When you face a contradiction, check your premises, you'll discover that one of them is false.
I find it fascinating that so many "Christian" fundamentalists in the US detest islam but yet really want some form of Sharia law for themselves.
Christianity is just jew light
We need a timocractic republic based upon national socialsim and facism.
There's nothing "schizo" about it, dumb fuck, unless you consider verifiable facts to be so. Also, it's not in Portuguese. It's in English with Portuguese subtitles, as that is the only full length option on YouTube. If you watched it your life would be changed, but clearly you believe your comfortable within your idiocy and ignorance, when in reality your life is a joke that takes the form of a massive pile of shit.
>Most of the top CEOs don't care though
I don't think so, most of the ultra rich in America are serious philanthropists, see gates and Buffett. They've tried to spread this ideology in their spheres as well. Most people understand their money is worthless without other people around to manifest a society.
Still, you best burger
Capitalism is simply a system where property rights are enforced and all transactions happen through voluntary trade. It's a great tragedy that leftists have managed to paint out current system with things like eminent domain and bailouts as 'capitalism' just because it's not 100% socialist.
Fucking windmill brain
If you're trying to convince me you're not a schizo you're doing a terrible job.
I think that timocracy will be too similar to oligarchy. Especially with the poor not having any voice. It ended ugly in Russia. It is better to not repeat history's mistake.
Yes !
Let me give you a tip on a clue to men's characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it.
There is nothing that can replace the edifice that has been built upon oil and the many products that are derived from it i.e. plastics, paints, pesticides, tires, fuel, etc. If you look at a graph that shows global human population growth for the past few thousand years, then you'll notice a gradual increase over time UNTIL you reach the mid-1800's which has resulted in a major spike in human population growth. Essentially there are billions of people that only because of oil and its products. Oil is a finite resource. Its axiomatic that once we run out then the population WILL have to decline, and that won't look pretty. Only a retarded nigger would think infinite growth is good, let alone possible.
That's all people like you ever say
"I'm too fucking retarded to come up with a counter argument anywhere so I'll just call you retarded"
God you people are so predictable
that only exist*
i suppose it would also be the communists' responsibility to self-regulate as well
i think you need to start over on your political theory
This is why we need a eugenics program that removes all the people with an IQ below 100. Or a program that prevents couples with an average IQ below 100 from procreating.
I hope this was bait
How would you self regulate in communism. Everyone is the state and the state is everyone. Think before you type
sadly it is a necessary evil, pure capitalism is also something that succumbs to human nature
according to the capitalist utopia, a corporation like apple, for example, should not be around for more than a microsecond before it's driven underground
capitalism only works if 100% of your population is intelligent and discerning, just like communism only works if 100% of your population is jesus christ
Yeah I'm in mensa and have an IQ of 135 nice try retard. Go post more schizo links and rant about communism you dumb Fag
I'm not trying to convince you, because what you think about me is irrelevant and I know who I am as well as who I am not. Unlike the depressed shit stain that you are, I actually care about this world and future generations. I'm trying to enlighten you to truths that will help you but you're too dense to get through to. Whatever though, the day of the rope will take care of you.
It is seems like the term "Third Position" is too vague. Could y'all precise what you mean by it.
Maybe justicialism could good alternative? What do you think?
>Spreading the wealth is ineffective/futile, because poor people will ALWAYS lose/waste the wealth then demand more.
How's it ineffective? Poor people will spend it on stupid shit like beer, cigs, whatever. That moves money from them to whatever industry they choose to lose it in. It stimulates the economy. Smarter people will save and invest, but that's a smaller minority.
You can name a few like Buffet, but most aren't.
>t. believe that I'm not a fat loser and that I have a high IQ, user
Oil is an incredibly useful and pretty plentifully available resource, this is true. It is difficult to replace since it is so economical. You are wrong that oil is responsible for population growth itself, though - that's a correlation in time with the wider industrial revolution, which includes medical innovations and agricultural mechanization - both of which contributed far more to population growth and longevity than plastics.
Oil is finite, but not as much as you think. There are enough reserves in Venezuela alone to power the entire earth for 300 years - if you believe global warming is real, the earth with burn up before we run out of oil.
Infinite population growth does not exist, either. It's a clear historical fact that as societies get wealthier, fertility drops. People with wealth opt for fewer children. You are assuming that high fertility societies like Africa and the ME will continue to grow as the same rates they are now once they become as wealthy as the West is, which is just plain untrue. Look at the Japanese - their industrialization stopped birthrates dead in 2 generations.
Malthusian nightmare theories have always existed and always been proven wrong. As incentive s to have children change, the number of births will change with it. The very first law of economics is that people respond to incentives, and it's true here as anywhere else.
> could good alternative
I obviously meant could be good alternative.
Islam is wrong, we're right.
You're a FUCKING RETARD. NOTHING about this system is economical. WATCH the documentary and you'll realize the error of your stupid mindset:
when does the third position abolish the capitalist mode of production?
>capitalism only works if 100% of your population is intelligent and discerning
It worked fine for a nation of drunk libertarian farmers in the 19th century - were they so much better than us now? People always follow elites and intellectual vanguard, whom they look to for ideas. It jsut so happens the US was blessed with an intellectual elite that was strikingly capitalist and libertarian, so people followed them. Now the intelligentsia has bent towards socialism, so people have moved that way. If it can change once it can change again, it just requires winning the ideological battle.
you self-regulate by not trying to pull everyone down to your level, or taking advantage of status to become wealthy
this to me sounds as impossible as capitalists self-regulating to not turn into oligarchs
the market may be free, but slavery is genetic, the few will always rule the many, because the many seek rulership
Yes. Medium property and decentralization.
How many people are you gonna call a retard before you realize you're a retard? Watch the documentary user!!! Watch it, no seriously guys watch it, watch it I need you to watch it
Pic related you stupid fuck
Everyone should not be able to vote.
You need to make sure people are properly invested in the nation to ensure that they will vote in a sustainable way.
But right now i dont see any system of goverment we can change to that will fix the worlds problems without first breaking it.
There are to many people with brainwashed and indoctrinated ideas to make it work
What a fucking dumb Amerilard wageslave capitalistic shill. Go suck dick of your rich celebrities and clap together in morning shows where dumb Amerilards reinforce power of rich journalists and celebrities.
>were they so much better than us now?
times change, and populations grow; communism also works great when you're a group of 20 people or less
>People always follow elites and intellectual vanguard
they also follow charlatans and madmen, they will follow anyone they perceive as being powerful, and when you're a low IQ nigger, perception is not your main stat
It's not impossible to build a system where politics is strictly divided from economics, which is all it takes to prevent elites from making fortunes and then leveraging the state to entrench them in perpetuity. All it requires is that people be aware that capitalism is good, and government force is bad. When a rich guy blows a senator and gets a law exempting him from taxes, people need to see that it's the existence of the law that is the problem and not the existence of the wealth.
I'll miss you, user. But work awaits.
I think Nazis called themselves "socialists" cause it was trendy word in the early 20th century.
P.S.: And wasn't socialism invented by Jews. How Nazis respond to that?
>artistically narrows in on plastics
>overlooks the fact that oil is entirely what allows food to be grown on such a massive scale
>oil-powered tractors
>oil-powered planes to spray pesticides
>pesticides that use oil
>oil to ship fruits/vegetables from Central and South America to different parts of the world
>oil to truck the products to your local faggotmarket
>oil to make the tires for trucks and tractors
On top of that he:
>believes muh Venezuelan reserves
Literally every one of your arguments are disproved in this documentary. If you actually give a fuck about the truth then you'd enlighten yourself to it but watching this documentary:
Otherwise, stay deluded.
And if we switch from oil to hydrocarbons or take Titan?
Mankind has always found a way ahead and will continue to do so once people like you are put in your place.
>they also follow charlatans and madmen, they will follow anyone they perceive as being powerful
That is why winning the intellectual battle for free markets is important. Most people are followers. If you win in there, you win it everywhere. It's been done once, it can be done again - we just need to overcome our wrongheaded moral impulse to celebrate poverty, sacrifice, and victimhood instead of industry, beauty, and strength.
>supposedly has a high IQ
>wastes his time shitposting on Yas Forums
Wow, user. I'm so impressed. You're doing great things with your life. Your life's work is actually making the world a better place.
Pennies are no longer made of copper because it became rare and more expensive. Why do you think niggers risk being electrocuted to get it?
National populism or just social nationalism
You can make the same statements about engines, refrigeration, electricity, or any number of innovations of the same time period. My point was not that plastics are irrelevant, but that they are one of many things that contributed to human population growth. You are also autistic, my friend. And don't worry, I'm not about to call you out for something stupid like a silly typo, I am enjoying this conversation and don't feel compelled to derail it over something trivial and petty. Actual discourse is rare on Yas Forums these days.
End over-population
solves most issues.
It's not as valuable as it used to be - my point is that the value of "scarce" materials changes as technology changes. Would you contest this?
>It's not impossible to build a system where politics is strictly divided from economics
i do, because i don't believe that politics and economics are things that can exist at all independently from each other, they are two facets of the same whole that we can call human society, and they require each other to exist
Someone's not working on a Saturday and is spending their time on the Internet. My life's work is to make retards like you look like retards and it's working. No regrets
>‘If the National Socialist movement should fail to understand the fundamental importance of this essential principle [race], it would really do nothing more than compete with Marxism on its own ground’.
-Adolf Hitler