US Military at Wuhan

Just prior to the outbreak AT THE FUCKING FOOD MARKET!
Pure coincidence
>Aug 2019: US army biohazard labs shut down for failing safety checks.

>The lab is in Washington State where they have highest incidence of COVID-19.

>Oct 2019: Military World Games in Wuhan.

>Dec 2019: First COVID-19 case in Wuhan.

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Other urls found in this thread: Technical Reports/Forms/Technical Report Document Set/docsethomepage.aspx?ID=2459&FolderCTID=0x0120D5200078F9E87043356C409A0D30823AFA16F6010066D541ED10A62C40B2AB0FEBE9841A61&List=92d5819c-e6ec-4241-aa4e-57bf918681b1&RootFolder=/publications/STO Technical Reports/RTO-TR-071 Technical Reports/RTO-TR-071/TR-071-$$ALL.pdf Technical Reports/STO-TR-MSG-063/$$TR-MSG-063-ALL.pdf

Bump because this will get slid to fuck

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yeap american/canadian(and Kike) connection is real need to dig out more names, lads.

What does Charles Lieber have to do with this?

It was a joint effort after china stole the virus.
Infection would happen world wide instead of just china.

Trump and Xi using this to shut down the country and kill deep state agents.


Of course it's jewmerica's fault, you are always there when there is chaos.

i could understand china vs zog even though is VERY far fetched but USA vs zog?? lul

>U.S. Military has infiltrated Wuhan
China is weak

fuck you and your fake chinese website.
no way veterans would push communist propiganda.
op is a piece of shit

What’s the deal with the food market? How can they possible know that it came from there? It’s almost as if they are trying to say they have traced it back to an individual animal there that was eaten. With such a long incubation period, how can they be saying this with confidence?

USA is controlled by ZOG, China isn’t

what kind of scumbag posts fake websites as source?
Veterans Today is a pro-Kremlin and antisemitic conspiracy theory and fake news website. It describes itself as a "military veterans and foreign affairs journal", but the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) had said "the anti-Israel bent on VT can slide pretty quickly into overt anti-Semitism."[2]

If you kill the Chinese economy you kill the Iranian economy

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The only difference between Israel and China is thar while Israel stabs you in the back, telling you it’s for the best, China stabs you in the front, telling you it’s for the best.

its a fake website dipshit

also check this shit out
>Urban Operations in the Year 2020 Technical Reports/Forms/Technical Report Document Set/docsethomepage.aspx?ID=2459&FolderCTID=0x0120D5200078F9E87043356C409A0D30823AFA16F6010066D541ED10A62C40B2AB0FEBE9841A61&List=92d5819c-e6ec-4241-aa4e-57bf918681b1&RootFolder=/publications/STO Technical Reports/RTO-TR-071

download the pdf Technical Reports/RTO-TR-071/TR-071-$$ALL.pdf

they already knew that in 2020 there would have been a world crisis? how did they know that?

inb4 thread gets shoa'd

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>Veterans Today is a pro-Kremlin and antisemitic conspiracy theory and fake news website.

Chinese logic. Virus out in Aug 2019 in USA but starts spreading in Dec 2019 in Wuhan.
>so US military deliberately infected Chinese in Wuhan? So why let the US lab make it into the news if it is some secret bioweapon attack on the Chinese?
>or has some US military guy got ingected in that lab and brought it with him to Wuhan? You tell me someone got the virus in Aug 2019, walked around with it until Oct 2019 without anyone realising it, spreads it in Wuhan, and that it needs another couple of weeks to finally get recognized in Dez 2019? And you don't get some military guys catching it but some low wage Chinese at a wet market.
I get it, the CCP needs to save face and give its people some excuse for their huge fuck ups. But this is just pathetic.

i think it is, one depends on the other and i'm sure chinese have been subverted

Nice try chang
Now go die like a good commie

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doesnt change the fact its commie propiganda and nothing to do with veterans

go be a commie piece of shit somewhere else.
how do I report this asshole?

can't even find sources in english, here is an italian one

basically it says that it is advisable to gradually start using the army as a function of public order as the world crisis hypothesized for 2020 approaches.

pic related is happening in different cities over here because of the USA mission of DEFENDER EUROPE 2020, such perfect timing uh?

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Look chink. No one is buying your CCCP propaganda. now go fuck off and stop eating bats

US wasn't even at the world military games. We don't even compete with your gay military olympics. It's stupid. US military just waltzed into Wuhan months ago in order to do what? Paralyze our own economy? The Asian myth of high intelligence is rapidly disappearing.

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ZOG never had full control of the US, that's why presidents are murdered.
Trump has avoided it so far but he will die eventually.

dude its a fake website

So trump is working directly with Xi, bypassing his ultrazionist neocon cabinet/advisors?

Or did trump and the military alliance secretly flip all the non-true-believer ultrazionist cabinet/advisors by offering them a credible opportunity to get out from underneath the Khazarian Mafia/Black Nobility control system and now theyre all just still pretending to be hardcore ultrazionists until theyve taken out their former handlers, and theyre working with Xi too?

How exactly do you reconcile trump's israeli cocksucking and decades of fealty to the KM?

old news
i knew this since January

everybody knows china is a spying state, even profs in college are spied by their own students, so chinks are just falseflagging without any proofs

fake news

They controlled everything the moment you stepped into China let along doing bio ops lol, they may even have 2 ppl spying on one military personnel from other countries

China's diplomat litterally said that yesterday.

China is no longer a rational actor. A nuclear power who is no longer rational is extremely dangerous

>US wasn't even at the world military games

literally on military dot com


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also don't ignore this fucking thing

chink shill, washington dc is not the same as washington state

A few weeks before the Ching-Chong-Corona-Flu emerged, a Lvl 4 Biolab in Russia exploded and burned to the ground.

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CCP dies first.

true i remember this too (it was months tho i think in summer)

4 things - flip to trump's side, arrested, get killed or you are given a choice like mccain, give up secrets while your image is preserved as a good boy but you still die.

Trump is acting like he's doing well for Israel but most of his policies are bad for israel who's stuck in the middle east.
The money will keep flowing into israel but it's faith is sealed.

Israel doesn't matter anyways in the long term, it's just a state to ridicule Christians, make muslims mad and take more money from the US disguised as foreign aid and investments.
The real jews worth anything are in Europe.

More likely that a chink working in the USA stole it. They love stealing technology. Remember that countries have been researching bioweapons for decades.

Then it arrives at the chink lab, but chinks are retarded and accidently let it loose. Blame the nearby food market because the original SARS came from bats.

>China shill thread

The US is the Great Satan but Chinks did this.

Nice chink link, Chang. "VETERANS TODAY" a news site nobody heard of before today, with 100% stories posted in March and 90% of stories about COVID.

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>imagine being such bluepilled
china gladly work for the ZOG

Attached: xi-mingze.jpg (368x490, 46.71K) Technical Reports/STO-TR-MSG-063/$$TR-MSG-063-ALL.pdf

open the pdf and search for 2020, why the fuck a nato document in 2003 talked about militaries in the streets, urban warfare and world crisis in 2020? am i really supposed to believe usa ( and others) have nothing to do with this?

习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。



The higher ups know exactly whats going on and they're too afraid to tell the truth.

Why would the US release a virus that hits itself the hardest? Really weak conspiracy theory.

bump fuck i knew this thread would have been ignored

Might be deployed in a while probably in case of major civil unrest. I wonder what that will entail? Only part time at the moment. :/

The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes. He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.
Immediately prior to that, the CDC totally shut down the US Military’s main bio-lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, due to an absence of safeguards against pathogen leakages, issuing a complete “cease and desist” order to the military. It was immediately after this event that the ‘e-cigarette’ epidemic arose.

here has been much public speculation that the coronavirus had been deliberately transmitted to China but, according to the Chinese article, a less sinister alternative is possible.
If some members of the US team at the World Military Games (18-27 October) had become infected by the virus from an accidental outbreak at Fort Detrick it is possible that, with a long initial incubation period, their symptoms might have been minor, and those individuals could easily have ‘toured’ the city of Wuhan during their stay, infecting potentially thousands of local residents in various locations, many of whom would later travel to the seafood market from which the virus would spread like wildfire (as it did).

verteranstoday has been around for years and years. No one cares because it's just a site for retarded boomers, the same crowd that are into all of the QAnon bullshit.

Do you have a single fact to back any of that up?

again, this is the most retarded theory. you can use growth models to get a rough estimate of where a pandemic starts. research modelling and stop posting this garbage. get a real fucking job. sage this shit you pathetic CCP shill. disgrace to the world and your own people

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nice chink shills, this is what they are saying... its pathetic rly they are never able to take responsibility for anything, like little kids.

August you fucking retard. If this shit was happening in the united states back in august it would've grown beyond control in the winter, especially with the natural transmission rate of a virus highest. it's quite simple. the initial community growth rate is cases(d)= sum transmission_rate^(d/4), where transmission rate is 3. it wouldve put hospitals beyond capacity way before now you fucking lying piece of shit

its chinks shills. if you check twitter chink bot dmg control accs are pushing this narrative about virus being USA origin. Chinese are rly pathetic subhumans