Imagine how comfy they are right now?

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Niggers don't even have fire.

And that’s comfy

Even tribal niggers can prevent themselves from getting brainwashed by jews and you retards can't.

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i'm going to crop dust their little faggot island.
if i have to get covid19, then so do they.
fuck them.

They are black, midgets, dumb as heck and have tiny dicks

I could go over there with a rifle, kill all the males and rape the female chimps. No one would ever know.

no you jew, they would noscope you in 3 seconds

>how inbred they are

don't seem much different in demeanor than modern niggers

That's african culture

>these are the people that will inherit the earth
Maybe we should compile all of our advancements so they rediscover it in a thousand years.

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Wait until a bat flies over.

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They not africans

our "advancements" are why we're going extinct and they're not

Yeah id imagine they are pretty comfy, they are used to eating theyre own grandmother on an average day

they are not african niggers you retard, they are closely related to south indians

ah yes poor rest of the world that has technology and unlimited food, maybe if we had been smart like these ooga boogas and remained in the stone age we wouldn't be going extinct :(

Yeah definitely looks comfy


It's actually a space faring society. This is all an act to keep isolated. This is the most successful society to exist since the pre dynastic era.

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>our "advancements" are why we're going extinct and they're not
Ackshually, the Jews are why we're going extinct and they're not.

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That's what gonna happen, unfortunately.
Spite killings.

they probably have sand everywhere. even their anus. not comfy at all

that's not a question.

fucking illiterate

>gets spit roasted and eaten alive

Imagine how peaceful the world would be today if we had just treated niggers like the uncontacted tribes of today.

stay away from the goa'uld
jew of the universe

I am sure their life will be a lot better driving 3 hours to labour for half the day then coming home to watch porn and anime on an Apple iPad.

These niggers live simple, fulfilling lives and don't need any of the shit modern societies waste time and energy on.


Based and Stargated

You can always go join them. Or join an African tribe .

they are wakanda


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go live in the jungle then. hakuna matata.

yeah nothing like dying from non-novel causes like a wound infection


banging big black booty

You'd get arrow to the hearth'd really quick

> No toilet paper on the entire island
Safe from raiders too


tot comfy


It is only a matter of time
Also gtfo this board faggot, saged

I do wonder what they think if they look up into the night sky and see shit like this though:

BBC is for africans.
These are indians

Based Nox, the young never listen. We should have had more Nox episodes.

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someone should throw shit in sentinel island

In a few centuries from now these niggers will finally venture off their island and discover the ruins of a lost civilization. They will stand in awe at empty skycrapers and abandoned machines with wheels. Then the coronavirus, still lurking on the surface somewhere or in some animal, will infect them and humanity's last holdouts will die. Extinction.

If only they knew how bad things really are.


we don't have to, all sewage and feces from india travel to their island.


>suffering from inbreeding
>no fire
>constantly scarce of food
>waking up every morning knowing they’re black
Yeah sure sounds comfy alright.

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Wrong. Hunter gatherers do not die at the age of 35. They usually die at 70-80.

>Imagine being this naive.

Why haven't these murderers been charged?

Wakanda forever

Honestly they are probably living happier and better lives than us in our kiked wageslave societies

They are direct descendants of Africans

unironically delete this NOW

They're not they're dying off, there's probably about 200 or so left.



How do you know that? Aren't they pretty uncontacted?