When did you realize Hitler was the greatest man to ever live?

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when i was little

Yeah I know, right? He was the last hope for Europe from the rootless international jew.

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When he killed Hitler

For who? The jews?

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Around middle school when a genuinely based teacher let me do a research project on Hitler which led me down the rabbit hole. The animal rights thing was the first major crack in the conditioning that I remember.

What did he actually DO, besides kill Europeans and save jews?

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The moment Hitler blanked the Soviet offers to join the axis is the moment we slipped into this hellish timeline. He made the biggest mistake possible or was a plant from the start.

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Unironically I got this far thanks to the trump movement.

Read mein kampf

He wanted to create a National European Front that was 100% white, based, fascist, and Aryan compared what we have today with shitskins like yourself moving in, memeflag.

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t. (ashke)nazi

Mein Kampf is full of lies.

When Goldstein tricked my retarded parents into letting him rip off my foreskin

And have you even read it?

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Probably around the age of 20 or so, when I started reading the truth as opposed to kike propaganda.

"NOT" jewish

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How? He completely failed and then killed himself. If you want an example of success look at Ho Chi Minh. He died of old age and his movement defeated the greatest military power in the world.

cringing my ass off

You seem to have misspelled Gaius Octavian Augustus there, friend. But that's all right.


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When I’ve stop consuming Jewish propaganda

African haplogroup, kek

I'm 100% sure hitler would love multi culti jew pedo faggot world.
He created it saving all the jews from the war he started.

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When even JFK was praising him.

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I've read parts of it. The most fascinating part of it is the part where Hitler pretends he was always against bolshevism when we know for a fact he was a communist in the bavarian soviet republic and only became a "natsoc" after he was captured and brainwashed by the reichswehr.

>yet worships a pseudosemite

He fucking hated commies, what u talking about? His main goal was to conquer Russia and do to them what Americans did to natives

Deep down I always knew that Hitler was right.


Adolf Hitler changed everything. He put an end to usury and the gold standard, replacing it with a system whereby the workers and their labor were the most important. The most genial idea was the destruction of usury, because it is interest which allows the Jews to live without working, always the middleman between the producer and the consumer. It was such a terrible blow to the liberal Jewish system and Jewish marxism that a World War was necessary in order to destroy Hitler. Interest on capital is sacred for these two systems.

Focusing the social system on aspects other than economic concerns, along with the abolition of usury, everything changes automatically. Life is able to be spiritualized and the economy is put in second place. During the short period of the Third Reich, we could see the most fantastic explosion in all spiritual spheres: architecture, art, philosophy and science.

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Go back to your discord subhumans

No, It's basically a guide against Bolshevism and documents Hitler's struggles in dealing with the commies and their unique way of infiltrating society. Hence its title "my struggle".

When I read Mein Kampf it was remarkable to me just how benign the book is, you'd think that it would just list ways of commiting genocide chapter after chapter but it's largely just an autobiography of HItler's struggle combating communism. Of course it's horrifying if you're a jewish commie accustomed to subverting entire civilizations from the shadows.

>muh Hitler was jewish
>muh his grandmother was jewish

Stfu, that’s perhaps the dumbest theory I’ve ever heard off, it’s like saying Stalin was a Capitalist or Reagan was a closet-commie

Good bait, here's your (you)

>muh his grandmother was jewish
Nobody ever said that itt, strawmanning kike memeflaggot

About three years ago after I watched "The Greatest Story Never Told".

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Hitler himself was a communist you retard. He was later used to subvert the anti-semitic movement in germany and basically turn it into the NSDAP as part of a plan for starting ww2.

three days ago

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I'm German, I was born knowing

Sure - he was a great leader - but does he compare to Octavianus Augustus or Marcus Aurelius ?
Not a chance. Few have reached such level of statesmanship.

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What even is usury? Explain to me like I’m 5 please

Uh huh.
Fuck off memeflag kike. Gas yourself.

He wasn't. Millions of European and American lives were lost, and not only is the holocaust real, which is bad enough, it's also used a a justification for the replacement of European people.

Hitler should have been an abortion.

There's no point in arguing with the 'hitler was a rothschild etc' people. They are either Jewish shills or complete cowards who just want an excuse to avoid going up against Jews.

Hitler was a horrible military leader, but he was a great patriot who truly loved his country and people though. Make of that what you will.

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>let’s elect a guy who will promote violence and encourage the whole work to beat and murder us

Jews are not that stupid

I'm guessing you're not German, but a mutt born in the USA and super proud of having German ancestors.

I'm also guessing you never realized that Hitler promised Germany a bright future, Hitler ignored the German military brass, Hitler made retarded decisions and Hitler caused Germany to end up like pic related

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Savitri Devi, “the High Priestess of Hitlerism”, was convinced Hitler was an Avatar, the penultimate Avatar. She quotes Hans Grimm, who recalled his meeting of an hour with AH in 1928 at which the latter admitted “he was not the one”. He was “preparing the way for the one – the bare essential work of preparation”. Devi believed that “the one” Kalki would have Hitler’s spirit, but be “less Sun and more Lightning” – more merciless.

Carl Jung describes Hitler as a “Spiritual vessel, a semi deity, a myth: The man with the strongest Will that ever existed. German politics is not made, it is revealed through Hitler.”
Hitler has to be described in hermetic language to be understood. He had a mysterious power that caused terror in Goebbels: “At times, I think the Fuhrer is not human”. Since birth, Hitler was predestined, committed to his mission. He sublimated his sexual drive into a love for Germany. He was the Hyperborean Archetype, chosen to reinforce the Memory of the Blood – the Eternal Return of the Archetype.

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this kek
>the virgin barbarian with a funny mustache whose empire lasts barely 10 years and is reviled as a giant genocidal faggot vs the CHADVS PRINCEPS whose empire lasted for 5 centuries and continues to shape the world to this very day

I can't respect a man who can't finalize a job.

>or was a plant from the start.

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it was a steady process, but it really sunk in 5 years ago. Pol was substantial in that transformation. Heil

They literally supported him outside Germany, but youberg deleted the rabbi's video explaining it recently
I bet you don't even know why Hitler hated the jews, and which ones

First of all, read Gottfried Feder: Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Money Interest (Das Manifest Zur Brechung der Zinsknechts des Geldes)

I will never tire of insisting on highlighting this unique and definitive point, foundation, block of stone of the system and global universal idea of National Socialism: In the entire known History of human civilisation Aryan, Nazi and Hitlerist Germany alone has risen, as a nation, against usury and the slavery of interest on money, that shame of humanity, the exploitation of every man by a criminal bloodsucking minority that controls the entire system while playing both extremes into which the world divides, capitalist and Marxist, because both systems regard interest on capital as sacred and are in the same hidden hands and dependent on a same central point, a technocratic, imperialist and directive intelligence: the Messianic Imperialism of Zion, a parasitic anti-race that feeds, grows and lives without working or producing, like an intermediary, thanks to the diabolical invention of money interest.

The next steps of the “Black International”, the “Dracula of Humanity”: The electronic transfer of funds and the replacement of paper and plastic money by electronic money; which is to say, by the “bodily mark of consumption”, when the ultimate enslavement and robotisation of the animal-men is complete, the rabbinic interpretation of the Talmud which considers non-Jews to be only animals with two legs, with Yahweh ordering that their enslavement and annihilation be fulfilled.
Therefore Nicolas Palacios would write in 1904 that “when a Jew speaks of the love of humanity, even the rocks smile”.

>Greatest man to ever live
>Forced my great-grandfather to be a soldier and killed
>Killed himself and left the German people stranded

Get the fuck out of here.

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why are all memeflags assholes?

when i saw how many wh*Toids and sl*Voids died

Spineless cowards

Like 5 years ago

Hitler read Mein Kampf? Based.

not true faggot, stop spreading lies

This is the most diabolical invention that can be conceived, carried out by Talmudic rabbinical minds in faithful interpretation of the dictates of their Dracula-God, for the application of exploitation and suppression of non-Jews. Then one can understand the terror with which they saw the Hitlerist National Socialist miracle, and the application of the recommendations of Gottfried Feder for the breaking of the slavery of money interest. An entire millennial plan was about to be destroyed forever, because Hitler refused to pay the usurious interest on imposed debts and because Gottfried Feder advised the “Gordian” solution to end the payment of interests on interest for a debt without end, where the capital initially borrowed could never be cancelled: the declaration of bankruptcy by the State debtor; because bankruptcy is not bad for a nation on the brink. And because a State or country cannot be put in prison like an individual. And because Hitler returned to the sources of Aryan economics, human and divine (even the Gods traded accordingly), without usury, in which money would return to what it was before: a symbol of exchange and labour, representing the production and effort of man. Boss gold is replaced by Boss work, thereby returning to the barter of goods where currency only facilitates barter and only values what labour adds to economic goods. Usurious interest is abolished.

He was a bolshie and a puppet. He created Israel, he made a deal with zionists to settle palestine in the 30's, later he started a war to get all the jews to move to Israel.

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This was so great and so simple that life was about to undergo a transcendental reversal. A transmutation of all values. And National Socialist Germany in a very short time (Oh, so brief!), came to be as close to paradise as men had ever known in this world and these times.

Now if Feder knew that a country could not go to jail for implementing his doctrines, he perhaps did not believe a universal war would be declared against it. His detractors did indeed believe exactly that, at a time when “the practical possibility of such a war’s realisation would be doubted.” Because the detractors went on to declare war and defeat a country materially. Hitler knew he had triumphed in a definitive way and for every time past and to come. Because already no one will be able to forget that National Socialism is the only system in the entirety of the known history of man that has risen against the bondage of money slavery, replacing Boss Gold with Boss Labour, thus realising a national socialism, not Jewish, not Judaic and enslaving, thereby terminating international and imperialist capitalism alike. A regimen of labour for workers on Earth, beyond classes and the exploitation of man by man.

His imposition and triumph have meant, by contagion and visible success, the disappearance of the parasite, the intermediary, that Anti-Race, scourge of the working humanity of this earth: the International Jew. Without the breeding ground of money interest, with loans and usury, the Jew would have been extirpated from this world, entirely alone, without need for malicious stories about “gas chambers” or “crematoria”. The wasp would have been deprived of its sting, the viper of its venom.

victim blaming the post

no he wasnt you anglo faggot

To understand in depth and extent what the socioeconomic system of National Socialism was able to achieve, even in the transformation of Aryan Germanic banking, it would suffice to glimpse the publications made by the “Deutschen Ueberseeischen Bank” in the year 1936, in Berlin. Banks without usury, without a fixed dollar monetary system, made to serve the producer, the worker, so that each can take care of himself by himself and by his own work, or the work of the workers, employees and managers. How different from the banks serving the Social Market System, the Jewish monetarism of a Milton Friedman and his “Chicago Boys”, that risible thing, that joke “popular capitalism”.

Therefore we say Hitler won the war, even losing it, because the world knows what he did. The new generations already know it, despite everything that has been done to keep them ignorant. Faced with the inevitable failure of the two systems the Jew controls, bourgeois capitalism and communist Marxism, National Socialism (Socialism that is National) alone shines like the sun, Boss Work against Boss Money, whether this be metal, paper, plastic or electronic. And so that humanity not see this sun and love it, the Jew has invented all those crimes and genocides of Nazism, trying to divert the view of those who want to face the sun. They succeeded, but only for a short time until the youth awoke and tired of the repeated and blatant gross lie. A situation already in process of irreversibly fulfilling itself. Because in the world of symbols and miracles that belongs to Hitler, Destiny moves a golden pendulum already coming back. And we deliver the triumph.

why didn't he execute the Rothschilds?

Never because that is retarded

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>He completely failed and then killed himself
Fuck off newfag

Because he was working for them.

Still haven’t realized it dirty cum skin. I sleep well every night knowing your race will be gone due to the actions of this man.


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Hitler will reincarnate into Kalki at the extreme moment. He will awaken the dream, infuse heroism in those that remain loyal – and He will save the Race. For, as He said: “If I win the war, I will have given a mortal blow to the Jew. If I lose the war, their triumph will only be for a brief time.” Hitler lost a battle, not a war.

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What would suffice would be for another country in the world, say, the so-called Third World, regardless of the size of this country, to decide to implement National Socialism, without caring about or measuring the consequences though this be material defeat (which may or may not occur) at the hands of Judaism and international economic imperialism, the International Monetary Fund, etc.; it would suffice we say for the entire System of Usury to fall apart sooner or later and for a spiritual and redemptive air to strike the entire universe like lightning, from one end to the other.
Allow us to dream.

It was the people, the workers in Germany, who were with Hitler until the end, without defection, without a betrayal, working in shifts in factories, while they fought in turns on the front.

Only when a professional Army is able to transmute itself into a Warrior Order, like the Teutonic or Templar, one moreover National Socialist and racialist, connected to a body — or “aura” — of invisible directors who are certainly not Freemasonry, would there yet exist the possibility of redemption.

To summarise. Even so, unanimity of more than one people and one nation is not necessary to courageously confront the eternal enemy and the enslaver of man, to fight and get out of criminal and extortionist imperialism, breaking the slavery of money interest. Enough that only one country decide to implement the National Socialist solution, with idealism and faith. And then no matter their material accounting index or physical size. They will be transformed into an invincible giant that will be victorious in the end. If a ruler rises to this height, acting the part of their greatness, then everyone will follow him to the death.

nazism is an offshoot of hinduism, just like judaism. they both believe in re-incarnation.

Stop larping
And Serrano is an idiot

He lost all his gains. Berlin fell. His ideas don't have any significant institutional backing. Germany didn't become a country again till 1990. His failure led to your fascist ideals to be regarded as dangerous and stupid to this very day.