Now that the dust has settled

Do you still feel intelligent because you prepped, or deep down, do you feel a little stupid?

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When is Yas Forums going to come out and admit that they were emotionally swayed by fake news videos on twitter and hyperbolic death figures from /cvg/tards into thinking this nothingburger was anything significant?

There are what, several thousand corona related threads made up to this point? Embarrassing. Get a life schizos, China, Italy, and all other countries have it under control. There is no need to panic, no need to stock up. The only reason why people here seem to be so obsessed with this nothingburger is probably because they hope this will deliver them from their own misery and give them a sense of meaning in the world that has rejected them for their indolence and parochial mentality.

This is a sad reflection of what this place ultimately constitutes - a pathetic circlejerk filled with crass, petulant manchildren endlessly wallowing in self-pity and desperately hoping for something that's going to lift them from their existential malaise even if it means the rest of the world plunging into pure chaos and anarchy. You're not wholesome people, you're not reasonable people, you, simply put, are monsters. I find it virtually inconceivable some people choose to predicate their entire existence exclusively on schadenfreude and unbridled hatred, this is pure doom porn.

No, China is not responsible for releasing a bioweapon. No, nobody is covering up anything. No, elites haven't set out to reduce human population. No, nobody is out there to get you. All of this is just a reflection of your coarse, primitive personality and your morbid yearning for mayhem and omnipresent destruction with no regard for morals or tolerance. Frankly speaking, I feel sorry for your pathetic lot and your lamentable condition. Stop spreading panic and wreaking havoc through your contemptible fearmongering.

The corona faggotry has broken the spell of this place for me at least. I used to think a decent segment of the people on 4chins were rational and intelligent, but after watching you fat faggots freak out about 5,000 flu deaths over 4 months made me realize that this is just ugly r*ddit; nothing special.

None of my supplies will magically vanish if this thing blows over, so I feel fine being prepared with canned food I can still eat regularly should things return back to normal. If anything it's got me looking into firearms for home defense.

kekistani copy pasta cringeking cancer man

got any brap memes?

i spy shills. SHILLS


Even if this thing does magically die out by summer I've got extra food etc. I think prepping is always the smartest move. Times like these you have to think of your herd.

Why would I feel bad about stockpiling things that won't expire in my lifetime and ensure my continued existence in the meantime?

This except for the part where China or Italy have their shit together in any meaningful way.

You people are the ones who were terrified to walk outside in 2001 because you thought a jet might randomly land on you.

Because you're exacerbating mass hysteria and directly causing people to walk around with unwiped assholes.

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Ha, ha, ha.
Found the fag that was too late to the tp isle.
You are a little shit-ass.

>now that the dust has settled

>feeling stupid for prepping

Media: It's no big deal
Trump: It's no big deal
Trump: Ok it is a big deal. We're going full-Madagascar.
Media: Lol look at that retard blumpf overreacting to a literal nothingburger
Everyone: Holy fuck, HOW MUCH money did I just piss away on toilet paper and canned lima beans?

>bought masks in january
>food water since early February
>Don't have to go shopping for a few months for anything.
>don't have to get infected waiting for hours in line with these mouth breathers
yeah I'm feeling pretty big brained here.

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Because sheep on the internet might call you silly names!

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who /scavenger/ here?

>wait until all the panic has died down and everyone is back in their homes
>get the scraps from the grocery store and from raiders raiding homes
>nobody will fight me except other weaklings
It's the most based strategy.

Gen Xer here. I didn’t do SHIT, and I’m not even slightly afraid. Fuck the Jewsmedia and the Millennials who care if they get sick and die. I cough on you all. Little pussies.

You're bragging about doing the exact same retarded shit that those thousands of sheep are doing, only a little bit earlier? Just because you did it sooner doesn't make it rational.

Putting away a little at a time months or years ahead is definitely the smarter move.


>the dust has settled
nigger this shit hasn't even started yet

Fuck off shills. Corona is being downplayed HARD by the media.

Best pasta yet

Lad, 2 weeks ago this country had a couple cases and no one gave a fuck. One month ago, Italy had 2 cases- now they have 20,000 and have quarantined their whole country. It just started.

This, everyone whose been following this since January knows how fucked we are.

Self-checking is gay.

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New Zealand is basically untouched so far. I still prepped over a month ago. I'm going to continue to do so, because the items won't go to waste and the skills will never be useless.
Anyone joking about preparing is just revealing themselves as increasingly nervous fools lashing out because they fucked up.

>Corona is being downplayed HARD by the media.
>by talking about it 24/7

Stupid to be frank.

They only started talking about it a couple weeks ago. They ignored everything China did in Wuhan.

o/k/, let me know how that works out for you.
Yes, because you should ALREADY have a few months worth of food and water on hand. Topping off the stash before the storm hits and not waiting last minute like the NPC's in the pics to panic buy a pallet of lysol sounds like a prime example of rational judgement.

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This, all you faggots spending hundreds on full face masks back in December just to find out you'll only get a sore throat and cough for a week must feel really smart.
>inb4 "muh P95 filters"

I think that while this was all blown out of proportion we all leaned some good lessons. We should all be prepared for if something like this does ever become a major happening. Everyone should have at least a month supply of extra food and water, maybe more. We all should learn how to garden to sustain ourselves, growing potatoes, carrots, onions etc... is pretty easy. Have extra supplies for camping, fortifying your home or bugging out etc. I think that a reasonable prep general would actually help this board a lot. That way when something really does happen we’ll be prepared and won’t have to flip out.

But when your herd is a herd of preppers, you're not really moving ahead of it. Sure, you're ahead of the general populace, but not the preppers.

So’s your closeted lover.

>I think that while this was all blown out of proportion
>was all blown out of proportion
it's just starting m8

kek why would I be upset at prepping?
I started prepping like a week ago thanks to Yas Forums and it served me well when I saw the horde of normans waiting in line like a soviet bread line to buy a few cans of beans and shit

I merely walked by with a smile on my face

All the stores are cleaned out of the stuff I have been slowly stockpiling for a month, so I feel pretty good. Saw assholes cleaning up all the perishable food now which kind of screws up my weekly routine but I take solice these assholes will have to stuff their face with rotten food in a month.

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I prepped 3 weeks ago but spent my own money on it because I didn't want to have that discussion with my wife.

Yesterdy, she saw the shit hitting the fan and told me I can pay myself back from our joint money.

I feel vindicated. In b4 cuck.

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>dust has settled
fuck you

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Lol the shelves at my local stores are going empty, and it's getting worse
Pretty sure I am a winner

>Now that the dust has settled.

Nigger the happening is just getting started.

Get a load of this Cuck.

>Now that the dust has settled.


I want corona chan to take me away into another world painlessly

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>the dust has settled
The fuck you talking about nigger?
It hasn´t even STARTED yet!

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>dust has settled

do whatever you feel man, panic, dont, eat shit and die for all I care

The pain is over relatively quickly, the drowning in your mucus part will suck a bit tough.

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That ship has long sailed. Everybody gets it now.
Except a minority of brain dead morons and trump/boris-droids

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>the drowning in your mucus part will suck a bit tough.
holy fuck that was exactly what I had in January...

Just found out my best friend is the illest he has ever been boys? All the corona symptoms? What should I recommend?

Funny you say this.
While sitting on the couch last night I mentioned to the mrs
>when the dust settle from this what do you think about investing in NBC masks?
>Her response, you haven't already?!
>Wasn't sure you wanted to spend what it takes to get quality equipment.
>How much? OMG
She'll spend the price of a mask in hair and nails in one month ...
>Well maybe one a year ...

She's a bimbo.

I have a friend who prepped for 6 months but he and his wife still have to work. His kid will attend to school in April.

So really, pointless if the state just wants your of the house.

Just wait two weeks. There's no way this'll turn into an official pandemic!

(also, saved a ton of money on restaurant, so prepping had a negative cost and bred good habits in me. Suck it!)

I mean, considering the fact that this place has had numerous reddit floods it doesn't surprise me. Its pretty much only ironyfags now. No good discussions anymore, just slide thread after slide thread. The question is where did all the old bros go?

Then you´re colonized, probably even a super spreader now.
To prevent another cytokine storm killing you off for good, start MEGADOSING on lyposomal Vitamin C
Also D, but you can just start sunning one hour a day, free upper body.
You especially should look into B6 vitamin supplements.
Read up.

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And you can just hide inside your house till this thing blows over?

Nah. Considering how hard I've had a time to get my friends to buy a few reserve before everyone panic-bought yesterday, and how women are far more likely to be normies, I think you handled that like a boss.

t. Someone who considers dating too much trouble for the benefits

I work in places that are closed, and use a lot of disinfectant. And yes, I've got enough savings to last me a year, but there's a lot of money for me to be made in the next few months.

Now shutting up because Captcha's being a bitch.