Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

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Let me guess the girls are dudes and the guy is a girl. I know the one in the left is a guy

Shit I can't come up with a witty response to your post

desu id fuck all 3 of those dudes. especially the left.

God I wish it were me.

kys sodomite

I'd bet my house that the creepy alien shirt dude has raped that kid he's preventing from running away at least once

Esto es el fin.

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Kill them all, let God sort them out.

why are you obsessed with this lanky creatura?


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Hold that thought.

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Quit posting this sub species.

I ain't no fag, but i'd pound felipe's boipucci into oblivion.

Mental illness developed via childhood trauma, usually abuse by another homosexual.

Pourquoi avez-vous le gay?

Post moar fag

False binary choice. Its a mix of many things, multiple causes.

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It's less of a choice and more being literally demonically possessed.
t. was delivered from that wicked lifestyle by the good shepherd

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vampyric mental disorder. They do not create people so it comes from a social failure of some sort

a shepard slaughters his sheep.

Would impregnate all their boy pussies.

Indeed, we as Christians have been slaughtered and are dead to sin, to this fallen world and to our flesh.

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In many cases a mental illness, similar to an eating disorder where a person has an unhealthy relationship to a core biological function. In this case reproduction.

I laugh at people who try to normalize it and ask them why we don’t celebrate bulimia. The sperging feeds my soul.

Illness obv, 2 scientific causes:
1) Raped while young
2) Omega men that got tired of rejection and then became women.

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maladaptative behavior

Both. It is a mental illness. Pretending It's not and indulging in it is a choice. Schizophrenics can't choose not to be schizos, but they can choose to not take their pills and do as their imagination commands.

ah yes need to worship a fucking JEW to hate faggotry nice going

yea m8, look at the big chins and no Adams apple on the man

Amazing thread. Upvoted.

>Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?
Doesn't matter, Covid-19 does not discriminate.

A choice if they're white

Pills dont work. Its a problem for most psychiatric drugs. Schizophrenia drugs in particular are a form of slow chemical lobotomy, very useful for a mental hospital manager as patients look sedated but horrible things are happening inside

i bet the only thing he's thinking about is how less girly he looks next to real women

all of his time and effort into sculpting the facade going down the drain

A little of both. I kinda think everyone is naturally leaning toward bisexual, but there's an impulse to avoid sex with men due to social stigma ingrained within our society from the religious folks. There's also a biological basis for this that some people have more, it's really really a spectrum.

I'm bi but prefer to date men. I have a stronger connection with them, and it's mostly a survival instinct. 21st century women are awful and just like "BUY ME SHIT" and guys are like "hey ya wanna play video games and then like jerk off to porn?"

I strongly prefer the latter interaction, as I have no urge to put up with a woman's shit as a gatekeeper of sex. Even if you're superchad, women will expect you to put up with their shit because social media gives every beautiful woman 20k followers of beta orbiters like people from this board. I guess in a sense I could "choose" to make myself straight and put up with this, but what would the point be? I don't want to be yelled at and told I'm worthless for not buying someone shit. I don't enough to want to deal with this.

I think a lot of homophobia is that I don't have to put up with this. I am just as valid of a gatekeeper in interactions, which is very nice.

The only logical choice
Get a wife, have kids, but women are fucking alien and inhuman, only a man can love you back the same way you love them
Women only want to use you.

Both. It's mostly a by-product of sodomites molesting children.

The final redpill.

A fetish isn't an identity. A person isn't homosexual. A person may have homosexual desires, but that doesn't have to dictate what they do.
Millions of men nationwide have rape fantasies and domination/binding/unwilling fantasies. They don't engage in them because it's immoral. Same with attraction to minors or whatever. It's entirely normal to be attracted to a 13-16 year old girl, but we don't act on it.
The same expectation should be applied to homosexual desires.

who are top and bottom in that pic?

It's a choice and a mental illness.
Not normal, despite what Western cucks are saying. it's primarily degneracy which we have to actively fight against. Whoever wants to be mentally ill, he shall be, but all those trying to normalizing it and who are degenerate in the open shall be hanged

Homosexuality and rape are not even comparable you retard
Its not a fetish, people dont fall in love with their fetishes, people don't marry their fetishes, they Jack off and then stop having those fetishes for a bit.
A gay dude doesnt become straight after he jacks off, it is not comparable to a fetish at all.

All I know is that I would empty myself several times every day at the far left person. Don't care if it's a man, woman or hermaphrodite. You Northern fags worry too much about these things, being gay or straight or whatnot. If it makes your dick hard, what else is there to think about?

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>dat grip

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You just know.

based Greekbro of legs and taste

I spend like 99% of the time with my male friends. We aren’t gay but are closer than close and often make gay jokes.

I literally only hit up girls to fuck and then come back to my bro’s

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Homosexuality and rape aren't comparable? Why not? They're both sexual impulses toward immoral acts. There, I just compared them and proved you wrong.
>people dont fall in love with their fetishes, people don't marry their fetishes
And gay men don't do monogomy. They may experience something akin to 'love' in the non-platonic sense, but it's not the same as a love between man and woman. Now THOSE two things are not comparable. A husband and wife, have a biological and cultural function. A man protects and provides for a woman, who raises his children. How is gay gangbang partying comparable to that?
Homosexuality is a fetish, absolutely. It's a sexual urge that serves no purpose and consumes the person who has it to the point that they cannot be aroused without the object of their fetish.

Reminder that the notion that faggotry is something you're born with is completely untrue. It has no proof pointing that way, while at the same time it has all of the proof going against it.

Genetics, the thing that can predict very specific things. Even behavioural aspects, facial expressions, tendency to aggression. It predicts all of that. Yet somehow, it does not predict homossexuality whatsoever.

Realize that faggots become that way due to indoctrination, either through a specific traumatic event or due to constant peer pressure from our degenerate society. The other influencer, probably bigger than the former, is hormone disruptors. They're everywhere, in the water, food, plastic containers where we put our food.

The claim that homossexuals couldn't refrain from their actions is false, devoid of evidence, reliant completely on appeal to authority and institutional conformity.

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>Did you know that 50 years ago, the average male had double the testosterone of today?

>People with higher testosterone and physical fitness are more conservative and hold more right-wing beliefs:

>New research indicates that more than half of all Danish boys develop breasts during puberty. This is a source of worry and embarrassment for many of them.

>Sperm counts in the West plunge by 60% in 40 years as ‘modern life’ damages men’s health

>Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, diet, stress, smoking and obesity have all been suggested as possible reasons behind the dramatic declines but experts say more research is urgently needed

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It is not a mental illness, it is a moral problem.


>Sperm Count Dropping in Western World >The trend has occurred over 40 years

>America's Obesity Epidemic Reaches Record High, New Report Says

>Impact of obesity on male fertility, sperm function and molecular composition

>Study Finds Almost All Drinking Water Is Contaminated With Plastic >Researchers find that 94 percent of U.S. drinking water is contaminated with microplastics.

>How Chemicals in Plastic Lower Testosterone >A new study links certain toxins with low levels of the sex hormone

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What a discipline-less animal

It’s a fetish or kink.

Some people like feet or furry

Some people like genitals that look like their own, usually because of molestation

Can confirm.

No, it is the literal same as love.
And its not an "immoral" act, that's just your dumb and unfounded opinion.
It is not a fetish.
Men cannot be aroused without women, does that make being straight a fetish?
There are those who hold the opinion that creating life is cruel and awful, does that make straight sex immoral?
You are the literal same as the tumblr tards and feminazis who try to say staring is rape and micro agressions are real.
Gays are monogamous, i dont know where you hear otherwise from.
By your logic, nobody is monogamous, so whats the point?
Women dont have love, only men do, so it makes sense, to have a wife and make kids, then have a boyfriend or loving male partner on the side, doesnt even have to be explicitly sexual.
A woman will never love you, she only wants to use you.

Religion is false - ESPECIALLY Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

Humans naturally are bisexual.
Alexander the Great, was bisexual.

You're all a literal bunch of fatass ugly fucking Rednecks that will never achieve anything let alone add to the ideal that an Empire will rise one day soon. You people are wastes of life, fit for forced slave labor.

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Neither. It's gay.

Read Also, the image.

Then either get redpilled or continue on the path to killing yourself, faggot.

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Who the fuck cares, you fucking gypsy. It's still degenerate and must be dissuaded.

And that is what Alexander the Great did. Literally.

He had 3 wives. 2 token wives, 1 whom he truly admired (Roxana) &, above all, his love was the greatest for Hephaestion.

Hephaestion was a bottom. But. He was also a Bodyguard. A fellow Emperor.
Hephaeation held the same legal status as Alexander and truth be told after he died Alexander died less than 4 months afterwards - before Alex died he was planning to make an Imperial-wide mourning period for 2 FUCKING YEARS OR MORE EVERYDAY in every territory, every village, town, city..

Its a chosen mental illness

Just because the Jews are forcing it on people doesn't stop it from being a mental illness

That image has been debunked so many goddamned times before.
Statistics like that are like going to Appalachia or russia and basing every single white person in existence off of that then demonising white people.

Mental illness and not one that should be celebrated at that.

Redundant Brazilian mutt - in the future, soon, a modern Alexander the Great will rise.. Aliberal to the masses and Elite - he will destroy the pedestal people such as yourself stand on. He will raise our status, the Idealists.

He will also be called an anti-Christ, right before all of Abrahamism is wiped from this World like the corpse of a cicada on a tree.

I cannot wait. Your Country and countless others are fit to simply become a Paradise.. For us.

He was bi. Bisexuality is the greatest sexuality of all for a true man finds beauty in all things. Bi's also do not push homo propaganda.

Have you read the stats regarding Genetics ? No, you haven't, have you read the stats correlating the decrease in testosterone and the rise of homossexuality ? No, you HAVEN'T. YOU WON'T.

YOU WILL CONTINUE TO JUSTIFY YOUR MENTAL ILNESS UNTIL YOU DIE, I thank my God almighty for not even having me deal with such a question.

>That image has been debunked so many goddamned times before.

I consistently read Yas Forums once every week for a few years and have never seen anyone debunking it if you are so confident about it, then do it.

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>It's not an immoral act
Okay, so you say. We've only normalized it for the last 15 years of western society. Has society benefited from it's normalization in any way or has it declined noticeably? The answer is clear.
Second, it's disgusting. It's revolting to any normal person. The gay act is as nauseating as shit eating or that weird asian vomit porn. It spreads disease similarly. We are programmed with a natural gag reflex at the mere thought of it. If that bothers you, sorry. It's just how we're built and why it was frowned upon for so long.
>Men cannot be aroused without women, does that make being straight a fetish?
there's an obvious biological function being served by our arousal. The wanton engagement outside of a long term relationship is also immoral. We know this instinctively. Again, it's just in our nature to know that promiscuity is gross. And faggots are promiscuous beyond anything most people can imagine.
>Gays are monogamous, i dont know where you hear otherwise from.
No they aren't.

You sound just like your ancestors Mario-kun.

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It has been debunked, that image is quite literally a retarded opinion piece.
>i have been browsing Yas Forums every week for years
This is the internet, there is absolutely zero reason to believe that with proofs you do not have.

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There are only two genders - male and female.
There is only one sexuality - heterosexuality.
Anything else is a mental illness and/or a sin.

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