What the hell is wrong with American woman?


Should we take or give more rights to woman? What are your thoughts user?

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I dont want to impose my beliefs on anyone

why do women kill their babies after they just had them? what's the point of going all 9 months?? you couldn't even abort it?
she could have literally just dropped the baby off at a hospital, church, fire/police station, etc.
this pisses me off.

God damn, US is a fucking shithole.

> put something in trash
> Simplest implication that person does not own whatever is useless to them, therefore it's anyone's
> Wtf Bros they need a warrant to look into property that's not mine

abort the woman after birth

Pandora already opened the box.
The evils she found inside were being treated like a man and having to work for a living.
Unlike the myth, there is no hope at the bottom.

That's not what it means, and, yes, the police needed a warrant. No fucking compromises ever. It's not hard to get a judge to sign that shit, and every cop involved needs to be fired and charged with a misdemeanor for letting their laziness ruin an investigation.

I bet that guard likes it rough.



wow really makes me think

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Women's suffrage was a major fucking mistake.

>why do women kill their babies after they just had them?
Because women should be having babies as part of a tribal pack so the entire tribe takes care of the baby. In modern times they shit one out and they're on their own. Some women have the brains of children, you cannot trust them to have impulse control. They'll view the baby as inconvenient or a burden to them and they'll just kill it.

That's why being overwhelemed, having depression, financial concerns, etc. are not valid defenses for killing a newborn. A mother can take a baby who is less than a month old to a hospital, fire station, or police station, and they will take the baby no questions asked.

>Because women should be having babies as part of a tribal pack so the entire tribe takes care of the baby.
All women have the brains of children and as for the "tribe" maybe extended family. Government schooling and daycare are failures

Her body her choice


Funny that, women drained the tribe dry and then killed it.
I have zero sympathy now.

Once trash is put to the curb it’s public property. This is an extremely old police tactic.

That's the difference between men and women. Men kill adults, but women kill babies.

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Not if something is in the trash. It's an exception to warrant searches under the 4th amendment.

Stop trying to say lawyer, faggot. You dont understand it.

I fucked your cat

She should win the case, cause fuck the police. Then once she's home, some good old boys kill her nice and quiet.

And it's a circumvention of the constitution, and I'm glad it's being reviewed. It being tolerated because it's "really old" is a bullshit argument, anyway. You know it, I know it.
Being put in the trash on the curb means shit to men, especially against this government.
Any faggot supporting this needs to go to a FEMA camp.

Thank you. Someone who understands caselaw. This old hag is just delaying her guilty plea.

You're so fucking stupid it hurts police have been getting dna from people's trash since dna testing was invented its nothing new they dont need a search warrant for it neck yourself

Im glad the little mexicans dead.

>dude, just tolerate it dummy
No. Make it illegal. They should do their jobs properly.

High level retard. Very high level.

If you have privacy rights over trash you can claim privacy rights to anything left out to the world. The 4th amendment is designed to protect a person's home and person. Once you provide privacy rights to anything a person comes into contact with you create impossible standards for the judicial system to operate under.

Scalia was the darling of the defense bar and even that old boomer knew how retarded an idea it would he to fuck with this area of the 4th amendment.

women are primarily instinctive animals disguising themselves as intelligent beings. in nature a mother will often kill their young if they deem that in order to survive this is necessary. now despite the many alternatives and options throughout pregnancy, a woman immediately realizes the baggage of having a kid and being a single mother is going to sociologically ruin them for future mating. sure, they could drop the baby off, but this would damage their deep and tragic backstory which EVERY woman tries to artificially construct. it is much more meaningful to say she lost the baby due to circumstances and you feel bad for her and treat her as an even more intelligent suffering animal, than just being a retarded vagina dropping her 9 month spawn in a metal can.

>muh trash!
you put it out by the road it's public property at that point bitch. Reap what you sow HO.

>If you have privacy rights over trash you can claim privacy rights to anything left out to the world.
You should. End of. No compromises.

>something something I'm going to interpret the 4th amendment my way, ha ha incel
Thanks for your input.

Also people turn their trash over to a government agent (i.e. trash/municipal services).


>dude, just give the government your trash
Explain why this should be legal, especially in the era of data mining and corrupt government.
You can't.

Ah, I see, you're Jewish. Fuck rights, amirite?

Women have been murdering their own children for thousands of years. That's what SIDS is. Women snapping and suffocating their baby.

It's just that only recently have we possessed the technology to catch them doing it.

tribal-only (poly/non-familial) childcare is actually a very reliable form of ritualistic human torture
it's one of the main reasons the family unit was invented, but you're right that a tribe/community being involved in a family's care of its children is a mandatory experience

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These arent arguments. You're deflecting bc you cannot argue the merits of your position.

Because its retarded to extend the 4th amendment to trash.

Only libs want these rights expanded. Stop larping.

>According to the affidavit, Bentaas said she was "young and stupid"
Age 57, dumped baby 38 years ago. 57-38=19. 19 year old woman: young, irresponsible, stupid.
Checks out.

No one ever tells them they’re fucking stupid or to shut the fuck up or make them pay for their shit decisions for the most part anymore so they think they can do whatever and get away with it

>dude, wanting rights is liberal!
This is next fucking level shilling.

Your trash is not your property, either in a dumpster in the alley or in a bin on your drive. This has already been legally tested. Burn, baby killer.

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We already give our trash to local municipalities you dotard.

No, it isn't. Nothing should be free for the government, in terms of ignoring rights. All actions should take review and approval. All of them.

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>dude, you paid for a service you're required to by law, therefore you lost your rights

read this and get blackpilled

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You clearly lost this argument. Your position is completely untenable, as the other user said.

Post partum depression causes that mental imbalance. People commit suicide pretty often from it as well. No way to stop it. Just kinda the way shit goes

The solution is to own an incinerator for papers, compost organics, and deliver all recyclables to a recycling plant in person. Yes, the feds digging through your trash is a loophole in the law. But you can close that hole yourself if it matters that much to you.

Not living in a shithole city or suburbia also helps.

>I said you lost because we've ALWAYS done it that way, user. What does it matter if they circumvented the constitution? Just accept it. That means you lost, because you won't! Ha ha, incel!
k keep me posted

>The solution is to own an incinerator for papers
You know that's illegal now, right? Burning your trash in a city that requires you to bring it to the curb will get you arrested, but you're just talking out of your ass to defend the point anyway.
>Just move to the country.
Illegal there, too, depending on where.
Literally Boomer arguments now.

The constitutional argument is nonsensical. Be as mad as you like.

You're still not arguing why giving people an unreasonable extension of the 4th amendment makes sense.

Pro tip: it's a shitty idea and the case law exists because faggots 60 years ago figured that out and everytime its revisited everyone agrees.

Congratulations- you have an unoriginal retarded idea.

>Dude, wanting properly enforced constitutional rights in the US is nonsensical.

>unreasonable extension of the 4th amendment
Imagine typing this with a straight face.

His position is consistent with the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and English Common Law.

The government should have to seek permission to do anything to it's citizens. The King of England and all his armies and knights couldn't force their way into a peasant's house if they weren't invited. That's the basis of all our law and civics. You faggot boot licking glownigger apologist.

It's not covered by the constitution.

They're sociopaths and also extremely dumb

>We've always done it that way. Also, the law says turn in your guns. Some people revisited it, and said its retarded. Everyone agrees.