How dumb are people going to feel when this all blows over?
How dumb are people going to feel when this all blows over?
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When is Yas Forums going to come out and admit that they were emotionally swayed by fake news videos on twitter and hyperbolic death figures from /cvg/tards into thinking this nothingburger was anything significant?
There are what, several thousand corona related threads made up to this point? Embarrassing. Get a life schizos, China, Italy, and all other countries have it under control.
lmao all that ramen shit is probably going to kill him due to heart failure.
Well supplied
>wax noodles with chicken flavored salt powder
why are niggers so fucking stupid
People in cults, after a demoralizing disconfirmation of their beliefs will go on to proselytize even harder. They will just say "well it was better to be safe than sorry" or "our efforts prevented the catastrophe".
All sales final. Hopefully stores won’t accept returns when people realize they don’t need 600 rolls of toilet paper.
Honestly if YOU STILL THINK this is just going to blow over, you arent gonna make it
You're gonna die
This. It's just a flu wtf?
Stop closing countries retards haha
>blacks are looting ramen, canned food and fresh water
>whites are buying toilet paper
why do we call niggers stupid again?
If you followed this from early January, you'd know that it's only just beginning.
ok bud
I mean, technically, in this picture's case it's better to be safe than sorry.
I have a bunch of canned food that I can go through casually over the course of a year before any of it gets close to its listed expiry date.
I'll be alright, but others wont even feel a little ridiculous telling their kids about how they bought all the toilet paper. They will pass it off as advice for how to be well prepared.
At least watching the residents of 4chins freak out and shriek like emotional women over 5k people dying over the course of 4 months has removed my urge to keep coming back here. You fat unlovable faggots are just ugly normies at the end of the day, just as susceptible to media hype as any queer on r*ddit or twatter
you faggots up here larp every fucking day about habing insider info being fbi or black but when normies larp one fucking plague all of a sudden larping isnt cool? fuck you im bored and thisnis ligit the best thing going on it a while so shut up and fear monger
probably did some time in prison...those fucking noodles with some re fried bean flakes is the shit
>I have a bunch of canned food that I can go through casually over the course of a year before any of it gets close to its listed expiry date.
Canned food presumably doesn't expire.
I think happening fags might mass suicide when they realize they have wasted so much time on pointless corona generals all for a literal nothingburger
>Corona Virus General #2052
Dont worry about it.
We dutch happend to have some antibodies lying around.
It's not going to blow over, and I enjoy the fear that emanates from posts like yours.
Not hungry I imagine.
OP won't be alive to find out himself
yes and the dude who eats nothing but ramen with fucktons of sodium is going to be fine
i just got enough gas and food, water to last a month(things we always eat not ramon). whats going to suck about that? .
what dumb fuck uses the whole salt pack...
I thought this two weeks ago, but at this stage there is enough reason to be concerned. There is nothing wrong with taking precautions. All the anons acting like it’s the end of civilization and that they’ll be living in mad max soon though are delusional. They’re unhappy with their standing in the world as it is today, so they long for a big habbening to shake things up.
Lmao I hope you spend every dime prepping you brainlet faggot
saw this dude at my grocery store job yesterday.
People will start selling the shit they bought dirt cheap because the stores will say fuck you and not take returns, good time to prep for an actual happening
Please tell me, Why do you still think this is just gonna blow over and when do you feel it's gonna stop?
Those shitty maruchan cup noodles don’t have a packet iirc, it’s all mixed in. It’s incredible how awful those styrofoam cup noodles are compared to even the most cheap of “real” instant noodles like shin ramen etc
Yeah, I don't think it's going to stop. I went from store to store last night to see it. You can feel how panicky people are becoming. When the looting starts and the police go the way of the hand sanitizer, it'll be just as fast.
Again, i enjoy the fear and panic! Look at how upset you are that others are prepared. Good luck!
Calories are calories when you're built to sprint down a white woman.
>yes and the dude who eats nothing but ramen with fucktons of sodium is going to be fine
The sodium isn’t in the ramen it’s in the seasoning packet. I usually toss that and make my own sauces. Obviously any onions sauce based one will also sodium but the noodles are so versatile you can put them in a lot of dishes. And some broccoli and meat. Onion petals. I even like it with a French onion soup broth in place of a baguette and throw it in a bowl in the oven for 40 minutes with cheese on the top
Yas Forums was right about the panic, but not about the actual virus.
This is yet another black eye on humanity.
I mean, this IS HABBENING twice a decade but this one is ridiculous.
They can now easily just say “Fear” and everyone will buy in.
Has anyone ever read “The Mist”?
Its not about the monsters in the mist, its about the monsters stuck in the store
Black people die more from sodium every year than anything else
The unfortunate thing is that stress and panic have been shown to weaken immune response. So all the people freaking the fuck out are only harming themselves.
The rational approach is to be alert, aware, and prepared. Panicking, mortgaging the farm because you expect to be in mad max soon, efc. meanwhile is not rational. Neither is acting like this doesn’t matter at all, like the retards in iran licking shia shrines.
actually ramen noodles are healthy. it's the flavor packet that has all the MSG and sodium in it.
That's not the right cov you fucking moron.
>muh sodium bad
your barometer of how much shit is going down is based on how much NPCs are panicking. that's not good chief
Most of us have been following since December, retard.
you all do understand we live in an anomaly correct?
I recognize those ramen boxes, they are not the kind with a separate seasoning pack. They are trash maruchan noodles in a styro cup. I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure I saw those exact boxes at the store a week ago.
>5k people dying over the course of 4 months
Fucking top zozz, and all but few of the deaths are clustered near; The Origin (no longer active), The Current Epicenter, and one elderly facility in fucking Washington that's catching other olds in its periphery.
>oh no, guess I have to throw all this food away now
Fucking retard
Very dumb. Hurting people over shit paper when they could just buy a bidet like a sane, civilized person.
please tell me in detail how I'm going to die because I didn't stockpile a mountain of poo tickets
I dunno bro, I already live in Florida, worst (or best) case scenario and this magically blows over and literally nobody else dies I'll be well stocked for Hurricane season. How is that a bad thing?
Unfortunate? Time to thin the herd buddy. I'm ready, are you?
everyone in florida will die
Not quite. Best advice about canned food is that it's good until the can starts to puff out.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Better than a cartful of tp.
It’s actually SARS
But keep eating up the propaganda
Not hungry, for one.
I too desire the deaths of innocent people so that I can be amused by a big habbening, just like Jesus would do.
Dunno man. I had some 3 year old tomato soup and it tasted like liquid metal. Definitely not doing that again unless I have literally nothing else to eat, including other people.
thats like 20 bucks of ramen he is a genius.
Not him, but I think it's going to blow over because corona is not actually inhibiting any kind of economic center. It has no real effect on society as a whole because it's literally just the flu at best and pneumonia at worst, which we've been dealing with for hundreds of years.
I think it's going to stop around May or June when spring ends and people get over their allergies.
People calling this the next great depression forget that there were a lot of real instigating events that caused the collapse back then. Corona by itself causes no significant change to how society operates or it's needs. People are just fucking panicking over nothing and dipping the DOW.
The virus is engineered and was released either accidentally or intentionally.
This is worse than they’re saying.
Be prepared.
It's a copy pasta, not even a good one, you fucking retard.
I didn't go over board like some of these people but buying extra groceries at a time like this is smart. even if the virus turns out to be a nothing burger, the people that panic and buy up all the food are the real danger because then there won't be food for anyone else once the virus blows over. a few years ago in the city I live in, some random gas scare freaked everyone out and everyone's went and bought all the fucking gas in the city. even though it was literally nothing, I had to ride my bike to work for a few days because nobody could get gas anymore
No way someone can eat that much ramen. It’s literally just sodium in noodle form.
They might be but the packages with the seasoning come in similar boxes also from maruchan. Maruchan and Nissin both make other types of cup noodles with different broths and dried veggies or seafood and those are quite good. The “vanilla” cup noodle you’re talking about isn’t bad every now and then and they have little dried shrimps in the shrimp one. I always add some little salad shrimp to any of these. But yeah if his cart is full of vanilla cup ramen that’s a lazy sodium filled snack to be eating a lot of
I don't understand why brown ppl think their lives are worth preserving.
>the average person uses 1 roll per day
Lmao how much do you shit buddy? That’s preposterous
go to prison for a while...staple
>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Did you stock up on enough burgers though. You won’t need the full roll if you don’t have at least 6 bacon cheeseburgers a day
If it blows over I give some rice to a foodbank and pack ravioli in my kid's lunch once a week
That’s just a black mans normal diet
The sodium isn’t from the noodles you dumb nigger
today i walked next to an empty shitpaper aisle and went huutikset and called people fucking idiots.
all the idiots gave me evil.
i don't know, something about having all the paperfactories in the country and having people hoarding paper in that country seems retarded to me tho.
If you operate based on how dumb you might feel rather than the objective and concrete consequences of any course of action then you already a fucking demoralized cretin.
Do you realize that everyone you know someday will die
Everyone in Montenegro will die too. Unless you have a sizable vampire population or something.
Yeah. I used to really like those maruchan noodles every once in a while, but after trying better instant ramen I can’t enjoy it anymore. The noodles are shit. I bought some korean noodles to have in reserve — shin raymun and instant jjangmyeon mostly (jjapagetti is pretty decent)
You shills are beyond obvious. Governments around the world spending billions on information campaigns trying to sway people this is "just a flue." They want to keep the markets going.
How is a highly processed high carb noodle good for you, you fucking retard. Go eat liver faggot
When the shit really hits the fan, you will wish you grabbed up those skanky noodles.
I haven't used a whole roll of toilet paper during the last couple of years combined. This is a fucking non-issue unless you're also out of water, and at that point we're approaching Mad Max territory so you'll probably be wiping your ass with someone's face or vice versa.
It has an expiration date. Probably still good for a while after that. I've cleaned out old people's kitchens and seen weird shit like pineapple eat its way through the can.
This just illustrates goyim stupidity.
You should always have a few weeks worth of food, water and medical supplies on hand as well as a bug out bag if the SHTF.
No shit dumbass
He's trying to hustle it
>when this all blows over
>he says nervously as we're half way through month 5 of the outbreak
Not stupid enough, probably.
NPCs don't reflect on their actions and mistakes. They panic buy shit ton of toilet paper, then a few weeks later they'll be screaming at a Shart-Mart manager for a refund until they get it. Happily walking away, not learning a damn thing. Wash, rinse, repeat for next 'crisis'.
This. I lost a lot of respect for Yas Forums, seeing the low test panic and board flooding this shit has created.
it is quite literally "our effort prevented..." because if this happening were to be cancelled it would be for no other reason than its methods of transference were cut off. of course, your normie mind can't fathom that globalized culture spread this disease faster than any before it, so just fucking kill yourself around week 2 paco.
oh no no no
look at this dude
he out here eatin ramen
>just a flu
Is the dumbest line too. People try to associate it with something they’re familiar with as a means of minimizing it. It’s a fallacious line of reasoning. It is by definition not “just a flu”
I’ve said this a few times already ITT but I feel that there is some retardation going on here across the board. The “nothingburgers” minimize the severity of the situation in an incredibly foolish way. Meanwhile the habbeningcels have deluded themselves into believing we are witnessing a civilization-ending catastrophe, and expect that soon they’ll be guarding their supply of gasoline from rabid looters. Both of these groups are retards who need to take a second offline and read some books or something. Internet nigger bullshit has rotted their minds.
no, you’re just a stupid faggot. Simple as.
1956. H2N2 appears in China and ends up killing between 1 and 4 million people worldwide. 70 000 in the US alone.
1968-1969. It evolved into H3N2, killing another million people worldwide.
Chinese plagues don't fuck around. Calling Covid-19 a nothing burger is straight up retarded.
Everyone STFU and enjoy this cool science-fiction dystopia timeline.
Long live Corona chan.
Yeah bro I’m sure everyone eats just plain ramen. The fuck outta here.
Why would they want a refund for toilet paper...? It’s not as if they wont need TP if/when the virus blows over, lol. They're dumb for buying so much of it but it isn’t a waste of money strictly speaking.
you're not supposed to use 1 roll per wipe. wtf are you doing nigger? the patrician solution is to use minimal paper for initial solids removal and then wet flushable wipe to clean up. I've done this since before SARS. changed muh life
Don't worry, Pierre. There will be enough subhuman shitskins left to import after this is all said and done.
>How dumb are people going to feel when this all blows over?
Feeling dumb is nothing compared to feeling dead.
That being said, blacks should avoid salty foods. They are from africa, and salt was not something in most foods so they genetically are much better at salt retention since their kidneys are different.
Perhaps thats why heart disease is so prevalent in the USA among the negro
Dumb? DUMB? Whadaya mean dumb? All the universities in my city are closed, the local Chinese restaurant has no customers, and the sports teams are all staying home.
This shit is real!
Not very. All my supplies are going into regular circulation once they get near BBD.
That's to wipe his ass with, not to eat
it's a mixed bag, but I think the nothingburgers are people who are scared, or financially suffering from this whole mess. the 'civilization ending' people have more merit. It's not the virus that will cause it though, no matter how bad. it would be secondary and tertiary effects of the pandemic, which is what the nothingburger posting is attempting to prevent.
True, but watch it happen anyway.
Both ways
Meant for
I loaded up on ramen from costco.
Hear ye, assholes and gents, I'm a gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan diet. Check this fucking shit out
>gluten free
>brown rice and millet
Of course I add himalayan pink salt, plant-based butter and spices to each serving. These little babies finely complement sauteéd veggies, and perhaps a couple of russet or sweet potatoes and a side of rice.
I'm sitting on a fuck ton of such ramen, brown rice, frozen veggies, and load up on taters and fresh produce weekly. If all goes to shit, I lose the produce, but then I'll hibernate and save my energy.
Oh, and I also stocked on my usual plant derived supplements like phytoplankton, moringa, and CoQ10 and PQQ. I also grabbed a 5 pound bag of chia seed, gotta get those healthy omega fats.
It's a virus, you stupid assholes. Just assume you're gonna get it and eat healthy. The body will have a much easier time without all the refined sugars and poisonous table salt that's in the diet of most westerners. Same with meat, I don't even need to really wipe my ass since I eat healthily; fuck stocking up on toilet paper when I go through a roll a month. Though I got 12 rolls, good for a year!
>says increasingly nervous prepper 5 months into realizing he was wrong
I can't imagine my bull's girlfriend sucking a white dick ever again.
I used to try and educate you people, but.. if you're watching Italy, and if you saw Wuhan... if you read anything coming out of Italy, or testimonials from Chinese doctors who are now sitting in cages, if not dead.. if you understand exponential increases, if you've seen how fast this thing is moving... you'd realize how underplayed this is. You'll truly know when you're desperate and panicking.
You're right. It's not even as bad as the flu. It's a fucking cold.
they just wont have to go shopping much for a month or two, theyll feel relieved
Ok dude
>oh no i have all this food and water that will last for months what shall i do
People will not need to go to the grocery store for a while, that's it.