Jewing poor Americans

Trump wants to force nearly 700,000 Americans off food stamps. Why? There's a fucking pandemic, you kike-loving nigger.

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You know, for a board that always cries fake news at literally any happening the media have got Yas Forums hook line and sinker with corona panic, and the cvg LARP tards posting literal fake figures and studies to further troll them

The collective i.q of this board has to be in the mid 80s, you've all been duped by the biggest nothingburger hysteria in the entire history of this board. Fucking kill yourselves morons.

By "force off" you mean "forced to look for a job." Trump will win this in court. Again. Rhymes with cage.

The ruling will be overturned. The Obama rules were meant to be temporary and Trump is simply ending them and placing the requirements back at what they were before Obama. Also what does the coronavirus have to do with food stamps?

The plans were formalized a year before the pandemic.

Nobody's looking for a job when it's time for social distancing, you moron.

Because people who work shouldn't be able to afford less food than some bum using money stolen from them.

It's a huge scam is why. Tons of people on SNAP due to fraud.

>kike-loving nigger
Better than being a nigger loving kike like yourself you faggot leaf. Rake yourself

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There should be no food stamps program, change my mind.

you need to lurk more.
nothing rhymes with "cage" you insufferable faggot.
you're alluding to a japanese word that means "to lower".
google translate that shit, faggot.

>what does the coronavirus have to do with food stamps?
I'm time of public health crisis, social distancing is critical. The economy slows down. The State should help the most vulnerable. Access to food and water and medicines is relevant in order to mitigate corona-chan from spreading like wild fire

Trudeau is a tool. We agree.


Nothing burger. Kill yourself.

You're autistic as fuck. Do you see Jap characters here or English letters?

>force nearly 700,000 Americans off food stamps. Why?
How about we ship you all our unemployed and unemployable niggers and you guys can worry about giving them free shit so that they can breed dozens of carbon copies of themselves.


It's a little known socio-economic doctrone called Get A Fucking Job.

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Honestly, single people on foodstamps and genuinely need it should only get 80 dollars a month max. If you can't comfortably feed yourself with 20 dollars a week you're a fucking idiot. Niggers would hate it though because then they would have to learn how to cook.

Because most of them are fucking Canadian scum

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>meme flag
>reddit spacing
Opinion discarded


It only costs you about $160k to become fully independent in North America. If you can't save $150k in ten years of working, you deserve to be homeless.

$30k for land with fresh water access
$70k for a micro-home or cabin
$20k to dig a well and have water hookups
$20k for solar, internet and septic
$10k for a good used car
$10k for all other necessities, irrigation for growing crops, getting a small business venture started.

Most people would be happier and healthier for accomplishing the above, but they won't, because they've been sold a bill of goods that they need to have a huge house and unnecessary boomer gear like jet skis. Over the last 42 years, the average new US house has increased in size by more than 1,000 square feet, from an average size of 1,660 square feet in 1973 to 2,687 square feet last year. Other data has suggested living in a more rural area is associated with lower levels of stress, anxiety, depression and all-cause mortality. Living outside the city also exposes one to fewer carcinogens and CO2 levels (cardiovascular strain).

There's no reason not to do this, but everyone will bitch and complain that they can't afford to live in the city because they're getting kicked off SNAP and other welfare programs. Stop feeding the beast, go off-grid.

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so it's fake

I want free food. My small business is closing because of the plague, the company my wife was working for laid off 80% of their staff including her. My income became zero for the foreseeable future

Water comes out of the faucet. Medicine can't be purchased with food stamps. Niggers aren't vulnerable, they're parasites. For the body to be healthy, parasites should be removed.

>Buy land in america
>pay taxes for eternity
Land of the free

Able bodied men under 65 are limited to three months of SNAP benefits every three years. Sheboons with children get SNAP benefits until their last child turns 18 so they keep pumping out kids to keep the money flowing.

>The rule change would have required able-bodied adults without children to work at least 20 hours a week in order to qualify for SNAP benefits past three months
Able-bodied adults without children shouldn't need welfare at all. Get off your ass, nigger.

Most states have a property tax of approximately 1%. Most tax estimates undervalue the land. Property tax on an off-grid, $100k plot would probably be about $700 a year. If you can't make $50 a month, you're a retard. Render unto Caesar. Even just putting $10k into a stock that pays dividends would solve this problem.

good. there's not even enough toilet paper for people who earned their money

lol Trump is so fucking incompetent he can't even bring the boot down on NEETS

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>Property tax on an off-grid, $100k plot would probably be about $700 a year
I pay almost three times that for a 4 acre plot.

Of course. It turns out California was using blatantly federal welfare funds for illegal immigrants , with giant billboards in Spanish, ect, ect.

Judges have way too much fucking power

This is the case everywhere

How can a judge block this if Trump declared a national emergency? This would have to go through Congress

It's a good program honestly. I wasn't proud to be on it but when I lost my second job it saved my ass until I was able to get a second job. They gave me I think 128 a month and I couldn't even spend half of it because I buy shit like eggs and chicken breasts instead of fucking pizza rolls and potato chips. This shit needs to be EMERGENCY ONLY! Not "I'm a nigger and too stupid to get a fucking job or stop spitting out children every 10 years." Frustrating bro. Yet another social program with good intentions being ruined by niggers.

>Taxes undervalue land

Literally the opposite happens stupid fag

Thanks LeafAnon for the archive. based and redpilled

Its 2020, I dont see race

Are you mentally challenged?

What are both your industries?

Guess you guys got played. I pay less than 1% of what my property is worth.

Yeah I'm sure its cheap to live in a borderline anarchist shithole, Guess tha means prices will come down in the US in the next decade.

Races see you, though.

700,000 parasites who are able to work and don't work, 700,000 obese spics who subsidize Israeli food companies by buying junk food and stuffing their arteries and driving up fuel consumption and medical premiums by forcing us to endure the burden that is them.

>subsidize Israeli food companies
like who? I've never seen Strauss products in the grocery store. If you want to complain about Israel complain about the 48 billion Zion don gives them every year, no judge tried blocking that one lol.

I always interpreted that render unto caesar stuff as kind of a low-key "fuck caesar." Like, render your middle finger unto caesar and praise the real Master.

He hates whites

Yeah, it's a cool double meaning. Another one I like is when Pilate asks Jesus, what is truth? New Testament doesn't pull any punches.


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Nestle, for one. Coca-Cola is another. Red Bull is yet another. If you don't know about this stuff you should look into it.

give me one good reason why food stamps should not require employment

No it means be a good goy and hand over your shekels

Headquarters: Vevey, Switzerland
Headquarters: Atlanta, United States
>Red Bull
Headquarters: Fuschl, Austria

Im not sure what the rules are, but Trump needs to target welfare not food stamps.

We wagies get payed so little that the food stamps help us break even and we have jobs. Im not sure if we would be thrown off or who the target is, but illegal people should NOT get ANY benefits if that is what this is and their painting it as hurting us Americans somehow.

Maybe this is a good thing, the only reason food costs alot is all the taxes on everything which noone is doing anything about. Maybe if this kicks everyone off people will actually notice that?

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>including internet in your budget
fucking pathetic and pitiful. you will never be free until you shackle the crippling internet addiction that you (yes you user) have and must face yourself to

>posted via the internet

>We wagies get payed so little that the food stamps help us break even and we have jobs.
This is exactly why I am against food stamps. Not in that it helps workers, in that it subsidizes shit pay by large companies like Wal-Mart. The government is literally subsidizing Wal-Mart's profits. This is why we need a comprehensive minimum wage increase that is then pegged to inflation.

Lately its really been becoming obvious all the subtle ways Obama destroyed this country

Good on Trump, we need to starve out the millions of parasites.

>This is why we need a comprehensive minimum wage increase that is then pegged to inflation
Or ya know.... You could just get rid of inflation which is just a made up word for all the taxes on everything. But yes I agree, it sucks but its the best we got right now. Im not sure which would be better, the higher min wage or just food stamps.

Is trump throwing us off food stamps or who or what is the actual target? Illegals who get it which is BS, when I go to the office they literally have translators there for people who dont speak english, and special booths for non americans.

The internet is a tool, just like anything else. If used appropriately, it can enhance your life. If you use it irresponsibly, it will drag you down. It's not binary.