Stalin found Russia with wooden plows

...and left it with nuclear weapons

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still a jew puppet

>and left it with nuclear weapons
And 30 million dead people.

biggest land mass ever
biggest population ever

fake news. there is no way stalin killed 30 million people AND the soviets lost 30 million in the war and still had the population they did.

>And 30 million dead people.
30 million dead people then isn't the same thing as 30 million dead people now, they actually had population growth, unlike most of the modern countries. i.e. 1 able-to-work human now have more value now than in 1950~
t. Commie hater

Yes there is. It is called Nigger level breeding.

Kurchatov, Flerov, and Sakharov probably had something to do with it.

Well Putin better adopt that since the population fell off a cliff only towards the end of the soviet union.

It didnt.

Russia was the greatest exporter of wheat before WWI you fucking dumb cunt

He got jewed in the end, just like Hitler did. What a shame.

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youre a mongoloid retard. you just say the opposite of what a leftist says. go pull a hitler.


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he killed off the equivalent of the population of canada to do so

I speak the truth.

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> According to some sources, the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million
Do the world a favor and kill yourself, commie white nigger.

1) that would be the entire soviet union, not just stalin
2) it's a bullshit number nonetheless

your opinion is invalid because you're from bosnia

The Russian Communist Revolution was directly funded and over-sought by jews.

Hitler found Germany as an industrial powerhouse...
and left it in ashes.

Mensheviks were far more jewish than Bolsheviks

Because they had atomic spies in the Manhattan Project

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He was a great leader like Ceaucescu, Romania would be a paesent country if it weren't for Ceaucescu.

he killed Bronstein and other jews.
They eventually killed him

>it's a bullshit number
It isnt. I bet you believe the holocaust was real.

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sissibois worships Hitler.
Chads appreciate Dolfuss

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should have genocided Russians and renamed the country Georgian-Ukrainian Commonwealth (on account of Hohols being more numerous than us, thus valuable allies in our takeover) makiing everyone else in Eastern Europe / North Asia our colony

Literally had power to do so but was a fucking commie internationalist so fuck him

And a road made out of bones.

Tsar was doing reforms. Plebs weren't happy. Russia was one of the fastest growing economies and if it wasn't for communism, they would have been one of the European powerhouses. Majority of Europe were peasants at that time. You can't contribute global human progress to disgenic commies.

I think Hitler was a puppet of zionists and the holocaust was actually a selection process to pick healthy jews to settle Palestine.

You couldn't be further from the truth.

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He used to write names every morning, at random, to be sent to dea... work camps. Those who weren't in love with this cunt lived in absolute dread.

National Socialism is the most spiritual system of our time. Communism is a soulless power grab for pseudo intellectuals who believe they know better than everyone else.

Then Stalin takes over and liquidates them.

That's the only reason he survived that long, traitors are everywhere, and i'm not memeing.


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Europe would be very similar had this muslim cocksucker and cryptogay won.

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Europa would rule the stars had we won.

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Wasnt that Gorbachev

ehhhh... million-schmillion

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no, the bastard wanted to destroy the most beautiful cities of Europe, Prag and Paris.
Globalists are continuing his goals.

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stockholm syndrome, the mob is good the mob cares just believe

He loved Prague

>Hitler wanted to destroy Paris
Then why didn't he when he had the chance? He explicitly forbade the Wehrmacht to bombard Paris you fucking tard.

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hey pastanigger, the papal bloodlines in the vatican manage the crown temple, you're to blame for the last two thousand years.
die nigger, die

Russia had the fastest growing economy in the world before WW1
In the 1920's while the rest of the world was recovering and experiencing a post war economic boom Russians were facing mass starvation

see Nero decree.

this, the average russian is too low IQ to comprehend atomic physics

How many times do we need this thread

This. Also whenever people bring up that the soviets got through the financial crisis in the 30s they fail to recognize that you have to have an economy in the first place for it to collapse.

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because this chad and speer disobeyed him.
Also the Vlasov bataillon rebelled against the German and saved Prag

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He was using jewish bloodlust to gain power and wasn't in for 'the good of the people' or anything of the sort, but for personal vendetta.

Not really. WIth Stalin USSR ahd an average growth of 12% which is insane.

>Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht to not harm Paris in 1940
>Speer disobeyed him
Are you retrded?
>Hitler didn't destroy any city in Europe when he had 6 years to do so
Do you know what the tactic of scorched earth is?

12% of nothing amounts to nothing.

You're memeing a lot, sperg. The Soviet Union in the 20's and 30's achieved monumental amounts of industry. They did hire people like Henry Ford and the Koch brothers to do it, but it was still a booming economy.

i'm referring to the Nero decree idiot.
Von choltitz saved Paris, Speer saved Germany.

still he kicked your ass and badly

The same thing could be said about any head of a country who got nuclear weapons for their country.

Most countries that got nukes were given to them by the americans. UK, France, Israel, etc. The only ones who developed them on their own are USSR, China and North Korea.

>Nero decree
>ordered 1945 as a measure of scorched earth
Again do you even know what scorched earth is and why it gets employed?
>saved Paris
Paris wasnt even held by german forces in 1945 you dumb cunt.

and killed millions along the way!

>he kicked your ass badly
He didnt. Stalin himself admitted that he would have lost if not for american lend lease. That is a statement of fact.


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>monumental amounts of industry
Compared to their population and geographical size they had jack shit.

>geographical size

you're an idiot. just because a place is huge doesn't mean it's rich.

again, stupid. the population of a country can be huge but still poor as dirt. russia was objectively very backward under the tsar. they had a few developed cities that were western as fuck but all the peasants lived like cavemen.

Die under a truck, commie.

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in fact Von Choltitz saved Paris in 1944.
I never mentioned 1945 auty boi

Atually, he left it laying in his own shit for hours because everyone around him was afraid to do anything and they knew he hated Jewish doctors so he sat there literally for hours in a pile of his own shit before succumbing to his stroke.