No. In Italy the average age of the dead is 81. And even most people over 80 survive the disease. This virus is a nothingburger.
Now the Americans think 1% of their population has it, and nobody even noticed. The truth is, few corona virus infected are even going into hospitals.
David Foster
But Coronoavirus is not an Influenza based virus, it's a completely different family of virus. People just like saying things that make them feel smart without having a fucking clue what they're chatting.
Cooper Ward
good, the feelings mutual, why hang around fuck off to where maybe your low quality off topic shitposting won't be reported to mods
Luis Thomas
But they also get to make us wage slaves until death and not give us a pension ever.
Easton Diaz
As of 9am on 14 March 2020, 37,746 people have been tested in the UK, of which 36,606 were confirmed negative and 1,140 were confirmed as positive. 21 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 have died.
Luis Lee
>the US and italy and it's starting to look like this virus has a kill rate of at least 60%. Doesn't this have to do more with the fact that the people who are being tested and screened for the virus are all old people or people who have preexisting conditions, rather than the death rate being high? South Korea's death rate is like 0.6% because their testing is more comprehensive
They won't even get in next election if all the old people die
Dominic Ward
Lucas Peterson
Regardless, it doesn't change the fact it rapidly mutates, we aren't getting a real vaccine for a while and by then it will be the new normal and the economic system will become reliant on it so it won't change.
They can't stop it anyway you retard, they're just going to cash their chips in and do whatever serves the ZOG best.
Logan Cook
>Taiwan (81 miles from china) banned travel from China, korea, Japan, italy. clean public transport 4 times per day. everyone encouraged to wear surgical masks. temperature checks and sanitiser before entry to any building:
50 cases. 1 death, life goes on as normal
>shitish isles (9000 miles from china) open borders for chinese students, anyone who wants to enter. public discouraged from taking action. no public health measures taken:
1000+ cases, deaths in double figures, businesses shutting down populace in panic and chaos.
>1,140 were confirmed as positive exceeded the curve by 100
how many have recovered? *ducks from the mong posting the same pasta constantly*
Christian Parker
>it doesn't change the fact it rapidly mutates But it does bring to attention the fact that whoever is writing all this shit on here hasn't got the foggiest what they're on about. Fucking 95 IQ retards.
Jackson James
>They can't stop it anyway you retard So then what's the difference between them killing off all the old people and just going on as normal?
What does it sound like to you? You can probably guess what it is from the name
Anthony Smith
This. Taiwan is closer to China, the same DNA, so many relatives here and there, ban started after many infected already visited Taiwan because of the late detection, but still managed to control it. UK is ruled by incompetent bunch of clown actors who can theatrically shout in parlament, but don't know what they are doing anyway.
Anthony Hall
People are too concerned with catching the sniffles. Fucking poofs lad.
Dominic James
oh yeah? by what mechanism?
Jordan Williams
>More money for pensions for the rest of us >10 more houses on the market >combined 100 years treatment burden by the NHS removed
Sorry what's the issue?
Christian Long
Charlene Downes Documentary censored by Vice themselves no less
you can assume that the rest of the infected will follow the same "recovered"/dead ratios as we're seeing right now.
Charles Moore
If it's baby talk and you couldn't understand it what does that say about you, retard?
Julian Hernandez
>>There is no herd immunity because there is no herd That's a good point
Gabriel Smith
Don't tell me, we need more immigrants to make the economy work after this.
Ethan Butler
Your leaders do not care about you. They do not care about the thousands of years of sacrifice your ancestors made. They and the (((financial elite))) in London are celebrating that something will remove white people for them. They are vipers and thieves. End them.
>PERFECT CONTROL MECHANISM FOR NWO Nah creates a perfect scenario for the NWO to be betrayed by trusted cronies. Cronies betray NWO, give cure away, cronies become heroes and rewarded. NWO btfo eternally as cronies flip. Anyone even remotely connected to elites gets strung up. Tightens controls on power, open books and 24/7 surveillance and wiretapping for anyone in power and higher taxes to prevent accumulation of influence, and mob justice to back all that up Y
Aaron Cooper
user you dense fucktard
The conspiracy is that herd immunity is a fucking meme to keep us docile
It's not just the old people alive now, it's us, in the future, when we grow old. That doesn't happen anymore, we will just get sick and die before we can retire.
This is the end of retirement, wagecucking forever is the new normal. You dense shit, the conspiracy is that they know and won't tell us until it's too late and the ZOG has already won.
>aaaaaaaaaa corona's going to stay around forever and kill all the old people so that NOBODY grows old and it's a government conspiracy to kill all old people forever until the end of time but the way the government acts is absolutely normal and not out of the ordinary absolute horrific schizo-tier post, spend less time on /x/
Indeed wish tripfags would fuck off as no one loves them
Brody Richardson
it's all the paki shops buying it
Kevin Flores
Taiwan is fucking poverty level compared to the UK. its not even comparable.
Taiwan has zero buggati veyrons and private helicopters. no nuclear subs and our banking system can hardly be said to dominate anywhere except taiwan itself. yet the UK with its crown jewels and noel edmonds tier richfags cannot muster up a few bottles of sanitiser or fumigate the tube carriages. makes you think maybe the people in charge in the uk know they will never be held accountable.
top kek.
Connor Cox
because it's brit/pol/
Jayden Ross
How new are you holy shit?
Juan Kelly
well, obviously. the elites stopped fearing us centuries ago.
Isaiah Ross
*tink tink tink*
Within 2 election cycles there will be enough ghouls to vote in their own coethics and keep the border open forever as everyone begins to swarm the corpse of the British state. There will never be "herd immunity" because there is no herd and immigration (invasion) will accelerate until the state collapses, not slow down.
Evan Reed
Exposure to tripfags ensures anonymong herd immunity
fucking americans. your entire 'culture' is one big act of nigger love and jew empowerment. basketball, nfl, hollywood, your music industry. you worship blacks just as your jewish leaders tell you to.