Thanks Strangers

>be me
>autistic retard 2 weeks back
>See skeptical warnings from fellow autists about impending doom
>"Better safe than sorry."
>Decide to stock up on canned goods, and bottled water.
>1 month's worth for $69
>get laughed at by co-workers for being paranoid next day.

>2 weeks later
>who's laughing now?

No joke though, you guys may have seriously saved my life.
I love you retards

-Fellow user

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Yeah I bought like 10 boxes of water at costco before this whole thing started

thanks styx

You stock up on Toilet paper and food as well?

Thanks Styx! Also Chris Martisen, Ethan Galstad, Peter Molyneux maybe?

You must be from Italy then. Anywhere else in the world is doing just fine

The thing I don't get is why didn't you already have this shit to begin with? I can't belive the amount of people that didn't have supplies already on hand.

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I just moved out a Month ago. There's plenty of supplies at my parent's house

You autistic garbage sack of shit!

>2 weeks later
>out of food
>have to go back out to the supermarket to handle goods the overworked shelf stocker coughed on because he couldn't afford to stay home while sick

Not Canada. Shelves are emptied.

>You may have saved my life.
Only in he short term.
Prepare for the long.

ABC's of Salvation:
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 2:4, 3:10, 6:23; Acts 3:19)
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, and that He will come again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work on the cross. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9)
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, 10:13, 14:10-11; Philippians 2:10)

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what is that thing in the pic?

Dunno, found it on a cursed Images forum the other day. I've got a whole bunch more as well

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this one doesn't look real, but the OP may as well be, hence the curiosity.

Do you freaks actually eat that?
Its mostly just sauce and it looks like shit

>Not having a stock of at least a couple of weeks as status quo
>Not just buying a shitton of food with long livetime when it's on sale
Why are normies so retarded and financially inapt?

Everything is gone in the Midwest bro. Everything. Kokomo got it's "first case" at the Chrysler plant a few days ago, next day everyone bought everything. It's funny how many people are calling me saying "oh my God you weren't kidding".

Looks like a frozen spider

It's an American delicacy. I had one just a few days ago.

Box of water
There's no such thing

My wife has been telling me since November I'm overreacting and we don't need all the stuff I stocked. I came home from work yesterday to a mountain of tp. It's so hard not to say I told you so.

Good post. God bless you friend.

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What kind of imbecile eats this SLOP?
Probably paid $7 for the DUBIOUS privilege too.
cost tomale at home= $2.15

We have it every Tuesday.


Wife thought I was silly for prepping 3 months of supplies for the family in January. Now she’s relieved because she’s been seeing the videos online from stores just overran

Mexico is going to rot in Corona blood, they it copious amounts of sodium, drugs, alcohol tobacco you name it.

>t. Mexican

You might be right, but I have so little faith in humanity that I don't doubt it

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np fren. join a raiding team also.

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I hope you stocked up on ammo, friend.

Been slowly prepping since January. I have 3 months worth of supplies that won’t expire for a few years, so will use all of it regardless. Warned some normies last week, they laughed. Grocery stores are empty here. Top lul

I don't mind joining one in Canada. I don't have shit here anyways.

We'll just build a viking longhouse in the Yukon or something

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Same here, still waiting for a thank you for saving my family while they were telling me I was crazy. It's also fun watching every development in the news and knowing I told everyone months ago this would happen. My wife's nervous now because everything I've been predicting has been happening when I said it would. If it keeps up like that we really may be fucked.

Spider being consumed by mycelium.

The original spider-man didn't test well with kids.

I eat this at least once a week. Usually more if I can get into work early enough to get one of the mobility scooters from the corral before they're all checked out. (it's a 100m walk from my work to the food stand where they make this delight)

>buying water when it comes out of the faucet

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I have everything I need. But now I feel like buying more, just to incite more panic.
Anyone else feel this way? How do we cause more panic?

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Start posting pictures of you with your fake raid group

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>bottled water
afraid the virus will conduct a strategic attack on your city's water processing plants?

A spider controlled by a parasitic zombie fungus.

no *cough* on top?

Based. I’ve been thinking about buying an old school, classic wrangler Jeep to go along with the whole ‘ready to raid’ vibe

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>Chris Martisen
Shill Martinsen is just spreading panic for his own gains you absolute brainlet

>be me
>world is a shitty place
>always keep 2 month supply of food on rotation plus emergency supply for the last 25 years.
>only need to go out and get some basics 2 weeks before everyone started panicking.

Sit back and watch the world burn.

Based fellow retard.

I just sourced me some fentanyl instead. If I run out of food and the shops do to I'll just an hero instead. Fuck just scraping by day by day in a shit world where nothing works anymore. I'd rather be dead.

Retarded faggots unite.

Oh don't you worry, there's time for both

I've dowloaded a lot of porn and bought a generator.
Nothing will prevent me from cooming.

>he didn't buy filters and trusted water handled by the gov

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>stock up on canned goods
>1 month's worth for $69

you're not gonna make it.

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This entire corona thing is stirring up a hate inside me the likes of which I've never felt before. If I had the means I would put the entirety of humanity to death in an instant without second thought. Anyone else?

at least twice a day

Aight Lord Humongous

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But youve accomplished nothing ?

I did dick and am still just getting ready for gym, reviewing some work, reading FT.

Essentially when its warm in a few weeks youll just have extra supplies ? No harm, but not some great save.

Blame the Chinese. They are filthy mindless soulless animals. Life is meaningless to them, yet they are emotional hysterics at the same time.

literally just go to fuckin sams club or costco


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Checked, when will the in-store prices be revealed

I have my own well and my house is powered by solar panels with a 3 year supply of mre's

Im in a real city, they dont have that sort of shit in areas where real estate is $$$

What the fuck to you think its like being an autistic retard mormon...

You're not special OP.
You're not autistic either.

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>Decided to prep up mid January
>Have enough food to last for a year
>Decide to save it until stores shut down
>Come home from shopping a few days ago
>Starting to get increased temperature and "dry lungs"
I think I may have been blessed by Corona-chan while shopping.

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