Why are people even buying toilet paper?

I don't get the obsession. I have 8 rolls of toilet paper and that will probably last me like 4 months. Maybe more. I am one dude though. Are people just buying fuck tons of TP because they have families? I just don't even get how TP will help against corona. Hell you can even wipe your ass with cut up paper towels too and it won't hurt your toilet system.

Have people lost their minds? Also, who is corona really killing? A buddy was telling me that the virus is dangerous to immuno compromised people and elderly. Whereas healthy people can get it with little to mild symptoms and potentially pass it to a compromised or elderly person. I am 29, in great shape, not overweight and don't smoke. The biggest annoyance of this WHOLE shit is stores being packed. What the fuck are people doing?

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Because at some point soon they wont be making any more for awhile

Fuck, 8 rolls would be less than two weeks worth for me. I've used a roll a day on numerous occasions.

How many squares per shitpost?


Why the fuck are you using a ROLL a day? Do you have like shit issues? I shit ONCE a day and use maybe 4-8 squares to wipe.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.


get a balloon cover it in wet tp, make papier mache balloon head to paint.

I want teepee for my bunghole surrender yourself to the great cornholio >:(

>a roll a day
Literally what the fuck are you eating? Or do you just use bumwad for other stuff too? I usually have a roll last 3-4 days, I usually only shit once per day and use maybe 10 squares or 12 to wipe.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
The avarage person includes old and fat subhumans.

Shit 2-4 times per day. About a meter of tp goes into the bowl first to prevent splash-back, then I wipe with scrunched-up balls made of at least 6 squares at a time, sometimes more if I'm wetting the paper.

Everyone laughs at this guy but you're all forgetting about the COOMERS

Its the Lemming effect
People are dumb as fuck without leadership

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You are a good example of why billions of people need to die.

oh FUCK!

>it's another "NPC proves empathic inability" rerun
Since you're a NPC, you won't really get it, but I'll reply for the sake of non-NPCs reading this thread.
>8 rolls of toilet paper and that will probably last me like 4 months
People have different diets, bowel flora, and anal configuration, so the amount of toilet paper an individual needs to thoroughly clean their rear varies greatly. e.g. those with perfect nutrition will most likely need 1-2 squares per event, but people with big asses (unrelated to weight) or hairy asses, will require a much higher amount to achieve the same result.
>how TP will help against corona
It will help by making you not have to go outside.
>you can even wipe your ass with cut up paper towels too
People can have different legitimate skin sensibility. Some people can wipe with printing paper, others will get their butts irritated, and the one thing you do NOT want while in pandemic mode is to do anything that will cause you damage, irritation, etc.
>who is corona really killing?
Whoever it can. Once again, people have differences that range in the trillions regarding their bodies, which are extremely complex systems. Athletes with zero previous conditions have died from cytokine storms. Young people have died from wuhanvirus-induced pneumonia. All ranges of age can have it cross the brain barrier and cause you to literally have your brain forget how to breath, causing you to fall to the ground and die.
>What the fuck are people doing?
Preparing for the increasingly more likely worst-case scenario.
>you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders
Only retards are laughing.
Even back in September when the lab in Siberia got smoked and people asked what to start getting, the most common reply was "Toilet Paper".

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You know it's automated right?

>I don't get the obsession.
Herd mentally dipshit. They dont know what is happening and why so its monkey see monkey do.

Real Coomers coom in the bathroom sink

you know, ass-paper doesn't somehow completely dissolve into nothing when shoved into your commode in gigantic quantities repeatedly. i pray to the Lord above for your septic system.

Have you ever seen anyone actually proving on any of the death cases, that they died explicitly from corona? And no some viruses in the lung when a pneumonia happens arent proof that the pneumonia happened because of corona.

Coronavirus was created by Big TP

Horrible troll faggot.



Here's the basic process:
>be editor of a news agency
>have to bring some exciting news about the virus
>spot a store that's out of toilet paper for some reason
>take a picture and write an article
>retards read the article
>"oh shit everyone else is buying toilet paper I have to make sure that there's enough left for me"
>retards rush stores, thus creating an actual shortage

Yes, you god damned retard, there are plenty of papers published already. Stop being a newfaggot immediately, and go look for them instead of waiting to be spoonfed. I hope you get wuhan'd for being such a tourist.

wish me luck, I need some

Toilet paper won't help much if the water is shut off

They're going insane.
Six people live in our house. We don't buy that much toilet paper and we're still good for at least a month.

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What makes you think toilet paper is going to vanish in shops in this next few months?

Toilet paper makes people feel safe. The world won't end if you can still wipe your ass without using your hand. Also it's a commodity that will only increase in value with scarcity. After everything collapses two two ply shit tickets will be worth a liter of water.

Stop lying, the average person uses 2 rolls of tp per day

Take the TP pill. When everybody runs out of toilet paper and wants to trade me stacks of dirty green paper for my endless rolls of fluffy white freshness I am going to laugh. Normies BTFO

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This is literally what happened here. I was at the shops beforehand and plenty of everything. That night the media aired their fearmongering bullshit and the next day the hysteria began.

And people like me who didn’t buy into the hype now have to hoard tp because everyone else did.

Fiat will become obsolete and people start trading with tp squares

There are plenty of papers on man made climate change aswell yet man made climate change doesnt exist. And again almost all deaths are people with weak immune systems that would have died of a normal flu aswell. Every year ca 20k people die of the normal flu in germany alone, yet there never is a quarantine or panic. This panic is orchestrated to inact a global dictatroship and a absolute totalitarian state that would make Orwell blush.

And? Humans are needed all along the supply chain you dumb nigger
Hope you bought some

The workers don't touch the paper in the factory dumbass

Pretty much exactly this

The choice of toilet paper was arbitrary. It could've just as easily been cereal or cans of soup

I don't understand how toilet paper is such a necessity. Just fucking wash your ass with water.

Based and TPpilled baguettebro!

If you are unwilling to look at reality in order to feel safe, go for it.
>muh climate change
You are even more of a retard than I imagined if you think the complexity of a human body in an autopsy has an equal range of study than the entire of a planet's climate and the effects the rest of the solar system has on it. It's like saying diseases aren't real because colour isn't real due to being an interpretation of electromagnetic waves by our eyes.
"t. peabrain"
>It could've just as easily been cereal or cans of soup
Dietary habits means people in different places eat differently. Everyone uses toilet paper unless they have a bidet or are a subhuman. And at least hear, a lot of places have ran out of the good cereals with only the indulgent trash remaining (the all-sugar ones); cans of soup are mostly gone too unless they have an oriental name or vibe to it.

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>Shit 2-4 times per day
what the fuck

for me, it's maybe once every 2-3 days

I always cum on my chest and rub it in and let it dry.

It was just an example of "scientific" studies being complete and utter dog shit. Modern scientists dont hold any worth as most won't dare to publish anything going against the consens in the fear of being called conspiricy theorist. Science is dead and meaningless. Scientists will publish anything they get paid for.

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Have you ever lived with a woman, user? I have my own bathroom. My wife uses the master bathroom and I have one I can wreck in private, but nobody else uses. I never shit in the master bathroom unless it's after bedtime (rarely). I shit in the one down the hall on the 1st floor by the laundry.
If we buy a 12 pack of toilet paper, I grab two rolls out of it, and by the time I'm done with those rolls, it's time to buy a new 12 pack.
I tried to explain to my wife that you can easily just use a rag that you clean yourself in the tub after a shit, and we don't really need to worry. But goddamn women really worry about toilet paper.

Fuck toilet paper, I hate using it. Give me a wet rag any day. I'm dead serious, I hate paper products so God damn much. Even recycled paper products piss me right the fuck off.

>there is no proof coronavirus is killing anyone but those with a foot out the door
>yes there is plenty of proof
>no that doesn't count because every single published paper about the case is fake or forged
Like I said: If you are unwilling to look at reality in order to feel safe, go for it.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per shit so 4 per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 112 rolls a week. Over 400 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Women use A LOT of toilet paper since they wipe their pussies everytime they pee.

>yes there is plenty of proof
There isn't. There is no proof, that the pneumonia is directly caused by the corona virus. All they do is look at a person that died of pneumonia and check whether that person has corona viruses in them. If the find the virus they say the person died of corona, yet that isnt how proving works. Also the test they use is unreliable.

>that the pneumonia is directly caused by the corona viru
There is, but you're in denial. The coronavirus causes fibrosis of lung tissue which wrecks the organ's immunity response, causing the pneumonia. Do you even know what Pneumonia actually is? This is my last reply to your baits, but either seek the knowledge or stop caring, don't stay in the middle like a faggot trying to misinform and block others from preparing.

Because you can make whisky out of it and use it for hand sanitizer:


Women use more TP than men.

>which wrecks the organs immune response
Yet most patients don't even get a pneumonia further proving, that only people with a disfunctionbal immune system will die. So why should I be afraid again? Fearmongerers like you are the reason the global elites will be able to establish their global totalitarian dictatorship now. Well done.

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Are you kidding me? I barely use a few squares of toilet paper a day and the average is apparently one, I wonder who the average person is because they must eat 8 baconators a day with a bottle of laxatives.


Sometimes I wonder how women survived before toilet paper and tampons were invented.

Fucking how? I shit around 3 times a day and use more tp than I should, I also use it for tissues, cleaning with rubbing alcohol, and live with 3 other roommates, AND STILL, a single roll lasts about 5 days to a full week.

HEY NAMEFAG! You still have to wipe your ass even if you're shitting in a bucket.
**unless you're a filthy animal, which I bet you are

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What i hear they selling it back fore lot of money. You know jew things.

I get through a roll a day... you need at least 4 squares per wipe for shit not to get on your fingers. Plus I wipe until there is nothing left. Not to mention TP is useful for other things like cleaning up stains.

because when one person coofs, 3 people shit themselves