"Capitalism doesn't have bread lines" edition.
/AIC/ America is Collapsing general
It's fine.
notice how it's all boomers? yea they scared lmao
capitalism has lines for #sports motherfuckers who didn't know anything was going on until the NBA, NHL, MLB. March Madness got canceled
This picture is in Hawaii which is full of Asians and wards of the state (locals) so it might as well be communism
They just want food cheap. Food is everywhere, not just at costco
In a week, shelves will be stocked again.
In the Soviet Union, you had to wait in a breadline every week for multiple years.
They should be. They fucked themselves continuously for years. Just wait til their medicare and social security get cut.
Yes, only Hawai'i. Also, Murrica is axchually socialist.
I'm going to buy some of these if I see them when I am consooming.
Millions of Americans rely on bread lines NOW, you idiot.
Lol tf?
as usual, OP is a faggot and retarded
there are stores other than costco, why the fuck do they only congregate at that one hippy ass store?
>Capitalism doesn't have bread lines
Welcome to Bernie world.
Probably because it's the most common/largest grocery store in their area.
Bernie Sanders created bread lines? The government is selectively employing HIS FUCKING POLICIES RIGHT NOW because of Corona. If anything, he's being vindicated.
Bernie is controlled opp you idiot, his campaign is designed to deflate Socialists and prevent them from organizing in any meaningful way. This is why he never criticizes his competitors and he "magically" never wins. He happily performs this service for personal enrichment as well as what he perceives to be "the greater good". Congratulations on having an IQ not worth mentioning.
this virus roots from a the epicenter of communism. if our communist pals in China had not worried about saving face, they would have taken care of this last October. But with the Hong Kong protests taking hold, these idiots did nothing until their people were dropping like flies
Are you retarded? Not only are they trying to go to fucking Costco an entire week after everyone in America decided to “start stocking up” but they’re doing it on fucking Saturday Morning, the exact day and time when costco is always Jam Packed
They’re just dumb
based leaf, the heads of the Progressives are bankster lackeys and do not believe the shite they shoveled to the useful morons that believe in Progressivism
Show the breadlines burger and there will be an end to the horror.
Cuba? No it isn't. It's from the epicenter of libertarianism: China.
Oh I agree, that's why I don't believe in electoralism. But if it should happen that meaningful change comes from within the system, I won't reject it like an idiot.
>selectively employing HIS FUCKING POLICIES RIGHT NOW
Yes, the bread lines and soviet-style toilet paper shortages. Probably gulags too, soon
>stocking up on food is the same as waiting in line while starving for a crumb of bread
stay frosty out there lad
the based will inherit the earth
>soviet-style toilet paper shortages
Funny, it only seems to be happening in capitalist countries. Cuba doesn't have TP shortages. In fact, they're treating the virus. What are you doing?
See: which you quoted, you idiot.
Maybe enough people will repent so that God will not utterly destroy us.
Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Yeah just don't wash your hands. Good luck with that.
They should be. But they should be getting their stuff delivered or get their children who they spit/shit on who have a stronger immune system to get.. the.. supplies. Hhahaahahaha
I challenge your god to destroy his children already and get them off my fucking planet.
There is nothing to reject. Bernie Sanders is not a real Presidential candidate and never has been. There is no "race". Just parallel lanes of potential donations. Which all go back to the actual candidate at the end. Biden is the candidate because the Russia plotline requires his corpse to be wheeled around for the cameras.
The point is that the (Alinsky) system gamed out your line of thought 50 years ago and you're being played just like the rest of fatherless manchild America, grabbing onto Le Cool Grandpa's pantlegs until the bitter end.
Kek. The poor/bottom are the bottom wherever you go. First to go last to know.
But we have bread at least.
Well, let's put it this way, if the policies Sanders claims to support get passed, good. If not, we're about to revolt and burn neoliberals to death anyway.
>be communist country
>tell friendly news media whatever you want or else they're executed
>come on Yas Forums and act superior
oh sweaty
Half glass full guy over here.
>looking forward to the pensions getting slashed
>went to supermarket yesterday
>bought a loaf of sourdough bread and a baguette
>didn't have trouble getting them whatsoever
Only thing I saw was missing there were fruit.
Wait til they see their pets eating well whilst they starve
San Antonio reporting, boomers can't ignore corona now
Congress made it illegal for Americans to visit Cuba for medical care because it's better and to buy the exact same medicines in Cuba and bring them back to America because they're significantly cheaper.
America lies, and you're an idiot for believing it.
Just bananas and toilet paper gone here
That's a pretty impressive line. One might even call it a bread line.
There is no "we". Your movement is rudderless and led by Social pressure. This Social pressure is maintained by the Captains of Industry who wield all manner of social manipulation against you and your witless friends. You will support what you are told just as you are now. The few of you who can see this will give up trying to explain it to the mentally ill and the mewling rats whose entire identity is just broken up detritus burped back from the same Captains of Industry.
You'd be better off aligning with your heritage but the Captains have probably molded your brain to see familiarty as embarrassment and community as shame. Anyway, you need to start over mentally. May I suggest doing some studying during the shutdown?
Nice try Baguette
>tells me I'm being lied to
>admits communism is the way it is because of shortages
you have to go back
How is Cuban medical care “better” if they don’t even have the latest medicines and technology? Their cars are from the 1950s. How old are their computers? Most new medicines are developed in America. Cuba obviously doesn’t get those.
Imagine comparing a fucking line at CostCo, capital store of fatties everywhere to actual breadlines and starving Venezuelans who resorted to eating their FUCKING PETS YOU IDIOT.
The panic buying is in anticipation of the supply chain being shut down by government action. So this one gets credited to the state, also.
Gayest thread of the day award goes to OP
No, you're simply not a part of "we", because we is the underclass and that's not you. The suburbs will be wrecked.
Cuban here. Fuck off, you complete liar. It's not easy to go to Cuba and bring anything back, especially medicine. And medical care there is not "better", as the only ones enjoying that oh-so-wonderful services that you commies seem to praise Cuba about only goes to a few countries in South America for PR, almost never for the regular Cuban populace. And those doctors doing that shit? They constantly try and find opportunities to do away with working for the Cuban government and try to go independent because the government pays them shit.
Kill yourself, you fucking Castro apologist.
Went to Wal-Mart and Food Lion this morning. Wal-Mart was completely out of toilet paper and bottled water but I didn't need either so who cares? Food Lion had plenty of toilet paper. They also had several grocery carts filled with bottles of hand sanitizer but no one was buying it. Here's the funny part though: both Wal-Mart and Food Lion were completely wiped out of burgers. Frozen hamburger patties, microwavable burgers, fresh ground beef, and even those weird 5 lbs rolls of factory ground beef, all of it gone. So now I understand why the rest of the world calls us Burgers.
You are true
These fags get filthy rich running
They don't wanna win they just wanna get rich and it's THEIR TURN
Pic of fake Biden dementia attached
Same. Idk why people have such an infatuation with bananas. Managed to snag some ground beef and spicy sausages though.
Name one groundbreaking medical technology which is capable of curing large amount of previously incurable people invented after antibiotics.
The law of diminishing returns and all that.
I am the underclass. I live paycheque to paycheque and came from conditions you cannot even imagine. I am just smarter than you, and willing to let go of personal delusion.
It's the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
Ahhhhhh that sux
That's the 411 Fren
ok, let me bump
I can buy bread, I cant buy toilet paper though
Does anyone here unironically have a problem with society collapsing? I'm so honkpilled that I sometimes forget there are people who actually feel connected to this retarded and obese McCountry (tm). How is it possible to be such huge faggots?
Grocery store worker here.
AMA, heading in tonight and tomorrow morning.
im eating salmon on artisian bread right now you disgusting commie nigger.
What foods usually go out the quickest. All fruit was basically gone when I went there yesterday.
If you're over 20, where did you fail in life to end up working in a grocery store?
If you're under 20, what's your plan for escaping employment at a grocery store?
Panic buying and breadlines are night and day but nice b8 dipshit
who cares what i quoted, you're an Amerimutt and should stfu
Seething communigger.
Yas Forums wants society to collapse into a shape that is beneficial to "us". It is important to note every other tribal group is thinking the same thing. I would like a giant eraser to sweep from the sky and clear migrants from Europe and North America. But I shouldn't get my hopes up that something that was considered IMPOSSIBLE 3 months ago is now theoretically on the table.
All I can tell you is the nations are mobilizing for war. That's a big deal and the erasers may just start flying. But maybe not the erasers we wanted.
Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research from Nov 2015
An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.
>What foods usually go out the quickest. All fruit was basically gone when I went there yesterday.
Cheap produce is going quick. think cabbage etc. So far we're doing good on canned goods because of our cancan surplus.
If only stores were allowed to "price gouge" and then this hoarding wouldn't occur and I'd be able to buy some tp and disinfectant, myself ...imagine, natural law and supply prevents shortages ..
daily reminder what to do to every communigger
Based Wayne. You're getting my vote, bro.
What's wrong with having a job over 20?
Cuba probably uses bidets like the rest of Latin America
>If you're under 20, what's your plan for escaping employment at a grocery store?
I work here and for the federal government, pulling a decent paycheck as a student. I like the job but I'm going to see hell today I reckon.
canada fags
No worries TP
New England secession when?
until now neoliberal capitalism was great for westerners. funny how dumbfuck population starts to praise socialism when shit hits the fan
this, lel
> carts full of food but the lines are a little longer
I masked up and went for a stroll through Wally World after the president declared a Natty Murgency yesterday.
It was a fucking madhouse. No one had a mask or gloves on. Just me. (I should have worn eye protection too, in retrospect - but I am a 22 year old college athlete who has never been sick in my life, so I think I'll be fine). Employees nonchalantly strolling around, touching everything, literally NO ONE used the various hand sanitizers or sanitizing wipes for their carts. Pic related.
With capitalism you occasionally get bread lines. With communism you occasionally get bread. Now fuck off.
OK Zoomer
>dropping like flies
>maybe a couple thousand people died
lmao wtf
>shopping at Giant Nigger
>be me
>live in small town
>1900 people
>shelves still fully stocked
>feels gud mane
I hope all those white liberal and shitskin city faggots die.
>everyone buying cheap food
>food literally plentiful at every other grocery store
I’m selling Corona kits. $500 for 2 n95s, 2 24-packs of water, 18-rolls of TP, 32oz purell, one Lysol wipe container.
Fucking retards at work here, dumb fucking low iq people that can’t think straight
Toilet paper millionaire
>call it Giant Nigger
>it's actually Nigger Frills
I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers
>taking pictures of his shit
If SHTF then someone is going to kill him for that
Does it have to be bitter? Can’t we just kek at everyone who thinks politics and corporations are gonna save us? That’s my plan for this slow motion apocalypse.