>tfw comrade corona is gonna kill all the old leaders
>tfw it’s gonna crash the economy
>tfw people are gonna riot over being in quarantine and losing access to toilet paper
>tfw this is exactly what you capitalist, statist fucks always had coming
Bet you wish you were living in decentralized anarcho-syndicalist communes now, don’t you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine believing in system memed into existence by the jew known as Noam Chomsky

>(((they))) will make their puppets be the victims of the script

It doesn’t matter, society is weak and it’s time to rally the people and give them their final push to burn it all down. Once we burn it down we can finally get to live in syndicalist communes away from the inhuman rat race we have been subjected to as a species. The majority of people are merely profit and it’s time we changed that.

>Living in anarchist larp land where we live in shacks and hump each other for heroin needles
Just a reminder that anarkiddies are going to be strung up

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>we burn it down
you won't do a single fucking thing, ever, i can promise

>Rally the people
As in smash enough windows that people just begin looting and stealing for themselves? Because after that and the state goes away it turns into tribalism. Oh wait that's what your ideology is, that of living in a village and never getting off the ground.

>live in shacks and hump each other for heroin needles
Let me just write that unretardedly
>live within our means without striving up to something we cannot reach well also enjoying the few pleasures that exist for human beings before they die forever
You won’t.

>getting off the ground
Ah yes remember how much happier we got after leaving villages? Remember how mental illness in our society hasn’t increased in every year since then? Remember how suicide rates haven’t gone up? Cause I sure fucking don’t. Society “moving forward” is just the rich trying to make themselves richer and get more. Greedy bastards ruin things for the common people, and the tribe working together is the purest form of the common people.

Creating a village and living off the land is simpler than creating a society and achieving something worthy of history. Once peace, bread, land is secured and the people labor, live and eat comfortably they're going to want more. A villager life will result in corruption and decadence if their desires can't manifest beyond pleasure. See the history of alcohol in Russia, Solzhenitsyn did a good cover on it.

Yes and let's go back to that where we live next to filth and squalor and have large families in the hope some survive. In my opinion there's nothing wrong with rural lifestyle and farm labor should be mandatory for a lot, but I don't see it as the end. Don't throw back kaczynski tier arguments without understanding the meaning behind it.

you high?

>implying the common people don’t deserve decadence in their daily lives
Have you no compassion for your fellow man? The simplest form of society is the best, and the one which guarantees its people the best treatment. Their can be no corruption when we are all equal and there is no authority because only authority can be corrupt.

>no trump in pic

you fucked up m8

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>where we live next to filth and squalor
>implying large families are a bad thing
1. Filth and squalor in villages were not real before domesticated animals brought on by dictators desperate for more than we need. Villages are implicitly clean because the only waste generated will be by people, and everyone will clean up their waste because of the social pressure to.
2. Farming is fucking disgusting and was the first step onto the dark path we are on today. Farming allows someone to control a vital need, food, and thus it gives them authority. It also disrupts the environment by changing the natural order of evolution and requiring more resources than nature. Hunter gatherer tribes were humanity at their peak.

>People don't deserve decadence muh compassion
Everyone has their little vial of vices and corruption, that doesn't mean it should be promoted and spread. There's a reason a flask of whiskey is kept in a chest flask and pocket. We should instead create a society that moves away from it till future generations regard it the way we regard Romans using fish to get high. Them being swallowed by it results in what we saw with peasants starving and being indebted to Jewish tavern owners and liquor salesmen. So no, no moral argument is supportive of this.

>Implying equality is real
On what levels? Class doesn't make them equal, race doesn't make them equal, on what grounds?

>implying that most capitalist economies don’t exist alongside a state
Money has no value, and wouldn’t without authority telling us it does. Capitalism cannot exist without a state, look how many corporations would be bankrupt without government handouts. Capitalism also implicitly creates a state but giving one person more than someone else. Also a state of any kind is unjust, even without capitalism.
Oh that dude definitely has it, he’s met with like five people who have it lmao. Hilarious he won’t get tested, sad that he probably wont die because the rich have better healthcare than us.

>Capitalism cannot exist without a state, look how many corporations would be bankrupt without government handouts
what the fuck is this "argument"
without a state the corp would have to close or change their Businessmodel or do whatever.
Even without money we would start trading with gold/silver or other goods again. Will you complain that user has 6 pair of shoes and how unfair this is?

>implying the concept of “debt” or “purchasing things” would exist
>implying peasants would exist
Give me one thing wrong with sitting around a fire, sharing alcohol made by you and the people around you with the people around you and telling stories. Alcohol is not difficult to make in anyway, there is no reason for liquor stores or pubs to exist when we can create enough alcohol to share with everyone.
>implying equality is real
On a fundamental person to person basis it is. All classism is inherently unjust and tearing it down makes all people equal.
>unironically being racist
Neck yourself.

>We live next door to filth and squalor
Yeah, you're going to need centralized power to get rid of waste efficiently. Unless it's every man a giant farm in which case that's not going to work for everyone

>Domesticate animals and dictators
Animals can perform service and live better lives than in the wild. NS Germany had great animal rights laws.

>Everyone will clean their waste from social pressure
Yeah let me check 3rd world and even 1st world countries and see if that's true even in backwater villages uhhhhhhhhhh no. From Brazil to India and California, no.

>Burner gatherer tribes
>Gets shot by someone utilizing power and a state
>Achieve nothing other than being bandits and dime a dozen raiders
Like I said, anarchists get strung up.

Yes, the corporation would have to close. The point that I’m making is that corporations couldn’t exist at all without a state. Shares and shit are all theoretical bullshit and it shows. Also
>but gold exists
It’s a pretty rock. There’s plenty of pretty rocks. Go out and forage for a rock, you don’t have to fucking communicate with some dickhead trying to make his rock seem like the best.

I moved into a small town 3 months ago, functions basically the same way. At first I was thinking, this could have been Hawaii... Now I realize how accidentally based it was

>you’re gonna need centralized power to dispose of waste efficiently.
Just shit in a near by river or in the ocean. All we do now is make our shit take a longer time to get to the ocean.
>implying I care about the animals being able to preform service or live better lives
Fuck that shit, domesticating animals is replacing a person for a gain in value which is capitalistic and disgusting.
>wow dude people shit in the streets in this giant city so it must be the same for people in small tribes
>implying we will still live in large city groups without the pressures of capitalism
>implying people would want to and they living in cities is a good thing and doesn’t significantly reduce the living standards of every person there.

Ah, it’s refreshing to hear of nice examples of people living nice lives in small communities.

>Implying basic societal thins would exist
Yes, they would. In the neighborhood with society functioning, with a shelter and warm interior. While you sit outside in the mud and cold rain eating berry's and contemplating ways to burn it down and loot it all. Which gives us more reason to execute your kind, utilizing a state against your pathetic anarchist forces. And at the end you can tell it to the ashes.

>Hurr Durr I can't draw distinctions in basic pleasure and decadence
Yeah because sitting around a fire passing alcohol achieved so much in the long run.

>All people are inherently equal
Imagine thinking people who evolved in different parts of the earth for thousands of years would all be the same, and then clinging to being one with nature. Rest assure, I will be necking anarchists and hippies like yourself. What are you going to do? Form a state or anything beyond a mindless mob if you're lucky?

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>Use nature as your toilet and shower
Lol why don't we ask some BR posters or Poo in loos how great of a plan that is.

>Using animals is wrong humans can do it
Sounds like you need an organized system for that. Meanwhile well use both and more while you're reduced to peasants making your things by hand. Worked great for anarchists and peasants in the Russian Revolution (not)

>Wow I have no concept of population and in order to reduce humanity to where it's waste doesn't do anything wed have to tear down everything and live as essentially jungle animals
And there it is, your ideology laid in full. A return to the jungle. No thanks

>He thinks I'm a capitalist
National Socialist Autocracy

Not all "pretty rocks" have uses, brainlet.

>sitting in my hut eating berries in the nighttime enjoying the sounds of rain
>having sex in the day time well you have to wageslave so that a CEO can add another million to their bank account.
I may not live perfectly comfortably sometimes, but I always live freely.
Why do we need to “achieve” anything? Everything is meaningless, the universe is going slowly into a heat death where no free energy exists at all. The last star will die out and there will be a state of absolute nothing with 0 possibilities.
>wow dude these people are so different they’re totally differently evolved than us
Do you lack basic education? For a species to be evolutionarily distinct it has to be unable to breed with a member of the species it is distinct from. Black people and white people are still very capable of producing children together. There was also legitimately different human subspecies in the past, they were called Neanderthals and had a lot more differences between them and any human compared to a white and black human.

>a return to the jungle, no thanks
Suit yourself nerd, enjoy slaving away in society.
>implying gold has any use other than as a conductor which was not what originally gave it its value.
The brainlet is you.

>Life in a shack is great
>Till it gets raided or the weather gets harsh and knocks it down
>Muh dick because he has nothing else to show, no society full of wonders and achievements just eat, sleep, fuck
Like that of the animal with no ability to rise beyond it's animalistic urges
>Implying wageslaves would even exist
By utilizing a state and society we can avoid the exploitation of the working classes and the rest
>Why do we achieve anything life is meaningless
Because we advanced beyond the animal with genetic and mental superiority to that of most animals. By creating you preserve yourself and your people's history. Everyone remembers the Egyptians, nobody remembers the Nomads who lived in it long after the society is dead. Humans want and need more than eat, fuck, sleep and naturally will gravitate to such. And I'd rather reach the stars and have my name spread across them then being passed around hobo camp fires.

>Do you even science brah
>Species have to be the same to breed together hurr Durr
So Huskys and Chihuahuas are the same? A polar bear and a black bear can survive in opposite regions and conditions? Wow you really know nothing of science of nature.

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>No argument just an ad hom
Enjoy eating berries you're hoping aren't poisonious and living in a mud hut, you refuse to understand beyond that of the caveman and think anything above surviving in the jungle to be that of slavery. Don't worry, if it's not us, another society will come along and purge you. They won't care about "equal rights" or "muh humanity, oh the humanity!".

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Meant for

It's like that:

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Bro throw in some candles and bath bombs and you got yourself a jacuzzi

>wow dude those raiders are such a problem when you can just kill them
>wow dude natural disasters will destroy your hut.
Hurricanes and tsunamis destroy 1000s of homes a year
>everyone remembers the Egyptians because they accomplished stuff so people will remember us when we accomplish stuff
Until humanity goes extinct and no one remembers anything so the whole thing was completely pointless
>so huskies and chihuahuas are the same
Literally yes dude, if they were left in the wild and not killed for the requisite amount of generations both would go back to being wolves.
>a polar bear and a black bear can survive in opposite conditions
Yes as we all know humans can only survive in the conditions they are born in. There is literally no way for a human to adjust to any climate different than the one it is born in. If you are born on the coast and move to the prairies you will literally be unable to survive.

>wow look at all this trash the tribal society would totally generate
That didn’t happen under tribalism it happened under capitalism, dibshit.
>noooo you’re supposed to be offended when I suggest a return to primitivism noooo you can’t actually desire that

Also the whole neanderthals argument is more complex (especially after discovering a new ancestor to blacks). I myself am not familiar with it, however it doesn't invalidate my argument and you could easily make an actual thread questioning it and not this garbage fire I'm currently burning down

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>coronachan already killed one high government official in my cunt
>news says he was tested negative
>but hospitalized and died in a hospital assigned to treat corona
>he was died of pneumonia
based as fuck

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>especially after discovering a new ancestor to blacks
Also yes it does, you are arguing that different races are different forms of humans when actual non homo-sapien humans literally existed and were nothing like that.

In hell? No thanks, you degenerate nigger loving fags.

>Natural disasters kill and destroy more
>So the obvious solution is fuck it and hope you're not caught in one
Great planning
>Raiders are bad but you can kill them
And what happens when they outnumber, outsupply, or outgun you? You're going to beg them over "muh humanity" and "equality pls" as they pass around your stuff and line you up against a wall?
>Until it all ends so nothing is worth it
Or till humanity achieves space travel and we're everywhere. Pointless nihilism doesn't prove your point, it only proves you gave zero foresight and think beyond the now. Which makes my argument of you being that of the savage and dumb animal who can only live off instincts

>A husky would survive in cramped jungle conditions where it would overheat and go extinct and Chihuahuas would freeze to death
Wow you really understand and care about nature and animals you absolute brainlet. No, they'd die and the few that did return to wolves (if any survived) would have been through cross breeding. You're going to depend on a Chihuahua to hunt and pull a sled? Oh wait it can bark loud, as if that won't scare off the prey.

>Conditions and socio status
Wrong, every race within the human species is inherently different due to the thousands of years their people spent living in an area. Africans are more athletic due to their environment requiring hunting, but aren't as capable of thinking ahead to the future due to the abundance of natural and edible life within the continent yearly. Europeans are more adept to communal partnership and taking on the role of the best due to having to survive long periods of time without food and supplies, thus requiring more than Hunter gather. Thanks for proving once again how much of a brainlet you are.

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I think your flag is wrong ... or you skipped the border.

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Just put in "Ghost ancestor discovered in Africa"

>great planning
Easier to evacuate a hut than a home lol. So far no one has a way to stop natural disasters so we might as well have structures that are quicker to replace
>implying humanity achieving space travel matters
Dude, the heat death is a literally unavoidable outcome due to the laws of thermodynamics. Everything I. The universe is guaranteed to cease to exist. You’re incredibly naive if you think humanity is gonna last forever.
>well if you put them in the situations that humanity forcefully bred them into then they die
Wow shocker, if you pull a fish out of the water and put it on dry land it dies. Also the differences between dogs and races are not the same. Even if the natural evolution of humans in different places(which, come on, do you really think that none of these people ever travelled? Or that tribes are wild animal hunt to survive situations where only the the survivor gets to mate? Get real humans have been a sexually selective species for a long time dude.) The breeding of dogs by humans is very different than natural evolution because it is purposefully selected for specific traits, rather than simply whatever traits happen to survive.

>the first line
>interbred with “EARLY HUMANS”
So it’s not like they’re an ancestor for every black person to exist at all lol. Probably a few people in west Africa have traces of their DNA, but certainly a species that went extinct was not far reaching enough to effect the whole of Africa.

Neither will you faggot. If you tried bill and his clan would be more than happy to string you up if you did.

I'm convinced that China poisoned their adrenochrome supply. How else can you explain that elites around the world are the infection vector?

>bill and his clan
Who? Do you mean bill Clinton? Bruh the establishment cannot stop all of the people revolting. Even if they kill me I have spread my ideals already.

Globalism. Elites are not the main infection vector normal Chinese people are, by a large metric. It seems like a lot of elites have it because of a media bias towards reporting that news and the fact that elites travel and meet with a lot more people of different countries than the average person. Of course it’s more likely for an international diplomat to get a disease then someone who doesn’t travel anywhere outside their home town.

Bill as in normal white peoples who don’t want your faggot shit.


Hues know why I'm laughing.

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You’d be surprised how many people want a return to primitivism. Try bringing it up with your coworker in a neutral way. There’s a reason why camping is a very popular recreational activity.

You’d be surprised how fucking wrong and autistic you are.

Easier to evacuate
And be at the mercy of your environment. Check out Katrina when there was no order. At best you'll be against outside in the middle of a storm (no technology to predict, can't outrun dark clouds of a serious storm over and over, not negating other people ) and at worst you'll still be in it. By making it easier to destroy it's easier to kill you and/or your family and allies or burn down things you use. Don't tell me "muh not need property" unless you're going to wear leaf clothing and use sticks. Which again, like that of the wild animal.

>Hurr Durr heat death it's all hopeless
Yeah that's pretty far away and our lives are short. Again pointless nihilism doesn't prove jack. If we're gonna die anyway just kill yourself now man, you're like, going to suffer anyway man, shits all bad you know man, like dude nothing matters :( so just do it, you'll save oxygen and resources for the rest of us.

>If you put something in an environment it's not developed the exist in for long it dies
>Implying the stagnation of culture and death of a society and it's people doesn't result in the same
Read about Vienne politics for that one

>Hurr Durr people have been travelling man come on
That doesn't affect the main populace who doesn't. International travel to other continents was usually a one way trip for most of human history. And even then it wasnt like today where we get in planes and be there by the end. "Get real come on", using an appeal to authority with no basis and brazenly displaying ineptitude in history isn't an argument either get the fuck out

>The breeding of dogs is different than humans
In some senses it's not, however are you to tell me we advanced beyond nature and unlike every other animal save for asexual types, they all have different categories and species within, but we're different and not asexually reproducing. That would make us marked for death in the eyes of nature due to us being an unstable mutated anomaly

>Gets told to do research and ask on a complex subject
>Reads ONE line in ONE newspaper
>Thinks this proves him right
Get a load of this brainlet holy shit my sides are gone thanks for giving me a chance to use this. Weird how hard it is to respond to this faggot, captcha makers should be shot

>tfw you see the storm clouds coming and the news is telling you to leave but you can’t because there are too many cars on the highway
>ignoring that humanity is a sexually selective species once again
Please argue the main point rather than supporting arguments next time.
>all animals having different types within
That’s a family. Dogs are all of the same genus, which also includes various other Canids such as African wild dogs. Humans are part of the primate family. There are many other variants of primates. H.sapiens, the scientific name for humans, has no other variants. Learn the difference between a species and a family lol.

>haha you think this proves you right
>doesn’t prove me wrong after saying I’m not right
Okay, cool.
Also imagine being such a capitalist statist NPC you can barely prove you’re not a robot.

>Implying states can't evacuate safely

>People are sexually selective as if that plays into this
Yes, and a mate is more likely to be with those who can give the safety and security. Living in a hut doesn't do that, but living in a society does. Please argue my points instead of pulling ones out of your ass or using pointless nihilism

>Dogs and other animals are different
>But humans are all the same except socially as if those weren't evolved from actual survival practices
>Can't tell see the divide of species and race vs ethnic makeup developed through living in specific regions
The human race has different species of humans living within it's umbrella. Africans and Caucasians have differences beyond look to that of Asians and each other

>Gets told to do research and ask
>Thinks a single line in a complex subject invalidates all else

>fantasizing about people being "strung up"
>accusing others of larping

They are just going to hide out in Kazhakstan or New Zeland while they watch the world burn. Won't work though, they are not in control.

Do you agree people are sexually selective but somehow think populations people evolved differently due to the different ways they gathered food, implying that humans are naturally selective? Or do you admit that humans wouldn’t evolve differently based on who survives because they’re a sentient being capable of choosing a partner based on more than who survived?
>the human race has different species of humans living under its umbrella
No it doesn’t that’s literally not how the science of evolution works at all. Humans are a species, not a family. Also the other shit you’re saying makes no sense. I’m convinced you seriously don’t understand what I’m talking about.
Why do you vehemently refuse to back up your own opinion and instead try to force someone who disagrees with you to find information for you?