Screwed Up Femanon

>be me
>have two parents that are both unhinged
>end up being physically and emotionally abused by them at least one each
>end up getting sexually abused by a woman at the age of 14 (not full on rape, but still)
>have been in and out of therapy since the age of 12
>have Major Depressive Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, amongst other issues that haven't or can't be diagnosed
>have mild scoliosis that still somehow manages to cause chronic pain in my shoulders
>can't go off of anti-depressants without becoming suicidal
>figured out very early on that my parents should've been sterilized and I wasn't in any shape or form fit to be a mother
>had fallopian tubes removed via a laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy at the old age of 20

What sort of place do us "genetically inferior" woman have in this world, from a conservative standpoint? I know that many American woman back in the 50's lived as housewives without children, but I'm not so sure that's realistic in this day and age.

>inb4 tits or GTFO
Porn is bad for you, user. If you want to see a mentally ill woman's breasts, just go on practically any amateur porn sub-Reddit. Fair warning, though, you'll lose a bit of your soul by doing so.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry about that user. That really sucks. I’m sure there are conservative infertile men out there though. Get married and adopt many white children.

Wow very political
I have issues to but I dont go around spewing my narcissistic crap wherever I can

Coal burner

The leftover men and women ware send the monastery. It was always good to have some connection to the Church in your family.

This is unironically still a good place for those without a real home.

Hurry up and die u genetic dead end

Where did she say anything narcissistic? Sounded the opposite to me.


True. Op needs to fucking die

>inb4 tits or GTFO
Eat shit, tits or GTFO

Retard braindead fuck. Die already nobody gives a fuuuuck about u

You could always try setting goals and working to accomplish them instead of crying about shit on the internet.

This could be having a career, starting a business, cultivating your knowledge, etc.

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Nice blog cunt
Tits or gtfo

People who brag about being messed up and list their mental disorders are narcissistic. They are obsessed with themselves and their problems, and want everyone else to know about them.

There are millions of white children who need white parental figures. Even if she’s mentally unwell (which ADHD and depression hardly qualifies as unwell enough to not be a guardian) she can find a decent husband who will balance things out.

I’m not the OP. You sound like a schizo though. The exact kind of people you talk about.

Its not your fault

>inb4 tits or gtfo
didnt read you other crap but tits and gtfo

Just get married to me, hang out and play video games all day. Maybe let me lick your feet on occasion.

>People who brag about being messed up and list their mental disorders are narcissistic.
I’ve never heard of this, she explaining her situation so Yas Forums can understand her position better. The kind of disorder she has can make all the difference.

Be a loving wife to a white or Asian man.

You can be the servant wife of me, fix your tubes.

>Wow very political
I didn't realize eugenics wasn't political.

She should only have a white husband, even if she isn’t having children. Why are you yellow fever retards such cucks to Asians?

Post your dripping slot

>What sort of place do us "genetically inferior" woman have in this world, from a conservative standpoint?

Be a Cop, least that way you can shoot something and feel good.

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You sound like you got a small penis
Be with whoever you want OP

post your ugly tits cunt or kys

Knock knock corona is coming

I see it all the time. People LOVE listing out their problems and mental disorders to others on the internet, especially women. Being a victim of society is seen as an interesting thing. It is narcissistic. If you haven't seen this before you are incredibly sheltered. "Oh woe is me, I have a list of 20 different problems, I am so insane, no one loves me, I am the dirt of the human race, *swoons* no one can save me. Oh I'm a grill btw."

>>figured out very early on that my parents should've been sterilized and I wasn't in any shape or form fit to be a mother
>>had fallopian tubes removed via a laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy at the old age of 20
you did the right thing.
it might sound crucial but the life you got from your parents was not responsible. You took responsibility.

not that i wouldn't want everybody to have the free choice here, but i wish everybody would make up his own mind like you did and act in a responsible way. It is hard, sure. But it's your decision. If you feel stable once you still can adopt or whatnot.

1 post by ID.
Shill fags seem to be more active again

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Nothing you said really proved that your problem or your parents problems are from genetics except scoliosis but things like that can be induced by trauma in the environment too

What the fuck makes you genetically inferior? Youre just a fucking retard for falling into muh depression mih disorders. Its all your mindset. If you think like a negative bitch your life will be a negative bitch and vice versa. Your past doesnt have to determine Your future but too bad you fucked up your chance of procreating. Now ask Jesus Christ forgiveness and live the rest of your short time on earth praising him because he's mosy certainly on his way

Shut up you fucking cry baby

Carer of any sort. Are you this fucking stupid?

Keep our racial traditions alive. Help other women with their kids. Provide a useful skill like midwifery or knowledge of medicine. You are still part of us even if you don't have children. Or you can even adopt white children.

Same place as anyone else. The one you make for yourself built upon the freedom to make the choices you want to make.

However you choose to live your life is your business, so do whatever makes you happy. Just don't try to rope the unwilling into stuff they don't want to do. That's it.

It can be hard if you're messed up from abuse, but the key really is to not focus so much on yourself because that feeds your ego which only makes things like depression worse. If you can handle a relationship without some personality disorder like BPD manifesting, then you could try finding a divorced guy or something.

For scoliosis, I think it can be fixed with stretching and strengthening exercises.

Shut up you stupid niggerloving African faggot. Rabbi Yeshua is a foreign kike and has only condemnation.

National socialists want QUALITY over quantity of human beings. OP is loved by her racial tribe and doesn't need a Jewish demon to possess her soul.

Stop mocking and demeaning our women. Do you think Hitler would want you to act like this? Using degenerate memes like having sex with traps or saying tits or gtfo? Fuck you MGTOW faggots.

I don’t have a penis you dumb chink.

She’s listing them out for a reason though. That makes all the difference in her abilities and limitations.


Hitler was a Nigger Jew.

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have sex incel

You can't conserve western culture by niggering on about skin color.

Cry baby piece of human dog shit fucking die schizo genetic dead end loser

Not a chink
Regardless Yas Forums is full of mutts
Also OP just find someone you love and be ready to face the reality you'll need to have a sister wife if your loved one wants kids.

Yes you can.

It’s not just skin color, it’s race, which is intrinsically linked to Western culture. All white men and women should be good role models for white children.

Become a nun, user
Offer up your life and its sufferings to God, and let your pain be sublimated into care for others and love of your maker, teaching the young, feeding the poor, sheltering the homeless of your community

Have sex incel

cool larp!!

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I’m sorry the world isn’t how you wish it would be sweaty

this thread needs more gore

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it's a bait thread, retard. and mocking stupid women on a reactionary messageboard begging for attention is not a detriment to "women's dignity".
>Do you think Hitler would want you to act like this?
>our women
sounds like fellow white people talk. double retard or babby's first day shilling? YOU DECIDE.

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Newdyke detected. Lurk more!

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you can service the soldiers when they're on a march

I would still love you and make comfy home w long you stay based and dont degenerate into.westernized liberal hivemind

Always good to hear that there are women on our side desu

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Wow, It's true what they say, They really have a thick skull

only jews want to save (((western culture))), kys shlomo

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can't wait to read all these simp posts for a sterile woman (or larp equivalent)

Says the Cuckery White knight

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Stop asking Yas Forums for life advice. There’s plenty of men who wouldn’t mind at stay at home wife with no children. Maybe get a part time job to help with the depression boredom and isolation a modern house wife would face. Until you’re married just make your self marketable. What do you bring to a marriage? Cooking cleaning laundry services? Make sure your game on those are top notch. Be able to get a wide array of stains out. Know how to properly clean. And start cooking like a professional chef. Find something you like to do. And get a job doing something like it. Even if it’s part time. If you’re just taking care of a husband and yourself you’re going to get bored. Get a part time job.

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Is any decent man going to want an infertile woman with so much baggage? The answer is no.
Should someone with such a history raise any children? No. Become active in your community and if you’re religious (which you should be) maybe become a sister of an order where you help children

She not reproducing. If she marries she ought to leave the white men to the stable fertile white women