I’m from Minnesota and one of my coworkers grandfather has been in the hospital with pneumonia for the past 3 weeks. Yesterday they finally tested him and he tested positive for the corona virus. The worst part about this is my coworker would visit him every other day and contracted a bad “cold” about 3 weeks ago as well. This “cold” would eventually infect everyone at our work including me. All of us had the exact same symptoms shortness of breath, fever, and extreme tiredness. The closest thing I could compare it to was when I had mono but without the extreme sore throat and on average each person was sick for about 3 to 4 days. 3 of the guys actually went in and got tested for the flu which came back negative. Everyone who has gotten sick has made a full recovery, but we have no clue how many people we could have potentially exposed
I might have had Corona 2 weeks ago
Wisconsin here. I think its been going around a lot longer than we know. My dad just got over something exactly like this. No sinus issues, 100% in his lungs with basically all of the corona symptoms (fever, sore muscles, dry cough). Worst flu he has ever had according to him, bad enough to go to the doctor (he rarely goes).
The doctor didn't test him for anything, sent him out the door in 10 minutes with antibiotics for secondary infection. Doc didn't want to get near him, even with a mask on.
He's 56 and has smoked since he was 16, so if it really was corona I guess that's a good sign.
You might have been exposed then I’d recommend to anyone who’s in a similar situation to me to stay away from they grandparents or parents who are older those are the people who are at risk here
I have an elderly parent who had walking pneumonia back in early January, sounds about the same.
No you
Why not both
Go visit your local multi-culti ngo, get really interested in converting to islam and judaism as well
Washington DC area here. Early 30s
Same thing hit my family about 4 weeks ago. I haven't had a serious "cold" or flu for 15 years, but this felt like I had been poisoned. Runny nose, stuffed nose, incessant dry cough towards the end. Fever and fatigue.
It was done by the 5th day.
>stay away from they grandparents or parents
lol no. Dab on boomers you idiot, its our only chance to get ride of them befor immortality gets invented by the fucking hard AI in the next 24years
MN user here. Can report same thing happend to us 2 weeks ago. Just getting over being sick. My elderly father has copd but made it through.
>I think its been going around a lot longer than we know.
yep, I had a real mind bender thinking about that question yesterday. This thing is going to supposedly sicken millions of people and has been running rampant for weeks. How many people passed it off as a bad or weird cold? People are on either end of the spectrum for the Wuhan Shake saying its super mild and goes away in a few days or really sickens you. And honestly, thinking about it in this respect takes a lot of the fear away.
Congratulations. Enjoy your immunity.
This is the seasonal flu thats being promoted opportunistically as part of the Covid-19 hoax, together with massaged death statistics. Lots of people have had it. An old guy down my street had it, he didn't die but was unusually sick.
I walked by an Azn in a mask in early February. I got a fever, and then pneumonia that fucked me up for almost two weeks. That was well before the "first cases" were documented in my area, but still...
How long did it last?
I also got quickly sick within less than 24 hours was bed ridden for 2 days. I get normal colds and sinus congestion yearly but typically never a cough, my wife got this as well as soon as I got it and had a cough for 2 weeks. I recovered in a couple of days ( I work outside, in the sun etc )
No spread to coworkers, I practice good hygiene for the most part
>I think its been going around a lot longer than we know.
its the same cough that lingered for a month last year
I haven't seen him in person in a few months, so I'm good as far as that goes. With that being said, I'm avoiding grandparents anyway in case I get/have it from another source.
Literally same here user
>worked at target
>got fever
>hard to catch my breath
>raspy popcorn lung sound
>lungs hurt
>tasted iron when coughed
>most of all, 100% always lethargic
>after sleeping 8 hours, woke up feeling like I never slept
>this went on from December to middle February
And that was here in Dallas. Anons, I am not bullshitting you, I think usa has been already exposed for a bit. I am 26, and never did I cry or break down from being so sick like that in my entire life, nor never had a pneumonia like that.
South East MN here. A few weeks ago my GF got sick with something. Sore throat and bad coughs. It lasted a week or so, but now she's over it. Ive had a mild fever with no symptoms and that's gone too. We've been joking around that she had the virus.
Gay as fuck larp thread. Kys all who participated.
>a bad “cold”
>sick for about 3 to 4 days
Fuck, it's really over. I hope you lads have enough toilet paper.
No larp here. The flu season has been particularly long, and most people have been sick recently. My ma works for the health dept and she’s expressed the same exact sentiment: it’s been around for a while
similar experience, work at chink hotspot on the gold coast. wuhan tour groups nonstop before the ban, one tour group tested positive. I got pretty sick mid january, coughing, hard to breathe, extreme lethargy, sinus issues aswell.
Both my young kids had coughs and didnt sleep very well. My wife was asymptomatic.
Parents came to visit my kids and my father shortly after visit developed same symptoms. He went to doctors, upper respiratory virus and then proceded to pass it to my brother.
did i catch the wuflu from dealing with chinks every day at work? i work at a supermarket.
I'm still stick since beginning of January. On and off sinus infection and I haven't been sick in over 5 years. Im scared bros
are you sure you guys had corona ?
4 days for me
Not 100% but the fact I’ve been around someone who’s been exposed and two of my coworkers tested negative for the flu when they had the same thing makes me think I had it
I'll add to the mix.
Wife is a Physical therapist and treated a guy who's mom just came back from Japan (early /mid Feb) he had a cold.
Wife got cold and was out of work for 2 days - said a train hit her (no fever) but lots of coughing - hung on for about 5-6 days - I got simmialar symptoms a week or so later but powered through w rest and DayQuil.
We both have an odd hunch it might have been it.
She does work in a nursing home but again called out for 2 days and a weekend to let it blow over.
Hopefully that was the case and we good! But very similar to other coronavirues already out there "common cold" so who knows
You’re probably sterile now. Any aches in ur balls?
With his inability to produce viable sperm now
Last time I was sick was July of 2019, with a cold for a few days. I even traveled to Japan and back early February. No symptoms at all. I think I made it out safe.
I was down in LA and there were around 80 people at the family event. Next day woke up feeling like shit, I was dripping on sweat and had a high fever. I was also shivering and had a headache too. I beat it in 2 days by eating lots of oranges from the backyard tree and also squeezing lemons in hot water. Vitamin C works, dont listen to the morons.
You’re sterile now bud. Go get your sperm tested and then come back with that mighty ego
Definitely. I remember getting sick in November but must brushed it off as flu season.
is it confirmed though? Any scientific paper on the issue?
Adding to OP here. It's for real. I have COVID-19. It's like having mild mono. I'm a NEET, but my mom was in the hospital for reasons unrelated to COVID (She tested negative).
It's Saturday now, and I'm feeling feverish, tired, short of breathe, etc. Hoping to start feeling better.
Guys, if a NEET like me can get it with a week of exposure; be braced for impact. This shit is serious.
You have AIDS, groomer
We've had infected people coming in and out of my city since it broke out, from Wuhan. We have like 130 cases. Tons of us have had colds that felt weird - notnas bad as regular flu, but the symptoms seemed to drag on forever, and fatigue. I bet it's done the rounds a ton already. I sort of hope that was the case, because other than the length, that cold was way less worse than two other flus I had in my life.
No LARP. It's for real.
My father did too. Everyone in the family got sick. My guess is that is the reason they dont want to test non symptomatic folks. If the case number start growing like crazy people will panic before news reaches that most of the “new” cases will be those who had it but recovered. Which would mean that the death rate will be much lower if all cases were counted.
Is there any data on “flu” death by month. Maybe we can track and compare deaths from month to month and previous years. See if there is a spike in deaths in flu deaths. I have a growing suspicion that alot of corona virus deaths were attributed to flu.
It’s called seasonal allergies
nice larp faggot.
Yeah theyre using them in the bathrooms now
>no fever
there was a sinus cold going around in december -january that was a 3 week thing, but which produced no fever
haha, funny
Everyone saying they already it months ago is a lying Chinese shill. Fuck China.
Wisconsinanon here and me and 2 other people in my family are recovering from this mystery flu and I can confirm it's the worst flu we're ever had. 3 days of fever, followed by 8 days so far of coughing, weakness/fatigue, and aching. Never had a flu last this long before.
You know China has had it since November right, it could have easily already been circulating worldwide by January
is burning when you pee a symptom?
There is
That is a pretty standard length of time for a viral infection. An old rule of thumb is 3 days coming, 3 days with you, 3 days going. I find its surprisingly accurate.
Also look in to ILI or influenza-like illnesses in your area. MA DPH seems to have stopped reporting, or I haven’t found newer numbers.
Why isn't it acceptable to flog people who purposefully infect everyone around them with illness?
yes, you have the "nigger aids lung fu sicken"
Me too and I'm still coughing.
I don't think it's corona because other people with similar symptoms have been tested negative at my uni.
We'll see how Tom Hanks goes. He's got all the hallmarks of a worst case possible scenario (66, diabetic, overweight).
One of our right wing politicans got it. He was on the radio talking about how he felt in lockdown. Said first day was a fever and sore throat. Now fever has lessened and he has a mild cough but doesn't feel worse than usual flu.