I finally broke down this morning and decided to get preps. fyi these were the only types of beans left...

I finally broke down this morning and decided to get preps. fyi these were the only types of beans left, shelves were almost bare. im not even sure how good they taste. i guess the good tasting ones got taken. i didnt even bother looking at the toilet paper aisle, i am just going to collect rain water to wash my butt. i didnt think it would get bad in NYC, but it appears we are going in lockdown, voluntarily or involuntarily. not so much scared about the virus itself, but the hysteria, panic of 8 million people. in a week or two nobody is going to go out and retail stores will probably shut down. no restaurants, no supermarkets open. luckily i can work from home indefinately.

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Not gonna make it goya

That's enough calories for a couple days.

Smithfield is literally a Chinese owned company and they also inject a chemical solution into their pork that makes up 20% of the weight, read the bank.


yeah those 6 cans of beans will last all winter

You can eat like 3 days with that, this is not even a week prep, are you retard ?

were you planning on growing the magic beans jack?

>. i didnt think it would get bad in NYC


>grocery shopping
They're gonna steal this word and make it totally unusable now, aren't they?

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Si es Goya, tiene que ser bueno. You picked some good beans OP.

just how fat are you?

Every time my man

>3 days worth of food
Good job OP. We'll survive this apocalypse together

if you have enough water a healthy adult can survive 2 months without food. someone obese can survive even longer than that. the average american living on rationed food should easily survive for over a year.

Guys i need help i have Shigematsu GX02 bought before corona for army larp. All i can buy are CA Filter P R SL pro AerGo or CA Filter P R SL pro CA Basic 2000 Should i buy them or are They worthless?
Im working at hospital and i wanted to show up at work with my mask since all we have are respirators class fpp2 which are uselles for corona and im not even wearing them.

You're fucked bud. Last chance was earlier this week.

I went to the local grocery store last night at around 1230. 15 cars in parking lot, chicken out of stock, ground beef out of stock, potatoes out of stock

I ended up buying about $100 worth of non perishable foods

Yes goy(a) buy my beans now thats right good goy(a)

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Ya should have bought up ramen noodles, canned soups, cereal, pasta, sanitary supplies, some bread, milk, rice, flour, sugar, salt, etc.

>Beans, "plastic" cheese and bacon
You're going to need more than that bunch of bannanas to unclog your guts.


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good thing winter ends next week 3/21

i can probably ration it and last me a few weeks

i thought it was just like the flu.

>hurr Goya kosher beans
>from the kosher foods section!
This is why they call right wingers stupid.

if a million nyc puerto ricans can survive on goya, then so can i

>is in one of the world's biggest cities
>thinks it won't be that bad there

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Oy vey

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Hahaha you're so screwed
>pic related

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Checked and kekd

When I went grocery shopping, the aisles were full and had cheap prices. I had no problem getting everything I need. God I love living in the Midwest.

Goya is good. The only beens I buy.
T cookfag

Jesus Christ. Where do you live? While everyone was panic buying at disgusting grocery stores, I went to an amish butcher 40 mins away and got over 20 pounds of meat.

become /raider/

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>I finally broke down this morning and decided to get preps.
Preps? You panic bought. You are the typical useless and pointless npc in the game. The extra on a zombie movie that can be a zombie, a victim, or a random normie.

I didn't read the rest of your normie opinion blog. I'm just correcting you because you didn't prep for shit. You got scraps.

Trips of truth

Lol my sides

Imagine not having a fully stocked kitchen, 24/7. I live with just my 7 year old son. This is our kitchen. We also have a pantry with canned fruits (I'm a farmer and we can our own stuff) and two freezers with hunted meat (Venison, Rabbit, Feral Hog, etc). You poor cityfags.

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When out to panic shop this morning,
>store opens at 8 am
>get there at 8:05 am
>get 1/5 last carts
>meat dept raided
>canned goods raided
>dairy raided
end up buying 3 cans of fish and sugar

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Why are people panicking like this? Is everyone that stupid? It's not being cautious, it's being a greedy pussy faggot. People have been buying up all the toilet paper and wet wipes. I have kids I need that shit for. All the retards have been fighting at the stores for shit I've been delivering on a daily basis through my work. There's an abundance of everything if people weren't so fucking stupid.

nice and comfy fren, also look up permaculture (: will help in the future

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We got the news that Michigan was closing all schools for three weeks, went to the grocery store first thing in the morning. The place was packed to the gills like it was Black Friday, but the only out of stock then was lunch meat, ramen noodles, and toilet paper.

Then, that same day, they announced that the number of confirmed cases had more than doubled and when we went back in the afternoon to pick up eggs fucking everything was gone. Water, bleach, every single possible canned goods.

Where's your wife?

Fish eating white men will survive.

its a snowball effect. the word spreads around quick. state and local govts and media are also causing more panic with their extrmeme precautions, measures,and warnings

I need some bacon.

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people are afraid to die because they have no god, when they die all that they will have is darkness,
I on the other hand will meet my makers, my ancestors, i will be judged by my deeds on earth.

Hahaha you'll eat Good Goy Beans till you learn to like them.

I couldn't drink a gallon of promised land chocolate milk in a sitting. Thats no where near enough.

Suckin down Goya beans.

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To urban idiots, this is prepping. I have had to hear my cousins brag for years about how great it is to live in the city and just walk next door to get fresh bread every morning. Meanwhile, I can make my own bread and have enough supplies to make bread for months, not even from prepping, just having a normal pantry.

Canned beans aren't gonna last long. Should have got dried stuff

>I live with just my 7 year old son.
Males who grow up without their mothers tend to turn into fags. Did you get cucked or something?

She was hit by a drunk driver in 2015 and passed a couple months later. Pic Related was her. I miss her everyday, user. And my poor son doesn't even remember what her voice sounded like. He asked me "where mama?" Everyday for months after she passed.

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Looks like a schizophrenic

That's a tranny

She was a little batty. Definitely my kinda crazy, though. She was trad AF. Obedient. Great cook (4H baking champion, too).

I've always had at least one month supply of food in my house plus my weekly runs to the grocery store, plus emergency food supply.

who's laughing now?

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Damn, bro. You got me in the feels. RIP Mrs. user.

No, she wasn't. You sick fucks and your obsession with girlcock is disgusting.

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>chemical solution into their pork that makes up 20% of the weight
every common store bought bacon does that.

OP btfo'd by a can of beans. Checked and kek'd

Come at me.

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Too late retard.

Are you starting a pharmacy why the fuck would you need that much stuff? one or 2 bottles of alcohol would last 2 months, none of that medicine would help you with the virus.

you greedy motherfucker.

>She was trad AF.
Dude part of her hair is literally blue in that pic, who are you trying to fool? Go throw your little pity party on reddit or something faggot. Also man the fuck up and find a new wife. Children who don't grow up with both parents end up acting like niggers or being faggots.

better to have loved and lost than not loved at all.

It says in the bible that your duty is to your fellow man and your neighbor. I bought 5 of each so if my neighbor needs one, I'm able to give him a bottle instead of ration a little off.

>I finally broke down this morning and decided to get preps.
fucking kill yourself you fucking lemming. if CNN told you to or the NBA told you to you'd fucking do it.

I cannot stress enough how absolutely necessary bee keeping is to learn in a SHTF scenario. Very little maintenance, and honey can be used for a whole bunch of things.
It can be used as a preservative, it can be used to make fairly potent alcohol, can be used to make unpalatable food palatable. Hundreds of uses.
Hell you can just eat it raw, and you get tons of benefits from that.

>low IQ normalfag platitudes
Big time cringe.

... it's the lighting, user. Her hair was never blue but the walls and trim in our bedroom are. I am dating a woman now but she doesn't live with me. I own 600 acres and a quarter million dollars worth of machinery. I can't just marry up some rando roastie and risk having to divorce and fight for my shit. She has to be the one, bro.

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God bless you and your son, user.

less than a half day's worth of food

nice 5 day kit there lmao ngmi

My sides are in orbit

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you should have paid attention to the quarantines you fucking grass hopper

t. ant

At least you got your son out of it.
I'm sure he's no replacement for your wife, but he's probably a good friend non the less. You both share a common pain too

The only retards are the ones who didn't see this coming and stock up weeks ago.