What other countries are doing the herd method??

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Just you, mate

fucking die

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I know, why don't we all start going on holiday to the US in a few weeks? We can travel there unlike those euros after all!

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Bongs are fucked. Expect flooded hospitals with mass deaths like Italy

I've already caught it, literally just like the flu bro

Still angry.
Relax bud

you started it

Could I travel there through the UK? Not that I want to.



ironically it will be us going to infect other countries.

Keep seething kraut. We should've done the same to Berlin.

Just Boris, let me explain. You have just Brexited, so there is no european safety net when your economy crashes.
So Boris did the british thing. He will sacrifice the old and sick to make sure the rest make it. He needs as many of you 60% to contract it, especially kids to create the barrier.
see related.

He has picked the heroic way, and he might be right. Because if he crashes the economy longterm you will have more dead.

France is doing the exact same thing

Hitler did nothing wrong. 1488 Heil Hitler

fuck off jew. Kraut is salty as always but we were shabbos goy number 1 in ww2

Not a single white death confirmed yet. This only seems to affect slant eyes, shitskins, niggers, and kikes.

Nah. Anyone who's been in shengen for last 14 days is b&. You could come here and wait 14 days but we will also be b& by then and looking a lot like Italy probably.
Where in Europe is best to hide from this that hasn't closed borders yet? Thinking of getting in my car and going somewhere.

Gas yourselves

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Kys faggot kraut

No, actually you did, with WW1.

When there was a clear protocol of not bombing safe cities, you broke protocol. You are not the good guys.

North Korea
When a sick cow tries to enter the healthy herd, they shoot it.

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come to greece and isolate in a village or an island,
we are expecting the heatwave to make things better.

norway, finland, germany

That's how you spread it, selfish asshole.

>starts war
>complains you broke protocol

Yes, there are protocols in warfare, no matter who starts the war. Why would I expect an anglokike to understand this?

Britbong post's his own flag, doesn't even realise it's upside-down.

>represents existential threat
>complains country they are trying to wipe out broke the rules

there is no defending bombing innocent women and children nigger
You're not eliminating any threat by bombing them
You stupid nigger, fucking I hate you so much, why can't you understand this you motherfucking subhuman

>there is no defending bombing innocent women and children nigger
>You're not eliminating any threat by bombing them
Thats just not true. What is it that made Japan surrender?


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The Queen has hairy palms.

Soviet union declaring war on Japan
Did the Dresden Bombing stop the war? Proves it doesn't work.
I hope you KYS for thinking it's okay to bomb women and children. Fucking anglokike, we know how much you hate the white race.

hans, in war, fuck the rules. people only want rules that help them and weaken the ability of anyone to challenge them. Fuck that. Thats what all man made law is about. Its all to allow the activities of the powerful and to restrict the response of everyone else to challenge them. Rule makers are terrified of natural law. It levels the playing field. Sometimes literally.
Oh, and if you think Hiroshima didnt play any part in Japan surrendering youre a cunt.

>there is no defending bombing innocent women and children nigger
Why'd you do it in Warsaw and Rotterdam then?

You didn't need to remind me you're a subhuman

Imagine losing a war to subhumans lol

Sweden will stop testing anyone with symptoms within a week and ask people to stay at home.

China is criticizing Sweden for lack of the response whiov.cas.cn/105341/201911/t20191118_5438006.html?fbclid=IwAR1fMhy_F4g8RgSjyMOXT3NFt8b5e6z4qp8jtNHcwKJif2VhZZDuwCfCK9I


How does this even work when we have 4000 ICU beds, and 60% of the pop needs to get it but 20% of those who do get it need intensive care?

Some rough shit math = around 8million needing intensive care...

I'm assuming once the beds full we lock down, and repeat for several decades?

Imagine being a kike

That flag is upside down, boomer

He's done a number on you virgin

You could do like south korea and react properly.
You could do like Italy and react partially properly.
But NO
You have choosen to program the death of thousand of peole BC jewishdocs jewed you into herd sheeples theory
Oy Vey, at leasdt the Queen will finally leave.


All the eurocommie countries are trying a different meme for their national culture

Merkel acting like 60-70% of the pop getting it is normal and keeping it just ok enough for long enough to get real bad.

Boris using this keep calm and carry on shit.

IT's all just fucking memes to keep us docile while they adapt to a situation they didn't anticipate us and re order the economy so that they can bug out and profit. ZOG always wins.

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The queen will get it and die
There is no hard immunity because immunity for this may not exist

Quit your whining, Nazi. You don't give a damn about atrocities, and literally everyone knows it.

if we all get herd immunity migrants coming to britain will be fucked

>I hope you KYS for thinking it's okay to bomb women and children.
London and Warsaw say hi

expect hospitals to shut their doors & the dead to fill their own homes.

calling us a herd the cheeky cunts.

I wish that you got the nukes instead of japan tbqh

Underrated post

Im hoping the 5 times a day praying will cause it to spread rampantly through muslim enclaves.

Nah all you anglokikes find a way to justify dresden.

Bombing industries, factories, seats of power at night in London equates killing civilians?
Warsaw was an expulsion.

Jewish nonsense

You bombed us first retard.
The first bombing run was done by the Germs.
I'm not justifying Dresden, but you started it.

I'd say we are but actually our method is just not giving a fuck

>Nah all you anglokikes find a way to justify dresden
you started it senpai, there's the justification

Nobody, because its retarded. You don't even know if that's going to work - I mean, is herd immunity for HIV a thing? Does herd immunity stop the regular flu from spreading given that it's constant mutations make it a moving target? It's a terrible idea that's transparently just an effort to ignore the problem & keep the peasants working as long as possible. Sacrifice people for the sake of the GDP.

We're even worse though, our government is doing nothing - but just not giving an excuse at all. They just don't give a fuck & know normies won't do anything, so who cares?

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So norwegians are staying at home.

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btw - we are not very good at this!!

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>I'm not justifying Dresden
Everyone except you is doing it.
Who started WW1? Who created the Weimar Republic?

Not justification for dresden

Self-defence is a pretty good justification, no? If you bomb us, we bomb you back.

Yes, but who you bomb matters

You bombed civvies so we bomb civvies back. Basic self-defence.