Yas Forums humor thread?

Yas Forums humor thread?

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Don't compare Abe to that creature, you utter faggot.

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>Yas Forumshumour thread
Take you YLYL Bullshit back to faggot

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My boy Abe does NOT deserve this

Attached: nazi faggot beat up.webm (480x270, 1.31M)

being overweight is a serious serious health risk. its absolutely no issues in your twenties and below (you're just experiencing social downsides and low energy) but it starts getting a real roadblock in your thirties. i know a guy who is like 140-150kg, and he's in all sorts of problems. cant work, cant move properly, short breath, looks like shit, smells like shit, sleeps 16-17h a day, mental issues as a bonus on top. you dont need to be overly muscular but just being skinny and normal weight improves QoL by a lot.

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Ive felt your presence these past few days obamacanadian faggot.

Reminder to just hide posts by cucks, all they want is attention and (you)s, don't give it to them.

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how tall is he?

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>three antifarts ganging up on one person
Typical. And fake.

would make me mad if she wasnt such a fucking trainwreck

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> having a heart condition is a serious health risk
> you should avoid getting a heart condition otherwise you may lose insurance

Attached: HAES.webm (202x250, 1.57M)

This Leaf has been shitting up every humour thread for days. Day of the rake comes soon.

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>niggers getting the bottom of the barrel white women

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Just filter the faggot out.

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You may not like it but this is what peak physical condition looks like

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This shit is cancer.

Are there no old fags here anymore?

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Lol great cringe material. Leftists are hilarious.

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hilarious coming from a fucking namefag
fuck off namefag

Still one of the best and most brutal KO's every. Man that was nice.

From yesterday.
Tranny for Corona virus emergency response.
It's almost as if they are daring God to kill us all.

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bad goy! reread (((chapter 4)))!

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Kinda rare

We're still here nigger

Attached: FireRescue.webm (960x540, 1.64M)

Cant fat people just pay more for more expensive insurance because they are more likely to go to the doctor for health problems?

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Look at the beak on that juden

Here buddy I got some funny humor memes too.

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We all know where black seed actually goes.

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What's funny is that the nazi will still have a much greater chance at finding a date than the dirty street urchin rap artist! Hahahaha

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>Are there no old fags here anymore?
all gone

kek saved.

You can have this goblina. Be my guest LOL

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pic related is you, there is no way in hell a normal person is so mad over someone using the name 'user', as in everyone on this site is called 'user' when being refered to.
>meaning you are fat AS FUCK

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How does it feel knowing your black women can't stand to be away from BWC?

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TRT Marquardt was a beast. Wish they kept an open weight TRT division.

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Wtf does she mean she isn't sure what to do? Stop fucking eating so much and take a walk, piggu.


Where'd you go buddy? Certainly not on a date.

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Imagine having so little self awareness that you don't even know that you're ashamed of your own weight.

Some good bidenposting always kills me

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He already reached his daily limit buy just his breakfast

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Still less annoying than this shit.

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That's not a good idea since IDs are shared throughout the site, they're only user exclusive within threads.

He removed "ymous" from his name, which makes him less of a namefag than the rest of us.