i have worked in Poland, Spain and Italy . everywhere I was faced with the hatred of me as ukrainian
Why do you guys hate ukrainians so much?
I work with people from there. They are awesome.
Perhaps for being dumb enough to support a jew coup and expect a good result.
we had no choice
I have worked with ukrainians. You smell, you literally do not wash. You think about money and nothing else, always trying to undermine your co-workers to get more money. Most of you can't speak english and when two of you meet, like roaches you gravitate towards one another and speak your gibberish pseudo-russian language when people around you have no idea what's going on. You have no manners.
Online, you're even worse. Don't get me started on )))))
Because 90% of you arriving in any country are dumb ugly manlet bydlo drunk gastarbeiters who do shit-quality work and can't wait to drink some vodka and shout "Slava Ukraine!" while staying the fuck away from that shithole.
Instead of shitting up other countries, take care of your own.
I almost forgot - you are notorious liars.
Now bring me my UberEats, Vladyslav. Chop chop nigger.
all the same poles do in Britain
Because Ukraine was supposed to lead the charge against the EU and go kick Turkey's ass, instead it is propping up the EU and cheering for Turkey in Syria. You've chosen to be prostitutes like Romania and Albania but at an even more crucial time in history of the EU. People hate Ukraine because it's weak. They would respect a strong Ukraine like during the USSR
I’m fucking a Ukrainian rn and shes feminine and enjoys cooking and hospitality the way the Asian females do. Says feminism is dumb. Hates tattoos.
My opinion of Poles in UK is the same as it is of you. Basically, people who migrate for money are the lowest of low. They are usually uneducated and ironically can't speak English. People with degrees and knowledge can find well paid job in their home country.
>OP posts this at least once a week as a Russian on Proxy.
Maybe it's just because you are a proxyfag
the Russians didn't take away the 2 most important economic regions in your country that destroyed your economy. what can people do?
Slavic people are cheap sub humans but ukrainians are truly the lowest species. All the whore houses in tel aviv are filled with your cheap nasty whores sucking our dicks for 50 shekels.
It's just scum of the nation gravitates towards countries with a higher pays for the same scummy jobs, so most of work immigrants are poor uneducated trash. There goes Mexican in USA, Pole in UK, hohol in Europe and so on.
Revolt and take your country back, dont be a faggot
same, but the complete opposite
Yes, brits thinks we are subhumans, In Poland you are being treated just like they treat us in the west.
I dont I really like you
You are in conflict with russia unfortunately, and since most alt kike fags see russia as some sort of LE EPIC BASED SAVIOR you are demonized because of it
hohol btfo
you are fucking a man?
>loads of ukranians arriving in Estonia within the last 2 years
>dating apps filled with girls wanting to meet and marry local guys so they don't have to go back to the shithole that is Ukraine
>lots of ukranian whores and camwhores emerge
>girls are so desperate that message guys first
>when i asked a girl why they don't want to find a ukranian guy who moved here she said that all ukranian guys are ugly poorfag losers, which is actually true
Can't imagine being an ukranian in the current year, must suck ass
I saw the same picture with the inscription "Russia". And I think that's what it is.
It's very fun to live in a fug-musli-return-constantinople world, but the reality is different. Turkey is a very important trade partner and a huge player in the Black Sea games. Also, there is no real fucking difference between Christianity and Islam.
You were like that prostitute who slapped her old pimp (Russia) before making sure that the new pimp (EU+NATO) will protect her. Should have stayed with Russia. It literally would have been somewhat better for you than what you have now (nothing).
I reckon Ukraine is cool AF.
A lot like Russia but without laws against Holocaust denial.
Seems like a combination between based af Poles and Russian macho-ness.
>Spain and Italy
I wouldn't care about what people who let niggers and arabs invade their country think of me, user.
sounds like
well, we also have problems with not repairing roads, so the picture could also happend here
That's right user, OP shouldn't give a fuck about both of our opinions too.
I'm surprised you even ask Poles why they hate u...
but desu i dont mind u people. Maybe one thing. You cause a lot of drunk car accidents
Russia is as much of a kikes shithole, these gullible RT watching Western zoomers and Soviet LARP boomers need to be gassed
I like ukraine
I studied Ukrainian culture and politics back in the early 2010's when I was still in high school
I even bothered to learn the Cyrillic alphabet and I tiny amount of Ukrainian but never fully committed to the language
I think it has fascinating early, soviet, and modern history
These were not Ukrainians, but Soviet soldiers disguised in UPA uniforms who wanted to make everyone think that Ukrainian nationalists were committing such atrocities
>why do you guys hate ukrainians so much?
only russian hate ukranians, no-one else gives a shit
would you marry me please
You inflate work market resulting in lower wage also more crimes on avrage
I hate immigrants nothing personal
Nobody hates you retard just give back those lands that you stolen from Russia and accept it that you are just a field snownigger in denial who is actually a Russian.
WOW!!!! Look at the pole!!! Sucking the cock of every empire in existence and being a footslut for 1000 years, nohwhe can finally look down on someone. Enjoy it turk-tartar.
Sure one...
It's only because you use the same color as sweden.
I love Ukraine user. Thought every Italian did as well.
Because you are what remains of the bolscevicks jews
Very sad. With cards like this, now we supposed to struggle from a demographic crisis. Not like Estonia.
Oh, w8.
But from this post I assume that you are just another russian, so your opinion doesn't even count.
Just white drunk uneducated white niggers
They are white though. Macacos are not.
Ukrainian girls are ok. But Ukrainian men are arrogant and look at people like they would be better, and often walking in groups. Often causing fights in the clubs.
You come here for work, you don’t fucking chimp like niggers. Or you will get what you deserve. Even some cool “Ukrainians” say that most Ukrainian men are bydlo.
Disregard centuries of rape and enslavement of your ancestors because kikes tell you Turkey is an "important trade partner."
JFC. I'm a Ukrainian-American and I wish Russia would take over Ukraine and set your fucking heads straight.
>44 millions in 2017
>37 in 2050
Oh look, a jew gold digger speaking
Why do polish girls tatoo the names of their ukrainian pimps???
fuck hohols
Keep seething macaco.
You mean zionist jews using a vpn?
Yeah those guys suck, I agree OP thanks for showing us this.
Nobody likes traitors, specially EU dick sucking traitors
Shut the fuck up you Polish retard, I work with at least 50 of you fuckers in a meat processing plant.
You are the most insufferable cunts that migrate here when it comes to language.
The only time I here you people speak your fucked up retarded version of English is when you want something.
You people are literally the niggers of Europe.
Ukraine is traitor to whom??? If you say Russia you are clinically retarded.
we dont, slava Ukraini!
because half of this board is russian shills and naive westerners who think Russia stands for something other than Jews (despite being run by Jewish oligarchy)
The enemy has weaponized our self-preservation against us.