Im worried about the rest of the world. Youre not going to be getting herd immunity and frankly you are all fucked. Your leaders are not telling you this of course so you dont panic, but your systems have basically fallen apart, that is why you are shutting them all down. It has begun. Dont worry foreign bros, it has been great and I will remember you when Im old.
Youre fucked if youre not in UK or Sweeden
one of boris' science mongs i see.
>if you kill everyone there will be nobody to get infected.
I can feel it bros, I can feel the epic power of herd immunity. I'm feeling stronger every day.
This ironically might be the best thing to happen for us post brexit (or worst we'll see). If we can come out fighting from this while Europe is still in shambles we will be reaching heights never seen before. We'll done Bojo. Death or glory.
>Death or glory.
Sweden is being incredibly rasict by not letting Coronachan in.
Well done BoJo
>If you let yourself infected you win - Boris kike slave johnslave
Quick rundown on herd immunity?
I don't really give a shit about glory if I have to watch family members drown on their own fluids, to be frank. Fuck glory. Let me keep my mum in my life for another couple of decades.
It means let the NHS get utterly annihilated, with 20 year olds suffocating to death in the halls of our hospitals and in their homes due to lack of ambulances, so that the remaining survivors can witness it being privatised to save whats left of it after all is said and done.
Let's all get AIDS so we have herd immunity.
Corbyn supporter detected.
12th December was such a wonderful night.
Were you here that night? Or were you crying into your microbrewery beer?
Couldn't give two shits about it. Simple as.
Fuck off you hairy rat.
if everyone's dead, you don't have to pay for treatment, it's genius
Actually I didn't bother voting at all, because of all the attempts to sabotage Brexit before it, and voted Brexit in the ref. It's possible to think this is a bad idea, and realise you are going to watch people you love die (my grandparents are fucked, for example, because one of them has to be hospitalised every 3-4 months due to a recurring complaint), if you fancy climbing off Bojos cock for a moment.
>Sweden gets herd immunity while Denmark and Norway collapse
>Riots and anarchy in Denmark and Norway
>Swedish military restores order
>Denmark and Norway - now part of Sweden
>Invades annexes Åmål
>The rest of europe is in shambles
>Sweden becomes the strongest nation in europe
>A new Swedish Empire
Both the place led by guy who is constantly cavorting with Rothschilds and the European globohomo ground zero want people to die off en masse, what a surprise. That said any measure taken by any government to contain this bioweapon (((TPTB))) let loose in the first place is basically too little too late and just there to give the impression that the situation will be temporary and is under control in order to bide time before the culmination of the happenings. We're all going to die off, get executed some 4 months from now by some brainwashed UN blue berets they dispatch or get shoved into labour camps if we're lucky.
>sweden takes over Europe
pic related matches your herd immunity and *BLOCKS YOUR PATH*
Do you even know and understand what herd immunity is?
While a community has herd immunity from a disease the immune people work as a barrier and make it harder on the disease to spread to the non immune. In order to get there people need to be exposed to the disease but we also need to balance that out with not overwhelming the hospitals. Herd immunity is best achieved on a longer/extended period of time. Another thing to keep in mind is how contagious this disease is, with r0s speculated to be almost 4 to even 7. With a beast like this to reach herd immunity you would need go expose from 75% to 85% of your population. That’s 3/4s of your population sick at the same time, or say least that’s your governments plan. That is not good and will cause so many unnecessary deaths.
>unnecessary deaths.
No such thing in this day and age.
Here’s source on herd immunity threshold, it lists some examples
>That is not good and will cause so many unnecessary deaths
>unnecessary deaths.
Your fucking existence is unnecessary.
Seriously, does anyone actually like him? I mean, obviously it's great you guys are leaving the EU, but it's not like he's stopped mass migration or even gotten the cops to stop threatening his own supporters over Facebook shitposts. He seems like another Trump, a good meme candidate to irritate the lefties, but ultimately a worthless nothingburger.
Plus, that's assuming it's even possible. How's that HIV herd immunity coming along guys?
Didn't Italy try this with "Hug a Chinese Day" and now they are fucked??
There are people actually inmune to HIV. It is just a extreme minority.
Also aids only kill retarded roasties and niggers, who cares about those groups.
Bong idiots are fucked, your hospitals will collapse crom mass chaos and deaths and sick. Have fun morons
>. Let me keep my mum in my life for another couple of decades.
People within everyone's families are at threat whether we go full lockdown or not. Completely shutting everything down, what do we do then? Continue living like that? Virus isn't going to go away
lmao holy fucking cringe
you're an irrelevant country overrun with muslims and niggers. have fun fighting for death or glory with your confiscated tea spoons. fucking retards
Post yfw the UK collapses
Indeed. The bar girls in Bangkok found my propositions and behaviour to be weird at first, but after a while they just accepted me as 'that weird foreigner who likes feet'. Boris is taking a gigantic gamble with this tactic, it may lead to his island getting utterly wrecked and becoming the world's number 1 hotspot for the bug. I didn't suck any ladyboy's feet though.
Finland is joining the herd immunity craze.
They're only testing 70+ year olds and a few other categories.
i lol'd
you absolute mad psychos
it's not proven that
1. covid19 infection leads to immunity.
2. covid19 won't mutate.
The theory is that if 2/3 of a herd become immune, the attacking virus will die off over time.
Yeah though you first mate. Let me know how it goes.
Did 2/3rds of her ass die?
If i must give my life to cleanse britains gene pool of coronavirus susceptibility then so be it. I'll go when god calls me
>herd immunity
>for a corona virus
How is that herd immunity for the common cold going?
That's a bloke.
I don't know man
I've seen the pictures of empty supermarkets in Britain and its patrons : some were non-white but other looked like native Britons
I don't buy your optimism. It's better to be in a small country and isolate yourself in the mountains, if shit hits the fan
They don't know the long term implications of this shit, people who get it will develope hiv like symptoms in a year or 2.
Don't fall for it, get a fucking gas mask and stay away from everybody
its a meme, if they wanted herd immunity why they telling people to wash hands and catch sneezes, fuck that we should be spitting in each others mouths.
Its about the government killing all the boomers so they have no pensions to pay and the nhs isnt crippled with old people.
i have a chalet in courmayeur. i actually planned to go there but the fucking police doesn't let me.
That's not a her.
rather getting fucked by corona-tan than getting fucked by roaming migrant rape gangs
The one on the left looks like the Staypuff Marshmallow Man
Don't be retarded, they still want to slow the spread to reduce strain on the NHS, we want a slow steady progression not an italy situation.
I've got you covered, bro.
Following your example Brits
Kek, she is the Marshmellow Man's HPV ridden love child.
Made for Arab cock
Feels good to be part of a Herd, BAAAAH
lel i can go anywhere i like, nothing is closed. Imagine being told to stay at home like a child
There was a twink I met of Grindr who looked like the girl on the right. Jolly good shag that was OI OI Hahahahaha cor blimey lads
bet you sucked some ladyboy benis you faggot
>Waah me mam!!!
How old are you?
I wanna smell those feet
>Imagine going for the herd immunity route from a virus you don't gain immunity from.
The two nations that are absolutelty the worst off in terms of libtardness, sweden and UK have decided to straight up murder it's own population; because why not africa has lots of Swedes and UK citizen ready to step up to the plate of glorious liberal shopping malls.
Are you retarded
Listen here you swedish assfucking faggot cumbucket. We can hear your women getting raped all the way over here. Your country is a joke filled with beta pussies getting pissed in the mouth by migrants.
Are there any males left in Sweden who aren't cucks or trans?
Now sit the fuck down and stfu. Stupid nigger.
>virus readily reinfects people who have caught it and "recover"
>not containing it means everyone and everything in the country will be contaminated
>britbongs are all going to die from constant reinfection.
>Death or glory.
Britain died in 1956 in Egypt.