It's now the 1 Year anniversary lads!
It's now the 1 Year anniversary lads!
literally who?
Where's the video?
السلام عليك يا قديس تارانت
@yy sub2pwds
one year ago today, /Ourguy/ Saint Tarrant did something great. His actions still resonate, as demoralization niggers and glowies STILL try to convince you it was a Mossad hologram.
Praise be, the hero who got comments disabled on all British Grenadiers videos
Fuck muslims and fuck iran
I love this man
You're jumping the gun, the anniversary still isn't for another 11 hours or so yet.
I will subscribe to pewdiepie
Hail Saint Tarrant.
St Tarrant’s Day. PRAISE HIM.
When shot, people don’t just fall like inert sacks of potatoes
Bullets hit victims leaving no marks
Shell Casings vanish into thin air
Magazine under the bulletin board is there before he even makes it down the hallway
Blood squib controller flies across road after the actor was shot
post hatepol archive pls
I thought it was tomorrow, but I realized you live in the future
Out of the night that covers you, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever Gods may be, for your unconquerable soul. Happy Anniversary, crusader.
SLOPPY job Mossad
May God bless you all
Nobody cares about a coward faggot who killed christians instead of jews.
they think we don't do
they think they can control and flex the narrative at their will
we will prevail
truth shall see the light
fake, sloppy job.
And another one for you
It is tomorrow nigger but Happy almost Saint Tarrant day
>Delete this thread now or it's gonna be the end of 8pol
Oh how right he was
can't condone what the faggot did, that beeing said this was an epic happening and absolute kino.
The fucking music on the getaway? Legendary.
Happy St. Tarrant Day bros!!!!
No more internet for you stayvun, i mean brandon.
It's already tomorrow in New Zealand
Thank you
That was a good day
Sorry, I don't speak bomb wires.
Glad the dude is locked up for ever. Hope he tops himself.
Two questions:
1. Did Tarrant ever praise God/Jesus and/or Christianity?
2. If not, why?
Checked BT d u b s
He dabbed on some muds
Happy anniversary!
What a day that was, huh? It was as if, for just a few brief hours, we let our guards down and actually see what we, as a board, a society, and a world, were heading into, and we allowed ourselves to be scared.
I don't speak kebab
Please kys. Please.
Why tf is there so much anime drawings of him?
Tarrant is slime!
Wtf are you scared of faggot?
Found the baby raping Muslim
My friend. I can't read cursive
kiwi traitors are absolutely SEETHING.
It's strange, knowing he's subjected to this way of life when we all know that it's not what he deserves - hopefully, some of you have sent him letters. If so, be blessed.
Most based kiked Mossad job then. They gave us a patron saint and martyr whose actions we can rally around. Fuck mudslimes.
Sloppy job
Brebton Tarrant is a Hero
Good goy
Hollywood Reinactment
Yes he praised Christianity
He even mentioned the names of a few Christian martyrs and saints.
Happy Birthday!
Fuck you shlomo
Press S for sloppy job Mossad
>I don't know the difference between a martyr and a terrorist.
The public does. Acts like this only cause them to dissociate from who they perceive to be Pro-White.
The best cross over ever
He killed muslims
Which is a good thing
When will he get a statue?
Are his official sound tracks on youtube going to get their comments closed again?
Americans thinking they're centre of the world again, colour me surprised.
26 years
Did they ever get reopened?
Her name was Ebba
Fire.... Gas gas gas
based Tarrant, should've been given the Australian of the Year award
Brenton Tarrant deserves a nobel peace Prize.
yes with all his references removed.
I'm so happy he was able to reincarnate as a kawaii mass killer. He's grinding evolution points for the big show in India and MENA.
He'll get his peace prize a lot sooner than he thinks. ex-USA will demand his extradition when we get a new government very very soon.