doesn't close borders

> doesn't close borders
> doesn't close schools

u mad?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why would I be mad? it's your dumb country, not mine

It's not like you have anything to lose, right?

Attached: swedish man.png (750x1334, 1.15M)

your state epidemiologist is arrogant amd incompetent like your government. gl Swedeanons with this shitshow

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>women don't close their legs

If you closed your borders and schools your roastie ran government wouldn't be able to import more fully-grown adult sized rapefugee children into your schools, to further enrich what is left your swedish girl population

>PM's wife infected everyone except her husband because he's a closeted faggot
carry on

You have borders with Denmark and Finland. Denmark has closed its borders, and people on the Finnish side will probably be checked.

Based Tegnell is trying to wipe out the immigrants, we'll have quite a bit of Swedish causalities but it'll be worth it. Absolute mad lad

Same here.

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To implement herd immunity in the modern ages is a fucking disgrace. Maybe, if our country did something right for once, we could have avoided this. Now we are fucked.

Holy fucking based. Now will some fucking Swedecuckanons go and coof on the immigrants?
I want to visit next year, and I don’t want to see sand niggers.
Thanks in advance, bros. Good luck.

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why contain it?

insanity. your healthcare system will be anally raped

But not against you

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You don't have to because Denmark did it for you.
Besides, nobody gives a shit about Gothenburg or Stockholm. The rural areas will flourish after this.

Noooo dont kill off swedes, they have so much to live for nooooooooooo

Iam mad.

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Well You are mad at us as usually, this time for closing OUR borders and not allowing foreigners to enter

No. You are digging your own grave at this point. You dig and you dig, yet have the gall to point and laugh. When the times comes that the select few of you call for help, you'll have to help yourselves, because it is all so tiresome and helping a person who refuses help and instead pursues more trouble is not worth the hassle.
I'm sorry to those select few swedebros, but the rest of your country is calling you for your cbt appointment

I will cough on immigrants. Try to spread it as much as possible. In Minecraft I would genocide them all.

based. put slime on doorhandles in immigrant commieblocks

Attached: sweden cuck.jpg (750x780, 104.8K)

>u mad?
No, actually funny; we've known you're suicidal lunatics for a long time now ...

>doesn't close borders
Well no, you don't need to because everyone around you is, and you can cry and bitch about it all you want. Because:
> doesn't test for corvid 19 anymore
> already out of test kits
> can't afford any more
> healthcare system already on the brink of collapse before this shit
> actually want the 40+ you Swedes to die off
> make room for 20 to 35 yo sandniggers

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>I want to visit next year, and I don’t want to see sand niggers.

Also fuck off we're full

They are unironically using herd immunity tactics hoping they are able to kill off elderly in order to get more money back from the pension funds, There is no proof of you becoming immune after being infected by this virus yet they are so sure, Honestly after this debacle we need to bring these criminals to justice and have them executed for this.




They need more money for immigrants

This is the actual plan they have, Swedes stop consuming shit lets crash this economy so we can start bringing these psychopaths to justice.

A bit, yes. I have an ex from your country. We don't talk anymore, but he was a good person, and I don't want him getting infected just because your goverment is full of retards.

No one will do anything. Anders Tegnell will be rewarded and Jimmie and Putin will somehow be blamed for this.

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Godspeed user. Please post the link to your Patreon.

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Yeah Gipsy Romania has contributed so much to the world

How very Swedish of you

just imagine how cool this chink flu would be if it exclusively wipes out niggers and arabs.

Yeah no it is just a matter of time until the economy collapses and the first civil war since the 1500s here.
I predicted this a long time ago and i have never been more certain about it being the case than today, It is not a question if it will happen now but when.

Arabs will die in higher number because of them smoking all the fucking time. Also genetic diseases because of inbreeding. For blacks however, this is literally just a flu bro.

but you need to do something about your treacherous government. Every time we do something based your gov. starts seething with a very sore anus. first it was immigrants, now it is the clampdown against corona

honestly you have the same problem as we here in germanistan: women in power, as well as faggots and weaklings in power. they somehow "naturally" attract all sorts of problems and are unable to tackle the real issues.

I would literally scream Allahu Akbar all day if it did.

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>bragging about open borders
>checks flag
Checks out

That's what he does most. It is not clear why Italians have such a high mortality rate. They probably have a lot of oldfags in the country.

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This is actually good news. But th eproblwm is weaponry. How the hell are you going to kill the monkeys?
Throw dry Lussekatter at them?

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Your Viking forefathers haven’t looked down at your nation with any less than disgust in over a century. Please do the right thing and accelerate your countries destruction as efficiently as possible.

Natural selection will cleanse this once great country into a possibility to recover from the systematic rape it has endured. This is a good thing.

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On one hand the collapse of Sweden seems like its correct and natural path, but on the other hand this level of incompetence is infuriating. What the fuck is wrong with you gay niggers? Did the eugenics really turn you into a bunch of harmless oversocialized faggots?

Finnbros, she’s got you covered, right?

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Fuck off Achmed.

You guys can’t even control the sand niggers making you drink piss and raping your women, why would I think you could control your country in the face of a pandemic? You faggots are doomed

My country has embraced natural selection as well.

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Absolutely, here the regime said "Oh we are waiting for the ministry of the peoples health to deliver their analysis before we act"
Then their "analysis" arrived, Lets make sure we keep as much societal functions open as possible (Pro tip they are trying to keep the economy afloat as if it were to collapse we will quickly find ourselves in a flaming civil war)
They are straight out lying saying we have good prepardness for this and there is no reason to worry about us being able to handle it but in reality we have the lowest amount of hospital beds and ICUs per capita in all of the EU, No storage of extra equipment and personel, Extreme bureaucracy as we are a communist state with rules made by ideology rather than actual practicallity, A "leadership" that acts reactively rather than proactively as they blame eachother and back and forth between ministry/departments and to the centralized government.
We are fucked user.

fuck i just realized those dune coons are gonna go for their caliphate when this hits aren't they

I truly think eugenics fucked Sweden. They chose the beautiful and sociable people to create the perfect society, but surprise surprise, these people are utterly useless at decision making. It's only natural the shitshow will collapse and nature will make its correction. It sucks the lost testosterone will be replaced by smelly Arabs, but that was the choice you made. Sweden is dead and it's not coming back.

Our Tumblr government isn't doing a bad job at fucking us either. Finally you have a competitor when it comes to cuckery Sven.

Yeah, open borders, open schools, only public events with more than 500 people are banned. Also wash your hands.

>these people are utterly useless at decision making
You're talking about women and fucking every country on Earth are making the same mistakes we made

They're used to such things in Sweden.

You could do with a read of that, Abdul.

You know what herd immunity means? It means they let 80% of you get infected. The kill rate of the virus is 47%
Sweden's population is 10m. 8m of you will get Wuflu. 4m will die and 4m will live. Now the total population is 6m and 66% of you are immune. Still not 80% so you go through a second round of die offs.

And guess what after that? Pandemics come in multiple waves as the virus mutates before it burns itself out or mutates into a milder strain.

You're talking about the vast majority of people off the population of your mentally retarded country. But that's just survival of the fittest. RIP sweden and UK. I neither F nor S, I merely let the iron law of nature's survival be the judge.

Swedbros, the only thing you have to remember in a race war is that you can’t leave witnesses. It’s key. You don’t want to be brought before some EU cuck tribunal.
Keep it clean. Search the house thoroughly. And be proud that you saved your culture for the next thousand years.

The same country that think mass islamic immigration is good for them think corona is nothinburger.

>(Pro tip they are trying to keep the economy
Been saying this. Our shit economy is like one of those chink skyscrapers built with cardboard. Might look good from a distance but the reality is a little bit of rain and wind would knock it over. The establishment are simply rolling the dice and hoping for a vaccine within the next month or so.

It's called folkhemmet or something. I watched the 60's Time Machine yesterday. All those blonde Swedes at the end