How do preppers respond to this?
How do preppers respond to this?
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By not starving to death.
America hasn't reached peak outbreak, yet.
It's literally just beginning. Epidemiological modelling suggests peak outbreak is 4-5 weeks away.
Look at deaths in Italy.
Yeah, the whole thing is massively overblown, but the government could still step in at any moment and say you’re not allowed to leave your house. You’re stupid if you haven’t made at least a few basic preparations for that possibility.
you better hope they don't turn the trigger on like they did in iran or china or italy. if there really are 100,000 cases in ohio, everyone in the world is going to have it
Bull preppers?
Barely 0,1% of the people are past incubation time, retard.
>but the government could still step in at any moment and say you’re not allowed to leave your house.
Honestly I hope this happens, I could use a break from work. Got a lot of video games to catch up on.
I buy more toilet paper
And you buy none sweetie deal with it
Getting a flu shot and having enough food. The things that kill a consistent amount of people each year are easy to anticipate and mitigate. Corona is remarkable because it came out of nowhere and we don't really have a means to fight it other than convincing everyone to stay home.
> People who died of hunger today in America.
> 0
I love watching BLACK BULLS
just two more weeks
Verify ANY of those numbers. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Niggers like slavery and fried chicken
What race starved?
Not starving to death, and not contracting airborne flu-herpes during the pandemic phase.
>t-t-two weeks
Based allies
I want to see more deaths while staying alive
its the 3rd month of the year. youre comparing a disease that has had 3 months to spread from the first person and its already global btw, and comparing it to a whole flu season. flu deaths also arent covered up and chalked up to something else to avoid panic. also, those official numbers are already outdated, its way more than that now. by fall, the deaths could be 20x worse
by eating a burger you leaf cunt.
>>>Peak outbreak 4-5 weeks away.
2 months ago
> weeks we're all dead.
Hurry up and wait
Italy went from 2 cases to quarantining the entire country in a month. This virus just started in the West. Give it time.
>Niggers who died of hunger today
Two weeks ago, no one in America gave single fuck. Now everyone does. Most definitely, 2 more weeks.
True, but do you understand the effort and man power they would need to be sure every single person stayed in their houses, it'd be impossible. Even Italy who's under "lock down" aren't even really on true full lockdown
I am prepping because of the socioeconomic fallout. not the disease itself
go fuck to niggerville
We have flu AND corona. Sorry bud you can't pick and choose what kills you, both are gunning for you.
looks like storing food is the way to go with those stats whats your point
By laughing at the person who doesnt understand exponential functions
Die you dumb monkey nigger faggot
OR you can grow a pair get over them both...faggot.
Then let's talk about the fact that you can go and type in all kinds of random word into Google and sure enough almost everything finds a way to link to the corona virus. If I type in pets or dog or travel or food etc etc why tf do I need to read about anything other than my search terms?? (Pic related)
>its the 3rd month of the year. youre comparing a disease that has had 3 months to spread from the first person and its already global btw, and comparing it to a whole flu season.
Wrong. This shit has been on the go since fall 2019. It's approaching six months.
>about 200K crona cases total
>about over 14M flu cases each year
i mean
You going to punch the virus in the face or something you spacker?
>>>Around 200,000 cases
>>>Less than 2,500 deaths
>>>Worldwide estimates
>>>Population of almost 8 billion
I mean...
>13,861 non-preppers die of hunger
>why you horde
so I don't die
If you can look at Italy and China’s reported deaths and STILL believe that China is telling the truth about how bad it is there, you are dumb.
guess those people who died of hunger should have prepared better
deaths have been doubling every 3 days in italy. at the same rate, it will be 1 million in 4 weeks time. in spain and everywhere else a week or two later. pic related.
not even 1 year into pandemic
not even second wave
not even final mutation
>V Sauce Michal here
>want to see the most illegal thing I own?
Shitty non-prepper detected. You were warned. Live your last few minutes before getting killed by Coronachan having never achieved self-actualization if you so choose.
As for me. I've got my TP.
>Look at deaths in Italy.
1,266 from a population of 60.5m
so you're saying you'll have 6,800 deaths from a population of 327,000,000
terrifying. no wonder everywhere is out of toilet paper.
Years only just begun faggot
>less then 2,500 deaths
are you retarded or do you just like to pretend?
he has no idea that those dead were infected 2 weeks ago and x10 more are now infected
oh and reinfection, they are a thing
by wiping my ass with toilet paper.
It's not about the number of deaths but the dead to infected ratio.
Problem with Corona is there is no treatment or vaccine so letting in run rampant would annihilate the old population and people with a weak immune system.
The flu killed that many but it infected millions, its not that deadly.
yeah, because people have stopped dying out of nowhere
brits deserve everything coming their way
Hunger isn't a virus that someone can coof onto me or spread to healthy people like a plague. Hunger occurs from bad life choices or from being born in a nigger country.
it's a nothingburger
people will work from home for a few weeks and pakis will make money selling watered down handwash on ebay
some old and chronically ill people will die
the end
Americans be like "no I only got 7.5k calories today I'm gonna die"
Yeah but the numbers you guys are using in comparison i.e. swine flu etc etc are all final tally counts of said incident, can you show me the statistics for 2 months into any of them diseases? I'm not one to try and say it's a COMPLETE nothingberger, as the viruses existence is evident, but the hype of it is defined blown out of proportions, 2020 and alot of you guys still haven't seemed to learn how they use fear to drive the stock markets, shape world events, and manipulate outcomes.
It isn't that people will die by the millions, it is that the hospital system will be overwhelmed and mild cases will die from not being able to be treated properly. I hope we at least learn to give China the middle finger and start manufacturing in our own countries.
oh no, maybe our country will end up like brazil
thats what you say untill you see it (or get it in your family)
You are all ignorant and egoistic until someone has to die because there were no place in hospital.
Typical bong mentality
Thats why Poland is fighting and UK is doing nothing like always.
by this logic poland is doing nothing since all your workers are here
>Thinking that there's actually only 200,000 cases
Most people had mild cases. If you really think the death rate is that high for a disease which is spread through the fact that many people don't even know they have it, that is expensive to test for, you don't know much.
>How do preppers respond to this?
Niggers should have prepped
>retards talking about flu deaths
what the fuck is per capita rates for flu deaths/cases vs corona deaths/cases?
fucking morons
nope, you are half right.
Right now its nothing true - but if we dont stop it (like UK is doing) it will be very bad.
In 2 days hospital beds in italy will all be full, imagine this in every country.
Now your mother/sister/son has to have critical operation - she/he dies because hospitals are full.
Based brit gets it. I hope all cooroners die in a violent gang rape. Closed coffin funerals.
Don’t bother OP. Let the panicked, shrieking women of 4chins sperg out over nothing so I can ridicule them forever
being prepped is prudent regardless of this hoax, if this has scared people into preparing for boogaloo... this is a good result
bong and logic ... ya sure
DO you even know what Poland did? That borders ale closed? Towns will be quarantined?
nah you just speak like typical bongaloo
Generous estimates think it MAY have been spreading since late November, but most reports put the initial cases at early-mid december, so 3 months. Not "nearly 6 months".
And the point still stands: Millions of people have been infected with flu already, and it has a 0.1-0.3 Case Fatality Rate. CRF for COVID-19 is between 2-4%.
Chinese medical workers who have been fighting the #coronavirus day and night in Wuhan celebrated the closing of the last temporary hospital in Wuhan.
The reported #covid19 cases went from a surge in February of 15,000 in one day to only 15 this week.
maybe people in the uk know how to wash their hands and not sneeze in each others faces, so they can be trusted to still go to work and school
i guess other countries are full of mental retards who don't know how to use a tissue or soap
How can you die of hunger when you're stocked for 2+ months??
Yes, in a place where you cant even shop without a mask and most were forced to stay at home by force
Here nothing like this will be done
thats why almost every normal country is closing every public space and UK does not?
AHAHAHAHAHHA bong all the way
>3 months passes
>forced to stay at home by force
One stat is mostly niggers, the others are something to actually worry about
Yes, a chinesse guy named Force, scary dude
>Generous estimates think it MAY have been spreading since late November
According to what source?
>75k seasonal flu deaths
I'd call that number a little sketchy.
>2800 wuflu deaths
I'd call that number really fucking sketchy.
>14k starved to death today
Who cares about a retarded Africans starving to death because they're too retarded to farm?
>adults complete starvation leads to death within 8 to 12 weeks
Would take at least 4
it's january 2020. talk to me in July 2020. and thanks for the constant reminders that you faggots don't understand how anything works
italy chasing the high score
That's 9 person per minute
Starvation is the pandemic
Comparing an unknown to two estimates. I don’t know, why do midwits think they already know how things will turn out or that adding another “flu” to the mix is some how nothing to be worried about
Pretty simple, you add up the months the flu has been going around then add up the months coronachan has been going around and you show the numbers and ask them when the flu has caused this many countries to shut down schools.
With a sandwich.
ah yes, good ol Wang Force
Honestly, listening to people who had it makes us look retarded at how overblown it has all been. From the interviews i have seen, it's literally the same as the flu and most have said it begins to deplete after about 5 days to just over a week.
Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna get some Onions. It's a bottled meal, perfect to store in case of bad events. And I'm a woman so I'm not worried about man tits. Though it's unlikely maybe it'll grow my smol titties.
that's why your economy will go even more to shit
there's zero reason to shut down everything because of a flu
if you have symptoms, you stay at home. those are the guidelines. people get paid leave from work. you think they're going to start having symptoms and still going? maybe in degenerate third world countries where every penny matters and you have to work every day on two stumps for arms. in the uk if you get an excuse to stay home, you use it.