What should be the punishment for landwhales stealing TP from boomers' hands?
What should be the punishment for landwhales stealing TP from boomers' hands?
Fuck, I love you anons. We used to say
>can't tell if retarded or trolling
But now it's
>retarded and trolling.
Right down to the toilet paper aisle
That cunt even had toilet paper already in her trolly so if I saw that going on I'd yell it's 2020 and I believe in equality and fucking punch her full fucking force like I would a man.
I'd hit her a second time for being a shitskin invader in our nation and fucking over a native elderly person. Cunts like her deserve death.
Hope those bitches remembered to get their Stikeez.
>they both look kikey
so idc
This whole thing has evolved into who can larp as the biggest jewish faggot at the grocery store. There is more than enough to go around, it's just that front line stock is impossible to maintain because of this kind of bullshit. Everyone who participated in that is going to feel really fucking stupid by about Wednesday when they realize this entire COVID thing was a DNC false flag for purposes of manipulating the elections.
NONE. The weak should fear the strong.
>joker was the best movie of the decade guise
why are people such fucking sheep? can anyone tell me the discernible point of hoarding toilet paper?
The lanklet should be prosecuted for intervening in the affairs of his feminist overlords. Imagine having the audacity to think that women need male supervision.
looks like the old woman was taking it from the trolley 2bh
The brown bitch should be shot like every other shitskin on the planet.
Why arent people stocking up on lubes? Who needs TP when you're getting your asshole fucked hard and destroyed by BBC?
to wipe your ass in case of isolation
Not fighting over the last water or canned goods but TP...the world deserves to die honestly
Boomer stole the TP
Just like everything else
I'd simply cough on it and say
Have it, okay boomer
Based Mutts Law poster
Nick all the tp from their trolley while they are distracted
Cunts who call carts a trolley get the rope first.
First time i noticed that the old ladies hand actually hit her face
Use a fucking showerhead you kraut nonce
Maybe if these fat cunts didn't eat so much they wouldn't be shitting all the time to need all that roll.
It's our language retard, make your own language and then talk
>niggers in my quarantine area
Absolutely unacceptable
always one to stand around and get it on video. to me that's the worst part
Another thread said old lady was jew, bit clearly she is a chink.
>Australian calls someone invader
Oh no no no
What the fuck is America's problem with toilet paper? Seriously this is a literal obsession, most people think about food and water not 5 year stock of toilet paper, you fucking animals
Be quiet achmed
It's not just the yanks, dickheads over here are panicking like headless chickens too.
I for one am happy that the media and public finally reached the appropriate level of panic lol.
Everything should be cool from here!
>Women 2020
>Not Egotistical maniac
Least its not a "buggy" like the nogs call it
Is the west going to learn any lessons from this? I mean these retarded panic reactions show that we're all spoiled snowflakes who's idea of safety gets shattered by a disease.
I hope we grow some balls after/during this.
Shut up Bartholomew
When is it a bad time to buy toliet paper?
If it's the same price or lower than average, I'm going to buy it. The time to buy is when it's on sale, not when you need it.
I already have several cases of paper products due to extreme couponing.
The panic is global. There literally isn't enough shit to go around to meet everyone's 2,3,4 month supply all at once.
i bet you walk around observing people noses/eyes thinking everyone is a fucking jew, chill out you paranoid bong
>that moment when you run out of white privilege and have to behave like a nigger to get by
it seemed to me, or could they not share the TOILET PAPER?
It's a trolley, carts go behind horses.
You're not a horse are you?
There will never be any self-reflection after this. It will be immediately forgotten when the tv switches to a new psy-op. Sean Hannity will kvech over this for months, and eventually there will be a congressional investigation by republicans pretending to be outraged which falls on deaf ears and goes nowhere.
It looks like this is reddit (with that one "cool" grandma) vs facebook tbqh.
>In this corner, we have a 5'4" 300# mutt
>She has enough reach to grab your tp
>She constantly post dumb shit about her kids on kikebook
>And in this corner, we have your typical triggered snowflakes
>diversity gives them their strength
nobody needs a 2 3 or 4 month supply is the point, faggot. a week from now, two weeks from now, they are still going to be stocking the shelves with shit paper. So all the faggots with their 2 3 or 4 month supply arent going to be buying any for quite a while and the shelves are going to be completely stocked,
No toilet paper left here.
how is this allowed??
Or even better pic related.
The Romans ran an empire wiping their arses with these
Imagine a shittier existence than being a fat ugly 35+ woman.
>not officially marginalized in society like minorities or incels, but disliked more than either
>decades of riding your genetics to an easy meal have left your mental skills atrophied and your sense of entitlement too high to satisfy
>everyone, including and especially others of your demographic hate you
>constantly forced to pretend to be good natured so others tolerate your presence
>have to watch as young and attractive women are prioritized ahead of you, often unfairly
We will see with all the idiots demanding that the central banks should pay for sick leave to rents, who will be working in supply then?
>not calling it a shopping basket/buggy
>not using a rizla
both should be executed
Conversion to lamp oil. Press the fatties calorie war now.
imagine seeing this panic hoarding unfold and still thinking socialism would work. people don’t take what they need and share the rest. they take as much as they can to self-preserve for themselves and their closest loved ones even if it means actively hurting everyone else
I bet this lady will vote for Bernie
What a stupid whore, lucky she didn't get a fookin slap, simple as
>Imagine a shittier existence than being a fat ugly 35+ woman
I think you mean shitty half of life bro, which makes it really shitty for you since you got a somewhat easy life, sex and attention for the first 30 years. But still not as shitty as getting nothing from the get go. Or is it?
It's a rolling food jail.
>You're being detained. Stop resisting.
There was a time she looked like this and was on top of the world. Now she's divorced, 250 lbs, and works at the UPS store. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
I thought we knew at least 2/3rds of the population is fucking retarded. This had to be done op or some shit because anyone with an iq above 85 cannot explain the reasoning for this.
>The time to buy is when it's on sale, not when you need it.
which is why I’m waiting a few weeks till the stores all restock and literally no one is buying toilet paper because they panic bought 400 rolls already and the stores have to put 80% discounts on all this stuff just to get it off the shelf before the next shipment arrives
fuck off, communist
They're gonna feel real retarded when they have so much toilet paper and no where to putting term because who wants 1000 roll of toilet paper in a living room when theres no happening. Everytime someone comes over they'll be able to spot the toilet paper retard easily
Reply to the right post, fool.
>doesn't have any TP
>it'll all be fine and you're just stoopid
Boomer detected.
Fucking monkeys
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
While she is fighting the elderly woman I would grab one of the toilet papers in the cart, promoting others to do the same.
>a week from now, two weeks from now, they are still going to be stocking the shelves with shit paper. So all the faggots with their 2 3 or 4 month supply arent going to be buying any for quite a while and the shelves are going to be completely stocked,
this. went for groceries after the bar last night (nobody was out, coronavirus fears) and they were restocking everything for the morning shitstorm of panic retards who think there isn’t a ton of TP sitting in the storeroom ready to put on the shelves as soon as the staff get a chance with all the idiot customers they have to deal with
stores will be begging people to buy these items in a month
this is white people looting. still taking as much as possible like the nogs, but paying for it and waiting in lines lel
americans are the stupidest cunts on this planet.
TP is money now. I'll never spend my stash on wiping my ass until the running water gets cut off.
>The average person uses 1 roll per day
One roll lasts me like two weeks. And I use way too much. What the fuck are you eating?
Toilet paper is disgusting you fucking idiot. Ever heard of a bidet? You literally have POOP in your ASS right now.
sharing is caring, fag0t
They went there with intent to film these retards.
>TP is money now. I'll never spend my stash on wiping my ass until the running water gets cut off.
I had a girl over last night and hid my toilet paper in the closet because I only have 2 rolls left and in these desperate times I thought she might steal the roll on her way out
>tfw getting dumped for not having a shitload of TP
Toilet paper is nothing but a luxury in non-pandemic normal life, in a pandemic just shower and don't eat like a pig, which you should be doing anyway.
this, and anyone who calls freedom fries by shitty names like hot chips
And you have poop on your hands, and on a towel hanging in your bathroom, and dripped around your bathroom.
That bidet in your picture is plugged and filled so you can reuse the water to wash your baby.
So do you.