>biggest drop in history = silence
>even bigger drop = silence
>somewhat of a rise that returns maybe 10% of the drop = THIS IS A FANTASTIC VICTORY
Is he retarded?
Biggest drop in history = silence
At this point he looks like an idiot even to magatards
>Is he retarded
No but his supporters are
Okay boomers
>Is he retarded?
Yes. How is this a question?
Do cult leaders have to be intelligent to control the retarded sheep?
Anyone believing the stocks will go up the next few months is a retard.
im startin to think he might lose, unless biden accidentally calls someone a nigger on live tv
didn't even fill the gap lol..
Dude is more concerned with stocks than coronavirus, that's fucked up
Yes, everyone wants the president to be a huge downer all the time instead of trying to uplift people. Especially when the populous's opinion/engagement is the most important thing to keep it rising.
Why is he doing this? Doesn’t he know it’s just going to tank again once the next earnings reports come out? The world is on lockdown. Now might not be the best time to brag about the fake casino he just pumped with fed money to prevent it from total collapse. He’s grasping at straws
pic related
>durr why isn't he a debbie downer like me
You're a god damn moron.
Doesn’t he know that green numbers Friday means red on Monday? People will be selling off like crazy. The ONLY thing keeping the market alive are these fake end of day fed pumps
What the fuck? Can you not differentiate between "trying to uplift people" and bragging about especially meaningless numbers?
He still should not mislead people. That’s fucked up
>google dow jones
Damn, did printing $1.5 trillion actually work?
>zoom out
>still -20% from ath
27-Dimensional intergalactical poker
>Is he retarded?
Unironically yes
Yeah he should tweet more about how this is just a flu come on you guys the flu kills way more this isn't a big deal it'll be over tomorrow, right? It's called lying, user, and the POTUS should try to do it a little bit less.
Do you really think that the president is there to sell you the reality that you can observe on your own? This man has been elected to lie to you, to sell you an alternate reality than the one you observe and experience. Don’t be mad at the tools of the engineers.
>getting mad at an interesting fact
No u
it retraced way more than 10% of the drop you dumb shill. Probably not the bottom yet but time to buy the dip faggot
lel get dabbed on you faggot OP
Is the world black and white to you? There is an option between those two wild extremes, did you know?
>he believes the (((WHO))) and global media that it's more than just a flu
The normie sheep board is that way >>>/reddit/
are you gunna post this all day? you sure smell of 2nd world commie marx dog shit. kys
>Probably not the bottom yet but time to buy the dip faggot
Are YOU retarded??
He's not retarded but he's adressing retards
the market is pricing in the recession you dumb asshole
It can't be a nothingburger and a big enough deal to call for travel bans and quarantines. The two are mutually exclusive.
haha nice one
Its marketing. You want him to say "Yeah I suck sorry" after every drop?
There's plenty of legit reasons to criticise Trump this aint one of them. You guys act like you're shaking ur heads but you love talking about Trump's tweets. They make you smile more than not Trump is providing free entertainment with his Twitter. When's the last time Obama said something even remotely viral on his Twitter?
>look at me, im too smart to buy on the way down and not make money
good job, you really showed us fuckhead
So you are saying the market will not go down any more? How fucking stupid do you think I am? You can’t price this shit in. This is a true black swan event. You stupid brain dead fucker.
Trumps fuckhead advisor Larry Kudlow said “stocks were cheap” at 26,000. Dumb fuck lied to everyone.
Biggest rise in history! OP is a retard.
You sound salty. Apparently you can't be happy the stock market went up a shit ton and care about a media overblown virus. You're an idiot, KYS.
>You want him to say "Yeah I suck sorry" after every drop?
Only a retarded president, and we have had them, would say anything tying the stock market to his performance.
>All those gains? Yeah that was trump
>what the fuck do you mean the drop was trumps fault? Did he make the virus????
I mean npc by any other name
If it's not at the dip yet, how can you buy the dip? Christ user..
Rural American education
little early to claim victory what happens if it takes another dive monday?
>Trump just assured his reelection
>At this point he looks like an idiot even to magatards
I cringe everytime this moron speaks
He is a lier.
lol yeah remember obama?
Hey, you're the one that doesn't understand even the most basic amount of political tact, so clearly you need it hammered in.
"Hmm, the markets are being ravaged due to extremely grim news. I want the markets to look good. Should I choose: A, Make sure everyone hears even more bad news about the market via my highly publicized platform that will be reported on everywhere, making people even less likely to invest; or B, stick to positivity and put a good spin on things, to alleviate public fears in turn.
It's really a head-scratcher. I think it's what they call a 'lateral thinking puzzle' where you have to use some sort of crazy moon logic to work it out. No average person off the street could unravel this one. A real labyrinth of logic. Sir, may I see your mensa card?
Let's all take a look at this guy, and have a laugh at this post. Don't worry folks, maybe he's pretending. You don't think he really believed whatever Mom told him you always trim the 's' that trail's another 's' in a possessive apostrophe. Oh no no, he really believes that? I though college was free for those people? Why didn't he attend?
Another moron. They're breeding like roaches.
obama touted market performance. but he was retarded so youre correct
trillion and a half here trillion and a half there
lots of gibs to the 1%
Holy shit never seen this before
MMT and socialism for private equity, hedge funds, big banks, investment firms.
> tfw nearly every thread in the catalog is shills yelling at each other
>You sound salty. Apparently you can't be happy the stock market went up a shit ton and care about a media overblown virus. You're an idiot, KYS
3 years of this screeching and seething.
Almost 5 to go.
How fucking pathetic.
it really do be like this
It was ONE DAY you faggot retards. Maybe if the media was super positive for a week it would return but those faggots are manipulating society at a scientific level. GO FUCK YOURSELF FAGGOTS
>is he retarded
take a good look what do you think
>Is he retarded?
Yep. Look at the 1 month returns.
he really did a tremendous job at unpreparing America for this as much as possible.
Bigly vulnerable to Epidemic, I bet a tremendously fast Website made by Google™, unlike those before, and drive in testing by Walmart™ will get this shit under control at tremendously bigly, uhm, great Country, a great great Country, the best in fact.
>It was ONE DAY you faggot retards. Maybe if the media was super positive for a week it would return but those faggots are manipulating society at a scientific level. GO FUCK YOURSELF FAGGOTS