Brit/Pol/- uni STILL not cancelled edition

>Europe is now the EPICENTRE of coronavirus

>Man barricaded ex-girlfriend's home with wheelie bins before setting them on fire as she slept

>David Cameron ‘targeted’ by crazed arsonist who burned down his neighbour’s house with a Molotov cocktail

>"Don't leave our kids sitting in a bedsit in Camden living off a can of baked beans"

>Group of youths set Glen Parva dog poo bin on fire and claim 'it's funny' and 'it gets you high'

>Bowdle Binfire takes three days to extinguish

>Youths believed to have started Binfire involving large wheelie bin in York

>Fire crews from Bangor and Caernarfon tackle Binfire

>Premier League and EFL suspended for three weeks after coronavirus crisis

>Wheelie bin torched in Edlington resulting in Binfire,wheelie-bin-torched-in-edlington_35380.htm

>UK may be included in US travel ban

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Other urls found in this thread:

anyone else regretting voting for Boris? it all seems to be collapsing now and repeating the mistakes of 2008 by putting off any financial or social pain in return for a grey stability and increasing hosue prices

white guys just arent masculine thats why i fuck black guys

i sound black, do i make the cut?

You get what you fucking deserve

i'm a reactionary back to part 2

Scotlands all closed (:

No you don't
I can tell wiggers , paki wiggers and niggers apart easily

>uni STILL not cancelled edition
Seething zoomers

Reposting study released yesterday (13|03|20) which may point to the huge discrepancy in death rates between Italy and SK & Germany for those who're interested.

"Of the patients who died, 42·2% were aged 80–89 years, 32·4% were aged 70–79 years, 8·4% were aged 60–69 years, and 2·8% were aged 50–59 years (those aged >90 years made up 14·1%). The male to female ratio is 80% to 20% with an older median age for women (83·4 years for women vs 79·9 years for men)."
>90+: 14.1%
>80-89: 42.2%
>70-79: 32%
>60-69: 8.4%
>50-59: 2.8%
>0-49: 0.1%


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>im a degenerate with aids
thank for sharing i guess..

why you waste your life posting this crap?

did you vote for the tories?

>anyone else regretting voting for Boris?
you bongs really fucked up not getting more seats for the brexit party to control the balance of power.

Yes I'm a zoomer
Yes I don't drink alcohol
Yes I'm addicted to my phone
Yes I play Fortnite and FIFA

No I'm not wageslaving for you pension
No I'm not moving out mum

i was talking to manhands not you

Short term we will eventually look worse, long term however assuming that the modelling is correct (Could be horrendously wrong) we will fare as one of the best out of the bunch.
Will be interesting seeing where this goes. We're definitely bucking the trend of close everything down but you do have to remember to ask to those which are closing everything in a panic "Well what are you going to do next?". After all this is being predicted as endemic and unavoidable so they're going to have to go through the potentially invisible seeding and exponential growth period all over again.

>increasing hosue prices
All (((elite))) including royal scroungers are in to property (((business))), landan actually is more like 1/3 owned by ragheads already.
Be it Jewh'n'son or BLiar, they all are fucking landlords and will do all they can to keep prices up, as they are too stupid to make (((honest))) money any other way.
Simple as lad!

i voted labour but live in a 90% tory area and voted for Brexit

I guess my country really is a dumpster fire

In 4-5 weeks Britain really will be the Sick Man of Europe.

And since trump isn't banning us all the europoors and going to go to London and use out airports to get too america, with literally no form of screening on arrivals from Europe.

this was for you something i wish i added, was the thought of how bad its going to get in the future, with perfected AI chat bots.
Bots that can pass the 'turning test', shilling 24/7, we'd all unknowingly be wasting our time debating them to no avail.
is this the future of online discussion..!? :/

>voting for Tories and Labour
they've ruined this country long enough.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I know this is bait but fuck me, lad.

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Good luck with your scheme.

I expect a lot of countries are going to ban UK travel when it becomes clear, maybe 3 to 4 weeks away, that our infection rate is soaring above the rest of the world.

start making some art so you have some real people to talk to AS YOURSELF
although it has been useful
there is something destructive about the freedom of anonymity and the control it gives over how you're perceived

i have a lot of sex with a lot of different guys so i get tested on the reg and i dont have aids but keep coping white boy ill let you buy me dinner but if the waiters black hes the one taking me home

>just close everything for a year mate it'll work out

Something profoundly you posted
>Just saying

Not even joking if i were with you in person right now id punch you right in your faggot face

>It's the first time in 100 years where epidemiologists actually get to come out from behind their desks and put their research and mathematical modelling into practice.
There's been no disease for a hundred years lad?

>just kill 1 or 2 million people and harm many more as an experiment in social science

carrying you home when you get drunk and ruin the meal

hi bongs

>>voting for Tories and Labour
>they've ruined this country long enough.
>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Voting all together is stupid.
Want change?- burn bins lad!

I've run analytics here for some time and its already a thing.

>hi bongs
I warned ya, you discusting roo shit!

Calm down, Pierre-Francois al-Maghreb. Macron only wants to make reforms to the pension, no need to burn your shit on the streets and do an Arab spring

>1 or 2 million people
Retard. There won't be 1 million deaths ever world-wide.

>start making some art so you have some real people to talk to AS YOURSELF
Im going to start a video commentary channel this year.
I've made some videos in the past, but as an user, and i think to really garner any real following people need a face and personality.
I just wish i did it years ago when i first thought about it, before all the censorship ramped up.

It's going to be hard not to get shoah'd unless i pull my punches and be "optical", and maybe that's not a bad thing. If im not to spicy, than perhaps some alt-lite characters will have me on their show. but hopefully i can still challenge them on some of their cucked opinions.

are built for bbc though?

checked, have you got a loicence for that herd immunity

>ill let you buy me dinner
only thing i'll be buying you 'dear' is a canister of Zyklon-B xo

>Responding to tripfags this awful that are baiting for you's

what is wrong with you? Are you stupid?

>Fuck science and decades of preparation and shieet
Plans and models for this have been worked on for long before most people on here were even born. Secondly this isn't even being handled politically in the UK. The UK are just trying to fulfill what models are suggesting should be done.
So why would you punch me in the face? Because you're scared and want to act on emotion rather than what's actually the best way to handle the situation?

Anyone got anything better? What does closing everything down and killing the viral spread momentarily at a few thousand even do? It doesn't control the curve or anything it simply resets everything as well as delay the possibility to manipulate the peak into summer where major factors resulting in death from viral pneumonia are severely reduced and better managed?

Yeah I'm a bit miffed on the lack of transport control especially as we have ultimately become the funnel for transport around the world due to other nations travel restrictions.
It should also be mentioned though that Trump in his infinite foresight closed down his teams and the institute in place for mapping, planning and managing against a pandemic.
To be fair I suppose it probably seemed like a waste, after all apart from polio and spanish flu there really hasn't been any use for it up until now.

do tell us more?
it's clear bot's are creating a LOT of those "1 post by this ID" threads.
so fucking annoying the mods/admins cant stop it!?

post your prep?

>inb4 I've eaten it

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why are you so upset that i fuck black guys and use white guys

>just get herd immunity, bro
why does he say this when it's widely known that you can't get ANY immunity to this virus?

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nice MRE

i know i know... im just a little bored and after gym im still kinda amped. looking for a fight/debate i guess.

Beat me to it except I stuck to the classic version, how does BLACKED compare?

We don’t know shit about it other than a few random chink doctors saying this.

Can we try this approach on ebola and AIDS?

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How many people do you anticipate catching the disease?

to be honest i havent tried the original stuff, i just started it last week, the vanilla and chocolate flavour are quite nice though and does filll me up surprisingly

The borders are open and have been for 70 years. By 2030 50% of the youth will be invaders as will 30% of the electorate and 162 seats in parliament. The mass boomer die off this year will flip government forever.

>There is no herd immunity because there is no herd.

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Can you go and bait 2 bit tripfags somewhere in r9k then? We have your ilk in here 24/7 responding to the lowest quality 0 effort shitty bait here every single day for years. It's why we have cunts who never stop trolling here because there is an inexhaustible supply of brainlets who charge at every cunt.

there are a lot of reports of reinfection and death from reinfection. the virus is very similar to SARS, so it has ADE.

Can't say, but I don't expect there to be million deaths.

This is what flattening the curve actually looks like.

You're the "muh supercomputers" fag and should fuck off.

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>0-49 0.1%
if you make it a few years from birth unti llate 40s it's all misadventure and drugs/lifestyle causing death, which will be increasing due to the exicting end of the world vibe.

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Generally the more infectious a disease is, the less lethal it is.
Look at the common cold compared to Ebola.
One is ridiculously infectious and literally a cold, the other makes you bleed from the inside out but needs you to fucking drink the blood of an infected individual.

>WHO experts take a SECOND swipe at UK's coronavirus plans, saying 'we need to look at ACTION' and Boris Johnson's 'herd immunity' plan is a gamble because 'we don't know enough about this virus'

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this virus is infectious AND lethal. it has a long asymptomatic, contagious isolation period, it causes severe organ damage even if you get a "mild" case and it can reinfect you easily.

Plausable AI generated replies to increase noise/signal ratio in a thread. Kinda mind bending because it looks like schizo posting. I catch it because my analytics get a baseline of activity and this stuff comes in waves and spikes my system.

>bragging about being a cock sucking homo
This world deserves to end.


any country claiming inflections have 'stabilized' it 100% LYING.
Look at the lengths they had to go in wuhan to stabilize things.
NOTHING even close to that is being done anywhere else.
Thus its still spreading exponentially.

You don't expect it, but that's what a case fatality rate of 3.4% -- combined with 60-80% of the population falling ill at some point -- entails.

That doesn't mean a highly infectious disease is not lethal. What point did you want to make, again?

im a girl tho

And what are you? The town loon ringing the bell?
Got anything constructive with reasoning?
Any constructive criticism beyond plain laymens obvious?

SK's approach is similar to China's. This is why the curve has gone logistic.

Post pics

If he changes course now it's admitting to both spreading the disease by taking no measures and then compunding that by making those measures such as schools closing, ineffective
due to his Herd plan

and get banned again? nope

>case fatality rate of 3.4%
it's closer to 50% in italy right now.

Lads, I really hate muslims.

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>was going to ask a grill out this week at uni
>it’s closed and I don’t have the guts to austically message her

So you're a lower class ugly fat whore that fucks niggers? Because 99% of women that fuck niggers are all ugly or fat. Lower class council estate slags that walk around pushing wogs in a pram.
Tell us about your parents. How good is your relationship with your father? I'm guessing it's not very good.

You have been larping as Manhands since last night. Wtf is wrong with you, you sad tranny wannabe spastic.

Invite her for some chinese food

this is y i fuck black guys white boys are so BETA

>WHO experts
This is the same WHO that put this obviously unqualified diversity hire in charge, and couldn't suck Chinese cock hard enough after they unleashed their plague.

I've herd enough of experts

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Whatever it is, it's dire when multiplied by dozens of millions of people. And yeah Italy is 50:50 deaths and recoveries and they're only at the start of the curve. But hopefully the infection curve will go logistic now they have quarantining.



So he's a tranny?
This shit is getting even worse.

Boris is good at self promotion.

Why are you responding to it and not immediately using the report function? Why do you keep giving attention to pubes. Are you stupid mate?

Tesco this morning.

I hope wuhan virus kills lots of my fellow countrymen and women.

Nothing personal, I just don’t particularly like them.

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>But hopefully the infection curve will go logistic
Do you mean logarithmic?

>just take it on the chin, bro
>it's just a combination of SARS and AIDS, i'm sure you'll become immune after it damages all your organs

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Its not pubes.

>The loons in /cvg/ know best I swear!

erm no actually i was always popular in school and used to fuck white guys but theyr not manly enough and cant fuck so i started fuckin black guys i met on nights out and loved it i still match loads of white guys on tinder an i let them take me out buy my dinner or night out then ghost them and go find a black guy to fill me up

Ffs. Its just some spastic trip pretending to be another spastic trip who might be a tranny. Like tropic thunder "im just a dude..".etc

Coof, Coof

Why what?

>>just get herd immunity, bro

have to develop different injections for the current flu every year..

herd immunity, have you ever heard such crap before.

Imagine voting for the tories

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It's a low effort pubes tier dogshit troll and you are perpetuating it by consistently respondong to it.
Anyone who responds to these trolls is literally 50iq and should die.