Sweden: no longer updating exact numbers of infections

The Swedish Public Health Authority has decided to adopt a new strategy in regard to the coronavirus outbreak, stating it will no longer be updating exact numbers of infections.

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell spoke at a press conference this week saying that the health authority would be looking at identifying which regions are the most affected by the spread of the coronavirus.

“We will no longer discuss whether we have 458 or 562 cases. But instead how large parts of Sweden are affected and how hard they are,” Tegnell said.

“These are the kind of questions that will be central to answering. Now it is no longer important to know exactly how many people are infected in Sweden.”

Tegnell also said that the health authority expects there is now a high risk of widespread infection of the general public, saying that current infections could be “the tip of an iceberg” and that cases could be more widespread than previously thought, Aftonbladet reports.
Swedish authorities have called for limiting gatherings and events to under 500 people to combat the spread of the virus. Aome have cancelled events entirely, while others, such as the Stockholm Royal Dramatic Threatre, have promised to keep events under 450 people including audience and staff.

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Don't be racist, sven!

Kek, classic Sweden.

Finland will follow. As of today we are not testing everyone anymore, only "selected" cases or those who "fit the criteria" (whatever that even means).

Don't we have the right to know? What is this bullshit?

Panic is the only thing keeping people Indoors.
Unironically in this case panic is good.

Common core.

>"We will no longer discuss whether we have 458 or 562 cases. But instead how large parts of Sweden are affected and how hard they are,” Tegnell said.
seeing car crashes in slow motion is interesting

That bullshit is called Sweden

i remember when i was a kid learning about the "happines index" in school and envy sweden
little did i know they are low self esteem hypocrities in their dna
the worst kind of people you can possibly find in this world niggers step aside jews step aside here come the fucking swede

what a nightmarish shithole kek

stay in quarantine pablo

nords are absolutely suicidal, how did this happen, all the wrong decisions, they take them

It's just a flu. There's nothing we can do.

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>how LARGE parts of Sweden are affected and how HARD they are

Seeeden always with the BBC on their minds.

all the numbers are under reported anyway, hardly a point to attempting documenting numbers in the u.s., projections seem more helpful

All the communist governments are alike.

Probably because certain populations are spreading it like crazy.

Can't have that. Might redpill ppl.


Swedes should never be in charge of anything.

wat. No it's not. It's causing massive gatherings of people at grocery stores.

shut up, somali!


Sweden only cares if Somali refugees get the virus.

They say giving every refugee a blowjob will stop them from getting it.

I am happy to have a somewhat competent govermeng that doesn't try to kill my people right now

Fucking useless pieces of shit


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If u are standing after this, remember to thank them. Here is little something I found in raider general.

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why are swedes so cucked? what about them made them so susceptible to cuckoldry compared to their neighbors?

Lmao it's so much worse than they're admitting. The death counter is barely being updated anymore, we're probably already at 1000+ deaths a day.

>tfw Yuri Bezmenov turns out to have been right all along

Just a flu bro. Cmon herd immunity amirite?

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Herd Immunity

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It makes sense when you realize that god is in control, and the world must end one day.

Imagine being a peasant and the king rides by to say his solution to the plague is to do nothing, and then he fucks off to his castle.

I'm sure it's because 70% of the population can't count past double digits, but i actually agree with this swedish decision. Inshallah, your people will soon be free of this plague.

In the middle ages the king would get fucking beheaded.

Great, can't wait to get fucked

>Sweden stops publishing any negative information regarding immigration after it gets bad
>Sweden stops publishing Corona virus figures

RIP in peace Sverige.

pray for us frens

They don't´have the resources to treat everyone anyway so testing a bunch of young healthy hypochondriacs is just a waste of resources, which they also can't do. And having them run around at the hospitals would also be a shit idea.

We should've shut the border a month ago, now every one needs to shut their door and stay at home instead.

No, they haven't done shit

Swede living in Switzerland here.

The left wing in Sweden is going absolutely nuts at anyone questioning Anders Tegnell and the swedish public health authority. If you would want to spread the disease as much as possible, you would act like Sweden. Things will go out of control there. Flatten the curve measures that people are calling for are said the be Putin psy-ops.

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Gotta save money to build the breeding grounds after the native males are sterile

Is it true if you assassinate a Leftist politician in Sweden you get a free XBox and a hotel room? Asking for a friend.

Just a quick question from a lowly snow nigger: does the 'Mutt's law' apply to Canadians?

Final solution to the aging population problem, always said to be the reason for the import of millions of shitskins. We don't need immigrants, we need corona!

Some Swedes here are all right, they are worth saving, I hope they survive the collapse.

Finland is not reporting on the death toll either, we have the total but not the ones who have been cured or died from the virus. You also shouldn't be dumb enough to believe in the official figures, some regions are saying something like "1 case" but in reality there are a lot more cases pneumonia cases treated in the hospitals in isolation.

>Stop recording the exact numbers
>New cases will go down by tomorrow

Sweden needs to be gone, it should be quick actually as soon as the muslim population gets the vote.
I have to say even the islamic state is better than the current state of Sweden.
"The Islamic state of Sweden" has a nice ring to it.
image; before Sweden made it illegal to take and report stats on crime in the country.

Attached: sweden before ststs hate crime.png (1995x1847, 2.35M)

>Sweden bends over and takes corona-chans fat girthy futa cock

after corona kills off thousands "we need to import niggers make up for all the deaths"

Even more proof that the Virus doesnt exist.

remember this here?
>Keeping coronavirus patients anonymous is crucial

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go eat some more bats filthy bugman

>The left wing in Sweden is going absolutely nuts at anyone questioning Anders Tegnell
Yeah, they get really mad when you question the expert that says its nothing. Like there isn't any experts that says its serious

I love how people pretend these actually exist.

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>no anons posted here who have it (all that did are Larps so far , no proof etc.)
>no hundreds of youtubers vlogging the disease over the last 3 months
>still no videos of people in Germany, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea collapsing

And think about all the other coincidences happening on the sides
>Fed injecting trillions into the market + bailouts
>Airline business is ruined for everyone (lots of Boeings are grounded)
>Oil shenanigans to manipulate the price
>blackwashing the use of physical cash (oy vey it spreads through it use the contactless mastercard goyim)
>retards panic selling
>retards prepping and spending spending spending
>artificial shortages of goods to hike up prices

Its a jewish con.

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>Bill Gates predicts 33 million deaths:

>33 infected in California:

>33 year-old Chinese victim:

>33% increase in one day:

>Amazing race 33 cancelled from corona:

>33 cases in Bahrain:

>33 million locked down in China:

>33 year-old German victim:

>Wall street Journal vol. 33:

>Thailand’s 33rd case:

>Singapore’s 33rd case:

>Virus interrupts 33rd wedding anniversary:

>9 screened for corona;33% looking to relocate:

>the coronavirus genome ends with 33 a‘s


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I remember joking about this a week or two ago.

>governments constantly stick their hand s where they don’t belong
>i.e. where there is money to be had or having the gall to intercede against business
>one of the few times government might be useful and needed to step up for coordination purposes
>decides it won’t be bothered any more
Gee, poor Sven.

>trying to spin masonic numbers as a psy-op

what up steinberg, how does it feel knowing your overlords abandoned you? That the actual bloodlines that have power would rather cleanse you with the rest of the populace?

Man it must really suck.

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its funny, the people that doestn like when i link him or bring up his points in my friendgroup are mostly from high academia. HMmmmmm

Kek, at least our country as the balls to impose a quarantine and reveal the real numbers, faggot

Glowniggers use these numbers as markers to inform their fellow masonic kike bros.
they also use it to mock the goyim.

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Keeping up to date with the numbers was probably too much work for the female government so they decided to get rid of it so they can lounge around all day instead.

Ding ding ding
This is all bullshit

Can't have an epidemic if you don't know it's there.

same here

All this to sell some $3 bottles of hand sanitizer and some toilet paper. Genius. Too bad it ran out after a day of panic so they didn't even sell more than they ordinarily would have.

Be mad all you want. if I were you and not liking the idea of living in a muslim state I'd be selling out right now and moving out. There is no saving sweden.

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