Boomer parents didn't prep

>live with my boomer parents, rent-free, in the heart of Spanish transmission
>"hurr you don't know shopping, you don't know how to lead a home, this is not the end of the world"
>sister takes sides with them
>we have food for two-three weeks, and water supplies for a week
>I bought all of this, they blatantly ignored the warnings
>"but mom, we can buy food and supplies, we will use them in time"
>"don't argue, son, we rule here; we don't want your shit"
>"in three weeks it will be over. It's just a flu, didn't you watch the news?"

what should I do?
how can I convince them?

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Day of the pillow can't come soon enough

>buying water because of a flu
If the utilities shut off you won't survive no matter how much prep

Mine are prepping now

natural selection wants them to die.


Take it all and lock in your room

let them starve

the riots

I'm in the same position

being ridiculed and sneered at for buying supplies and gently encouraging that we take it seriously. "it's just a flu why do we need food"

I've considered leaving and just letting them to their own devices, and staying at a friends house. or taking all the supplies to my room and refusing to let them have any when shtf. but this is petty.

I'm just going to quietly build a supply stock, hope they dont bring the plague in the house with their stupidity, and focus on surviving

Go out and buy food with your own money?

Why do you need their approval? You don't need to convince them to prep unless you're using their money to do it. Just do it yourself with your own money.

only if you're a babyshit britcuck

Kek, good one muhammed

As long you're not
A) Old
B) Weak
C) Degenerate and filled with pre-existing diseases
AKA A fucking stupid BOOMER corona is literally just a mini flu.
Anyone trying to argue against this is a terrified state/kike shill afraid their boomers are going to fucking die finally.

These people are terrified of taking this seriously. They do this not because they are stupid, but because they are cowards. They need to fuel their delusion of safety and well being, because they are too scared to even think of how life could ever be different.


My mother came in contact with a group of people that had direct contact with a confirmed case. She then went to work, together with my wife, and told everyone after the six hour shift ended. Now she's surprised why everyone is pissed off at her coming to work in the first place.

you aren't going to convince them bro, this is what they wanted

Just give them corona without getting infected yourself

Go buy more food for your family you disgusting leech.

>taking all the supplies to my room and refusing to let them have any when shtf.
I'm in a similar situation as OP, I hid all my shit and only I know about it.
They will swallow their ridicule.

Why the toilet paper? Worldwide?

My mom gave me the saddest look I've ever seen after she came home from trying to find paper goods. It said, "you were right, son. Why didn't I take you seriously..." Good thing I prepared behind their backs. I'm in charge now.

Pretty similar situation here. They’re idiots in such complete and utter denial and so desperately clinging to their business as usual mentality that they get furious when I try to talk some sense into them. People ransacking supermarkets is an inconvenient overreaction and it’ll all blow over in a couple of weeks according to them. Their carelessness not only puts them but also me at risk. Honestly, part of me hopes for this entire thing to get critical just to be vindicated and being able to give them an ‘I told you so’. Add to that the fact that my father is old and had a supposed case of pneumonia from december onwards that didn’t go away until early february which, if in retrospect it turns out to have been the stinky chinky disease, will prime him for a recurring infection that might be more drastic and is ferverously shoving his head in the sand to a degree that borders on compulsion.

Either the entire crisis is manufactured blown out of proportion by the media in order to justify implementing totalarian measures in response to the hysteria and subsequently quelling global population through mandatory toxic vaccination or (((they))) created and unleashed a virus to quell global population and are going to use the ensuing mass hysteria to implement totalitarian measures. Either way it’s bad news and we’re fucked but at the end of the day you still optimise your chances of survival by not by being a dumbfuck boomer who goes out to eat every single day after they closed down the entire fucking education infrastructure and other public establishments, which in itself is a delayed and lackluster response only intended to temporarily pacify anxieties among the general populace before the shit really hits the fan.

>being so pathetic and ineffective that you haven't managed to convert your entire family and friend circle a long time ago

Even my Grandma has a shotgun

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I managed to convince my grandparents to NOT go to holiday to turkey in april. Thankfully turkey has closed their borders now anyway. I am fucking worried about my grandma and grandpa.

>live with mom, she's old dad is dead
>over the last week or so I've been buying shit tons of stuff
>Talked to mom about quarantining. She's taking this very seriously and doesn't want to leave the house
>mom watched me unload the car several times over the last few days
>we have lots of supplies. 50 lbs rice, 12 lbs pasta, lots of canned goods and frozen meat, plenty of toilet paper, lots of soap and detergent
>she wonders aloud how she would gather all this stuff (she couldn't, just isn't strong enough) and says I'm the best son in the world
>gonna be comfy today drinking mint tea and watching tv

Show them pics of empty shelves and give them facts, like countries going full quarantine mode and closing borders.

>You don't need to convince them to prep unless you're using their money to do it.
These fucking children probably still ask mommy to cut the crusts of their sandwiches.

Unemployed, unemployable, still living the life of a child, care free and all your needs just magically fulfilled. Can't even fathom the idea that someone somewhere has to work to support them and flustered by the fact that adults continue to show up for life in order to provide for them and keep civilization functioning.

Unironically try to move out. Offer your work for shelter and food in some countryside estate. Workaway for example

>your own money
>Yas Forums user

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If America banning Europe for a month doesn't do it, nothing will

He the op.
The parents are refusing to keep the food.

>Be me
>PhD in Microbiology focused on parthenogenesis.
>Tell Boomer parents 4 weeks ago that it is probably a good idea to have 2-3 weeks of food just in case, is this virus things becomes serious or just for natural disasters.
>"That a good idea dear"
>Fast forward, literately no supplies, they are going to church to sing in choir, taking the time off work to go to museums.
>Tell them they need to get home and stay there
>"Look we have years of experience and we know where we are doing"
>They see one video of people fighting for toilet paper on CNN
>They go stock up and hunker down.

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Start using your perishables at home now. Avoid crowds at the store. If you need to take a trip there when they're not busy, go. But quarantine doesn't work if you keep going to crowded stores until the area is hit by widespread illness. I'm cooking chili today

Shut up you're black.

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Hide the food and when they run out say that you gave it away to the homeless

>water supplies for a week
Just buy like ten 200-litre barrels and fill them with a hose. Add a little bleach, screw on the lid, and there you have it.

Parents can never see their children as anything but clueless kids.

>tfw parents finally prepped

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>what should I do?

Cost/Benefit analysis.

Being boomer parents, they are hoarding money you could use to start a family.

Being boomers, they have little of cultural value to impart on their grandchildren.

I think the math is obvious. Tell them to take a cruise. Hell, pay for it.

Don't worry user, if you're lucky (and I really hope we all are) corona will run it's course and we might even get a mass boomer extermination.

My boomer father in-law said the government won't let people starve, they will deliver food if it gets that bad that you can't go out...
I think he's an idiot for thinking this. What is it with boomers and switching off their rational thinking.

>Hey user what about this "Natural Supplement"
Total scam, just take a multi vitamin once every few days with food.
>I'm going to take it
>I got kidney stones again
You got kidney stones because you take 10x your daily requirement of calcium with all the supple crap you take.
>Oh well I will not take that one
.... 2 weeks later
>Hey user what about this "Natural Supplement"

Hoarde in your room and declare yourself king of the house when they need to take a shit and don't have toilet paper.

Man am I glad I don’t have boomer parents. They sound completely oblivious to this crisis that is mostly concerning their age group. My mother recently underwent chemotherapy and I convinced her back at the beginning of February to slowly start gathering supplies, now my parents have about two months worth of essentials stocked up just as there’s confirmed cases arriving here and they’ve shut down the schools.
Meanwhile my grandmother is on a trip in Florida with a bunch of other old people. What went so wrong with boomers?

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>Add a little bleach, screw on the lid, and there you have it.
Bleach shelf was stripped at my store

Send them this and tell them there is a chance your town might end up like that in less than a month.

I'm always stocked for a few weeks regardless of what happens (mostly me being a lazy fuck). I'm going to head up and stock for at least a month. Anything more is ridiculous as some anons suggested there will be bigger issues than actually lacking food. Also Chinese metro areas are supposedly polluted af. Which could lead to people having weaker immune systems, keep that in mind. Now enjoy the panoocking.

>Mother laughs at me and my bro prepping for this weeks ago
>Haha anons, you sure are getting ready for the end of the world. Oh well at least you can eat that mountain of pasta and rice and C vitamin later.
>Two weeks passes, things start getting worse
>Don't worry, they'll have this under control in no time. It's less dangerous than the flu, I know my friends told me so.
>Another two weeks passes, yesterday and today stores are running out of pasta and bread. Completely cleaned out.
>Oh my god anons, this disease is dangerous! I don't want to go to work anymore because I might catch it.
>Good thing we prepped and have enough food to last for months!

I've been calling her out on her stupidity for past couple of days. She doesn't get the right to say she was anyhow ahead of the curve in preparing.
It's amazing how little self awareness some people can have, despite you giving them all of the reasons why situation is going to get really fucked very quickly. So much trust in the big brother to take care of everything.
Oh well at least we're now ready for this damn thing.

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Based and boomerpilled

I'm sorry but how is the power out in Spring going to kill me and my non-perishable goods?

>living in a city

They say younger people feel invincible but it seems boomers never grew out this mindset.

checked. Well anons you DID want a happening didn't ya.

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Try a hardware or janitorial supply store.

She's smarter than you seeing as how you fell for the kike propaganda when they told you to panic. There's nothing wrong with being prepared but you retards want to larp your end of the world fantasies. We still have electricity, we can still go get food, and an insignificant amount of people will die. Just so you know, I'm screen shotting your delusional posts so I can have a montage when this induced "crisis" is forgotten. You're an absolute sheep.

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We aren’t worried about the virus it’s the knock on effects like panic buying

Thoose boomer parents of yours are right desu

t. already infected and lungs fried

how the fuck did he get back his hair. i want ot know. i am balding too

>Day of the pillow can't come soon enough
It's already here. Corona-chan is the BoomerRemover

>Monday comes
>Stores stocked up again

hair transplants

>how the fuck did he get back his hair. i want ot know. i am balding too
Step 1: Be a billionaire
Step 2: Get a top-of-the-line hair transplant from the world's most experienced and qualified doctors

It was pulling teeth to justify getting 2 gallons of water for storage

This, the virus isn't the problem, it's that people are in the main one click away from being batshit insane at the best of times

Not complaining about the happening, this is comfy as fuck.
It's just that the stupidity of people, especially people close to me, is kinda grating and pisses me off.

>when they told you to panic
When did they do that? They're still treating this as a flu over here and are refusing to test for the disease by any meaningful way.
Besides I was getting ready before this even hit the news on a world stage.
>We still have electricity,
And we will have it in the future too. It's not going away.
>we can still go get food,
If I went to the store today or yesterday, there would have been zero chances of buying rice, bread or pasta. It's all out.
Very little meat available either. So I guess the answer to that question is no. If I went there now I couldn't get food.
>but you retards want to larp your end of the world fantasies
World isn't going to end you idiot. You burgers always jump to extremes. "Hurr you prepare, that must mean you think the world will end!"
What will happen is the society will be disrupted like a motherfucker for months to come and there will be mass layoffs and supply line issues.
This disease is also kicking the world into a depression that's been a long time coming with this debt based ponzi system we have all enjoyed for decades.

the more you get out there you start to see that a more than alarming number of people are absolute fucktards, and i really dont know how these people live and how they made it this long basically getting their food chewed for them and getting their asses wiped from the cradle to the grave

Prepare for permanent siesta, amigo.

most people's parents didn't come from the first world a food shortage means starvation.
The survival of the riches