There is no racism against white people. Racism = Power + Prejudice

There is no racism against white people. Racism = Power + Prejudice

Do you understand this? Fuck white trash, rednecks and crackers.

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Other urls found in this thread: racism&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS753US753&oq=define racism&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.1936j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>you get fed up with the racism

Attached: teacher vs nog.webm (360x640, 2.54M)

Time to make dead nigger storage.

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Idk where you have this racism = power + prejudice

Pretty sure the real definition is prejudice about an individual based on their race.

I wish they’d put this nigger in the town square and let everyone have a go at whipping him

By that logic I can’t be an anti-Semite because jews have the institutional power.

I was only ironically racist until right now when I saw this

Surely if a group had power, they would make it illegal to say bad things about them?

Oh shit, a talking tractor!

>racism = power + prejudice
That is the definition of racism in US university classes

(((They))) changed the definition around the mid 2000s.

lol no that's different

>Racism = Power + Prejudice
Literally just made up out of nowhere to make it a thing where blacks cannot be racist.
In reality, racism is simply judging someone based on their (perceived) race. That is all there is to it.

Attached: yamada.png (640x360, 110.7K)

Reminder that Fresno has a large black population
Reminder that he lived in California, perhaps the most 'tolerant', multicultural state
Reminder that decades of 'whitey be keepin us down' propaganda is currently reaching a boiling point with every black being constantly told via all forms of media that they are eternally oppressed, victimized, discriminated against and burdened by evil whites
Reminder that the same media is also pushing propaganda that extols the dindu nuffin mindset and encouraging blacks to chimpout at every opportunity
Reminder that blacks want nothing more than to turn every neighborhood into a full-fledged ghetto
Reminder that they would be perfectly content with Africa-tier living conditions so long as they can chimp with no consequences
Reminder that every other culture and race on Earth despises blacks

Attached: blm demands.png (585x496, 47.35K)

White people are rare, why are you so jealous?
You are the majority and you still can't work a hammer to build, you just destroy.

Own it.

Is your IQ below 70?

>white people. Racism = Power + Prejudice
okay guys, i will fix the whole "Power + Prejudice" using their own liberal mentality.
i hope you guys remember this

they wanna say that racism means power + prejudice?
then that means that a black man can be racist against a white woman, because men have more power than women right? according to their logic?
a black man can be racist against a trans white woman
a black teacher can be racist againts a young black student, the black teacher has more power than a teenager white student

thats how you beat this whole power horse shit.
next time you hear that, point out all the cases of black people having power over a white person, be it a white child, a white woman, a white tranny, a white old homeless person
old homeless white people have no power at all,
if someone like Beyonce attacked a homeless old white woman, who has the power?
check mate

There are "make-races" and there are "take-races". Niggers, spics, and other shiskins are "take-races". Whites, meds, and asians are "make-races".

No, we always had "systemic racism" and all the associated terms. But niggas definitely completely overwrote general racism with that shit.

Also, reverse racism used to mean when white cuck libsharts used to go out of their way to be especially nice to a black person because they're black.

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>mfw watching the US descend into race-war in < 10 years
Not so fun when it's you, is it.

Attached: come on already.png (519x526, 186.93K)

>Racism = Power + Prejudice
Racism is the assertion that one race is superior to another. Power has nothing to d with it. Open a dictionary. racism&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS753US753&oq=define racism&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.1936j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Saying black people like watermelon and fried chicken isn't racist. It's a stereotype but it's not racist. How does liking watermelon and fried chicken make blacks inferior to whites?

>Not so fun when it's you, is it.
We have guns, so yeah - it'll be fun.

>user how can you be racist in 2020 blacks just want to live their lives like you and me

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>then that means that a black man can be racist against a white woman, because men have more power than women right? according to their logic?
>next time you hear that, point out all the cases of black people having power over a white person, be it a white child, a white woman, a white tranny, a white old homeless person

They would just respond that individual cases don't matter because racism is "systemic" oppression. You have to understand that they always have a loophole that lets them call themselves oppressed while pushing their enemies into the category of oppressor.

>No, we always had "systemic racism" and all the associated terms.

It didn't just pop out of the fucking ether, Schlomo. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Someone came up with the term and pushed it into mainstream usage.

>It didn't just pop out of the fucking ether, Schlomo. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Someone came up with the term and pushed it into mainstream usage.
You monglet. It's been around a long time, what I'm telling you is that these faggots completely merged it into the general definition of racism.

>fuck white people
>no, we are not going to go live in the continent that our ancestors were bought from and live among our own people
>we're going to live with white people

>They would just respond that individual cases don't matter because racism is "systemic" oppression. You have to understand that they always have a loophole that lets them call themselves oppressed while pushing their enemies into the category of oppressor.

you can play their game and say that women and trannies are always oppressed by all of society including black men

>He thinks it'll be a zombie war
It'll be salami tactics and you will never be able to use your firearms for anything but limited self-defense just like us, dumbass.
You haven't even noticed this which is why you're at 56% while we're... not. They got you without you even noticing.

Racism IS prejudice

How do you daft turds think you're doing something clever by just taking away ONE of the words used to describe a demographic being unfairly treated? We're just as happy to say 'prejudice against whites is bad' as 'racism against whites is bad'

Your ancestors are from Europe presumably, why don’t you go back over there faggot? Those with native heritage are the only that should stay here.

Crime in america has a color. That color is black.

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>things that didn’t happen

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How did you graduate high-school?

You mean there are “culture destroyers?” Yeah. ‘Dolf talked about that

Whites create civilization.
Niggers destroy civilization.

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The brotherhood's gonna have fun with his ass. He'll be someone's initiation.

>you get tired of letting things slide

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How much do you bet this one is not going to be a part of the terror report that the ADL produces every year.

Get the fuck out of Germany.

Do you think they actually care about the logic of their reasoning? What they want is gibs and they will believe anything they need to in order to justify it to themselves.

Black man commits crime doesn't take responsibility for his actions or return to Africa news at 6.

Based. Fuck whitey.

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They should have made you work harder for your high school diploma

Modern/humanist definition of racism is undue prejudice against a person based on the color of his or her skin.

Postmodern/neomarxist definition of racism is undue prejudice against a person of color from a position of power.

They reworded it in order to low key insert their class bullshit into it and to make it so it is impossible for caucasians to be victims of racism due to muh "power + prejudice".

They'll just say it doesn't count because even if a black teacher has more power than white students, he still cannot be racist against them as the white students have the institutional racism of White America behind them and the black teacher merely needs to "express his authority" more in order to break through the inherent racism of caucasoid communities.

>It'll be salami tactics and you will never be able to use your firearms for anything but limited self-defense
Can you give me the powerball numbers while you're at it, oh great Scandinavian oracle?



>tfw whitey goes back to Europe and America turns into a shithole worse than Mexico

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>taking a position of superiority while offering nothing of value to the discussion
Found the kike

That isnt how words work. That is not the definition of racism regardless of how many times the lie is repeated.

You get fed up with niggers.
I'm white so I'm not allowed to say that.

>1 post by this (((yid)))

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Get out of Europe you parasite.

I appreciate the effort, but it's in vain. Blacks are incapable of self reflection and just want to hurt White people. That's it. They want any justification they can get.

It’s a (((leftist))) theory that’s utter bullshit but low iqs and parasites love the excuses it gives them to be racist to us.

It’s obvious even your arsehole has more intelligence than their entire group, but they are lying, twisted rats and don’t use logic or intellect.

Our ancestors were right, niggers are animals

>1 post by this ID

bait thread is bait thread

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Fuck off subhuman roach

Having a weapon is also power.
Therefore prejudiced blacks with guns are racist.

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You can't be racist against niggers, farming equipment isn't human.

Found the man child