Heinrich Himmler

I miss him lads

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I miss his cuhrayze aryan occultism.

You can’t miss someone you never knew

>missing jews
stay classy italians stay classy

Yes you can
OK Belgium

lmao missed the ireland flag. anyway
>missing jews
stay classy irish stay classy

Me too

No u

They didn't hate Jews anyway they just wanted them to get out and live in Israel anyway. Look up the Haavara agreement.

How could one man look so iconic?

He was a gigantic pussy. He also failed at everything.How about you talk about a real chad?? How about we talk about Walter Model??

the milquetoast chicken farmer

Why are all high ranking nazis rat faced jews??

If you're a fucking jew

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This rat would call you not-white on Yas Forums, he with his slant rat eyes

So what he does is in 1933 starts building camps just for jews.
He tells Europe's jews to leave Europe
Then he rounds up Europe's jews and put them in those camps, and starts a war.

ALL so when the war is over, the jews who suffered minimal losses can be moved to their new ethnostate, israel


>someone from culture where child sex abuse is normal misses child abuser
checks out

Look at the 5'4 jewish manlet who was the leader of hitler's "storm troopers" also referred to as his "homosexual thugs"

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That was just a cover for his true power level
Looking like that came in handy later on because no one suspected him of being able to seize power. It's 90% of who he was.

They definitely hayed Jews, wtf are you talking about. “Gradually I began to hate them.” Practically all their speeches and writings were on how the Jew was a menace and the main propellant behind Bolshevism. They weren’t wrong, btw.

>I miss him lads

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Seize power? WTF are you even talking about??

Why do hitler cock suckers just MAKE UP history like jews on here?

you autist
Yeah he got rid of them by sending them away and fought a brave war against the communists smeagols in the east. They kept the whole world safe from communist tyranny.

Why did this literal autist hate Poles so much?

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>hitler hated the jews! read his book!
>he just wanted them out of Europe
>he was going to deport them to madagascar
>he was going to ship them to israel
>the final solution means "deportation"

hitler faggots have all these excuses cause the holocaust is fake and he provided the jews with swimming pools and theatres during a war

Head of the SS you dog
anarchists don't understand society anyway

>eah he got rid of them by sending them away and fought a brave war against the communists smeagols in the east
Literally just made up history.

Irish people are not Jewish.

SO WEIRD the "S" in the SS bolt is a jew letter.

NO sorry, that doesn't look like a pagan norse rune. At all.

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Himmler was EASILY the weakest leader. Practically useless in the war effort, and the weakest propagandist. All the edgy faggots like him because he was into all kinds of gay pagan occultism. Goebbels and Göring were god-tier.

You're getting SS confused with SA. SS is the storm troopers, SA were the homosexual thugs.

Yes, the idea was they'd send them to live somewhere else where they'd be able to keep their eye on them. It's not too hard to understand.

Anyone have the webm of his snowball fight with the lads? You can see the Asian Martial training come out. He goes into Warrior Mode after a couple of hits.

So you miss a beta manlet chicken farmer? Ok.

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They literally fought against the USSR you dribbling idiot
It's probably just some occultist symbol from wherever
The SS was really important to help run the country and function as an intelligence network

This was hitlers fat boyfriend he got murdered later cause everyone was dissing the nazis and their faggotry so hard.

They were even referred to as "The Brotherhood of Poofs" the exploits of their gay orgies were so well known

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Seconding this.

(you) just make things up like a jew.

Wtf are you talking about prairie nigger?

Nazi’s were autistic fags. Even the symbols are gay. SS with sharp lines represents two guys having anal sex, and the swastika is an obfuscated 69

You paranoid, desperate brainlets are still pushing this failed damage control? You're an idiot, jew.
You do not survive what's coming for you.
Keep this shit up though. It's entertaining as Hell, and is obviously breaking your already squirming mind.
...tick tock, commie shit smear.

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>missing a socialist
you get a helicopter ride!

The Nazis lived to be anti communist you fucking VPN mongoloid. The whole point was to stop the spread of communism into Europe, and therefore into the whole world.

Guess you're a blind retard.

blah blah blah blah
Be like hitler and provide me luxuries bitch. Come on faggot. Be like hitler.
I want my swimming pool, theatre, brothel, sports programs and the rest.
Come on bitch.
germans "guards" where the jews bitches in those camps.

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The efficiency of their economic recovery says otherwise my friend

Look at yourself. No really, look. This is you life, you retarded faggot. It's all coming down, and you are fucked.
But you idiots already know this. It's why you are here embarrassing yourselves in desperation. You are already extinct. The 21st Century belongs to us now. Enjoy, faggots.

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Learn about how the Nazis got into power because they promised to end communism and how they made deals with business owners and other people who were concerned about the spread of communist cancer.

Too easy. Put a nickel in, and watch these commie faggots lose their shit.

You have nothing left, faggot. You have no power here. Your 'propaganda" is tired, and retarded.
We're coming for you, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Keep whining, bitches. Watching you asshats self torture out of you abject paranoia has been the best gift yet in all of this shit!

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But such is life when you have to deal with the eternal communist.

blah blah blah you're the autistic faggot who pounds out paragraphs in impotent rage about what "everyone" is going to do to the jews.

What's it like being that much of a faggot??

hitler saved the jews
hitler is responsible for jew clown world we live in.
He would've loved it, because he's a jewish homosexual degenerate.

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The sad, and tattered tactics just make this boring. I can't believe these morons have held power for so long with such idiocy. Can't we gas these fucking parasites yet, and be done with it?

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They got into power, like a bunch of commies. Through violence and intimidation.

germans are some weak cucked faggots to let a group of homosexual thugs bully them.
Also their market collapsed cause jews boycotted their goods.
What a loser nation to be honest.

Seriously why did this manlet autist have such a seething hatred for Poles?
And why do Amerishat stormfags still try to claim that the Third Reich was a "white identity movement", even though it clearly wasn't. When are you cucks going to stop projecting your fantasies and just to admit it was a Pan-Germanic ideology, nothing more.

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Says the Canadian.

Yeah as I already said he wanted to send the Jews away and then keep his eye on them ie in Israel.
It can't be overstated just how important the Nazi fight against the USSR was. The USSR had the resources to dominate Europe and it's thanks to their resistance that the whole world didn't turn to shit and get invaded by the red commies from the East.
And I shouldn't be saying this, but accusing someone of being a homosexual is itself a sign of closeted homosexual feelings. So you should probably stop calling Nazis gay.

>The Sturmabteilung (SA; German pronunciation: [ˈʃtʊɐ̯mʔapˌtaJlʊŋ] (About this soundlisten)), literally Storm Detachment, was the Nazi Party's original paramilitary wing. It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Its primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties, fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties

Like a bunch of gay commie thugs.

>nazi's aren't commies!!!
Sure as fuck act like jew commies.

Here's a factual invasion and attack map


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Socialism is a good thing. If canada would be socialist you would not be India-China now.

It's a fake flag it's the designated flag for Chinese Anons because 4chins is banned in their country. It happens to be why so many 'Leafs' are insufferable creatures.

We are socialist you fucking moron

Just look at you. This is your life, nigger.
And the rest of it is going to for you, faggot. You're already clinically depressed having to watch your fag commie utopia collapse under GLOBAL rise of National Socialism/Eco Fascism.
You have no future, cockucker, and all of your pathetic "shaming" only makes you look that much more weak and pathetic. But you already know this. "Impotent rage", indeed. You're projecting.
Keep shaking your tiny fist, little one. It's adorable watching you squirm.
How much longer can you idiots keep this up?

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Nope. Read Marx.

Nope. Read Marx and Strasser.

I hate this mongoloid shit along with goebbels

You need to take your meds. You are delusional. This war was already fought and the commies in Russia destroyed the nazis so bad. Hitler took the cowards way out. Communism still exist but there isn’t a single national socialist country around. Survival of the fittest, you lose.

LMAO I love these paragraphs of impotent rage from (you)
I don't even read them. It's just baseless insults.

I hate the jews and how to defeat them, is exposing hitler as a jew.

To (you), that's a BAD IDEA and send you into fits of rage.

I think you're jewish.

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I live here
Government funded medicine
Government funded media
Supply management

Shut up swiss.

You are not very bright arent you???

i miss putting degenerates in concentration camps too. a cleansing is badly needed.

Are (you)
(you) going to sit there, across the globe and tell me how it is in my country?
Okay kid.

canada is socialist boderline full on commie. (you) know jack shit.
Go hide more stolen jew gold faggot.

You're a Hapa half breed, and a skinny virgin. ALL women despise your weak, cucked visage. You are rootless, and you have no future, nor past. This is why you resent the Superior Aryan Man, and spend every waking moment on Yas Forums making a fucking fool of yourself. I truly hope you get something out of this. The rest of us get a good laugh knowing exactly what's on the other side of your empty, homoerotic projections, and failed propaganda attempts.
You silly little yellow faggot. Have sex incel.

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After the original putsch failed Hitler got into power through real means and beat the other parties fairly in the Weimar parliament
I believe his words were 'They are a cruel joke on the Aryan race'
He declared war on the USSR and England said 'oh I'd better defend Poland there' and they dragged France into it. So it wasn't their fault fully. And England wanted to save Poland from Germany but didn't care when fucking genocidal commies took it over.
The whole point was that they were anti communist force you commie. Why do you despise Jews so much shouldn't you as a commie love them?

>hapa half-breed
Work on your dozzing skills faggot. Way off.

hitler was a jew who saved the jews and is directly responsible for clown world and jew control of the west.

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Excuses, platitudes and made up "information"

Wow, you're jew as fuck kid.

canada is socialist. Sorry kid.

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Start your own thread then and explain it to all the retard canadians.
Cause no one here knows what (you) know about our country. (you) got that "insider info)

This thread is about jewish rat people in the nazi people.

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