Man made virus escapes and decimates humanity. The government tries to cover it up until the collapse of society

>Man made virus escapes and decimates humanity. The government tries to cover it up until the collapse of society

Flagg you fucker. You played us all like a damn fiddle.

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Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub.

The center must hold.

considering the novel was originally published in 1978, King did a bloody marvelous job of showing the disaster unfold.

I found the ending a little underwhelming, but the opening and middle were absolutely compelling.

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That review to could apply to any of King's stories.

See you in Boulder

Chinks made it and they know how lethal it is, that's why they be spraying n' shit

>Yas Forums's face when

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There's no Boulder in Maine, don't be silly.

I was thinking that actually. If there is a situation and society needs to rebuild... where are we all going to meet up?

Pet Sematary had a solid ending.
So did Carey.
I know a lot of people say Pet Sematary was too pessimistic, and I must confess, I'm not in a hurry to re-read it, but good golly gosh it was a memorable ending.

Other than that, I haven't found many of his other endings to be particularly memorable.
I'm somewhat ashamed to admit I haven't read a paperback novel in years. I spend most of my spare time here, such a shame to think that I used to spend my time on more constructive hobbies.

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I’ll be there. But I’m gonna hang a lot of chinks along the way. Nobody tell mother Abigail on me

>M o o n spells dont fear the reaper.

>that last chapter on the Dark Tower where SK interjects and says don't read on if you don't want to be disappointed

Fuck, I wish I could go back in time and heed his advice, what a shit fucking ending to an otherwise epic series.

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>m. o. o. n. that spells the government would have no incentive to cover that shit up and king was just a 'rebel' boomer with the kent state shootings playing in the background of his mental political theatre like nearly every other libcuck from that era

>reading jewish pulp trash
>constructive hobby

Hehhehheh Turn them away as they come mother. Take my advice, turn them away.

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Nadine or Julie guys?

Captn Trips is here to stay.

The movie is worth your time then
Its a following of the next loop, but this time he has the horn

Stephen King is a fucking hack

>7 books condensed into a 90 minute movie

Nah I'm good


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>kek is gan

Book or movie?

Its one book and follows on the logic of
>if you already know who to kill and how things will work out
>take the shortcut of incredible violence to the land of friendship
It is uncharacteristic of King as it has a happy end, but it does follow the logical idea of Roland knowing what to do from time hax

wait, he literally wrote an in-book disclaimer about how much the ending of his own story sucks?

why not, you know, just make it better

Is this a JoJo reference?


>decimates humanity
>Only white boomers and chinks get it
White millennials and zoomers will get BTFO by subhumans and their own govts.
>but I have muh guns
>lol no
>World descends into Africa tier savager
>Israel rules the wasteland

B-but Stephen King said the Stand was nothing like Corona-Chan

Book Nadine was way foxier than movie Nadine, who was just creepy if memory's serving me here. Anyways, Julie ftw.

King always blows the landing. It's one of the reasons i don't read his stuff anymore. Write yourself into a corner? Fuck it, deus ex machina.

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Because the series is a giant time loop due to Roland throwing away the key artifact that would break it before the reset start
So Roland never remembers the loop and every time he keeps just walking through t he door to before and going through it all over again
The movie changes it because King gives him back the horn out of pity and thus he does remember
Which leads to Roland immediately running off to kill Flagg and ignore the Crimson King
>he didn't even read the book!

>stephen king
More like faggot king amirite.

Mutt's law!

>Mutt's law!
More like faggots law, amirite.

Yeah, it was basically an apology for how shit the ending would be, at least in the later versions of it. If you ever read the last book and get up to the last few chapters, just shut the book there, your imagination will come up with 50 better endings than the horseshit he made up.

Aren't bug chasers like you more likely to hook up now that covid is around?
You could find love in the post apoc battlefield

Same thing at this point.

>don't read his stuff anymore. Write yourself into a corner? Fuck it, deus ex machina.
Yeah me too exact same reason. Reread stand several times it's great taste as long as you kinda ignore the end

The Flaggs are a group of bluecollar quasi rough redneck types in Bangor, Maine, and probably one of them used to pick on Stephen, so he grabbed the name.
Never piss off a good writer.

Oh yeah, that reminds me, one of the based things about the Stand is that the survivors instantly realize that feminism doesn't work and toss it aside.

Yeh, the ending is fucking garbage. Still a great series tho

I had a real odd dream last night man
Felt so fucking real - started out all nice and sunny then it, it changed. Felt off and not good

90 min??? It was a four part two hour per part mini series. Almost 8 hrs of the stand. Also the best made for TV movie of all time

You know that's just a 10% loss, right?

and then the hand of god comes down from heaven and nukes the bad guys
fuck stephen king, seriously, in all his holes

>Write yourself into a corner? Fuck it, deus ex machina.
To be fair the entire story was pretty heavily about God from the beginning. A little different than having some random supernatural force show up out of nowhere in a non-eschatological story.

Etymologies aren't definitions. If you take "decimation" to still mean 1/10 destruction in modern times then you also need to take words like "quarantine" as meaning "keeping people on arriving ships in isolation for 40 days."

They're talking about the Dark Tower film that came out a couple years ago. You're talking about the 1994 Stand tv miniseries(which was great).

But don't worry, they're about to ruin it by remaking the Stand miniseries. Right off the bat: Larry is now a nigger, completely obliterating the whole angle of his mother disapproving of him "sounding black".

I didn't particularly think that King had written himself into a corner with the Stand, and he had been setting up the nuke at the end for a huge portion of the book. It was detonated as the result of direct divine intervention, yeah, but Flagg was also a literal demon walking the earth. He wasn't written into a corner, he could have continued the story in many other ways, including a more earthly resistance to Flagg, but a big part of the story was about the direct intervention of the divine.

Now, the end of the Dark Tower, I think he fucked up. The Crimson King, who was spoken of as this cosmic force, half mythology, half folklore (killing himself by swallowing a spoon and becoming undead), deserved a better characterization than some old dude throwing grenades.

King admitted he just half assed the ending of The Stand because he had the worst writer's block of his career and if he didn't limp across the finish line he was going to scrap the whole book. Not even his beloved Bolivian marching powder could help him.

Nadine, if she is the one saving herself for Flagg. Hot af

Book nadine

Kinda kino desu
Especially when it’s the crazy radiated guy drives it into town.

Awful. Fuck that shit
Also your id is based as fuck

Reminder that Nadine does anal

Shit now I wanna watch the miniseries, I read the book when I was a teen
Seems like an appropriate time

I loved this book as a kid.

What was your favorite scene? I seem to recall one of my favorites was when Nadine and Underwood get attacked by a young boy who has regressed to a savage state (either mute or lost the ability to communicate) having lost his parents in the plague.
Nadine's male companion wants to kill him but Nadine's motherly instincts kick in and the violent savage kid turns out sucking up to Nadine like a baby and his mom and becoming very protective.
Could be remembering wrong but I thought that all played out very cool.

Got a lot of other favorite fucked up moments but I don't wanna ruin for anons, great book to read during a pandemic

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Just watched this last night, unfortunately it does parallel a lot of recent happenings

imagine getting that mad over molly ringwald

I just re-watched the mini-series. Pro tip you can safely stop watching after they exit the New York tunnel since it starts to go off the rails.

I think the issue witht he crimson king is he was just too much
Would have worked better as one of the survivors using technology on the tower itself
Then it would have been the same view of natives trying to explain guns
Sounds all so impressive and a powerful magic in a world og magic
Then it turns out its just grenades and a man who is a danger because he threatens the end of an age

Also should have had a better end than, lol locked out on a porch with no parachute

The entire chapter of the breakdown. The police reports of the riots at the college campus. The TV broadcast of the nigger in the pink leotard executing soldiers. The fliers warning of the government lies. Still the greatest part of that book.

Reminder Joe Rogan banged Laura San Giacomo who played Nadine in the mini series back when she was in her prime.

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Is that real lol.

OK Boomer

This is great, thank you

Stephen Dingaling has got a nasty fucking face

Reminder that this, IT, Atlantis, and that short story about portals are the only Cocaine King books worth your time.

The ending to 11.22.63 was good. However, he admitted his son read the original ending and rewrote it.