So bongs, can you redpill me on "herd immunity"?

So bongs, can you redpill me on "herd immunity"?

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It's survival of the fittest.
Let the weak get infected.
It's not like a lot of them will die as long as secondary infections are treated properly.

Turks are resistant because it doesnt infect roaches only humans.

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You don't get more cases if everybody is infected

Can't have new infections if everyone is already infected.

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1) All boomers can get fucked lmao.
2) The rest of us get immunity and don't miss any work or school as a result.
3) Imagine letting a chinky virus dictate what the fuck your country does. If they ever release "The Big British Virus" then yeah ok maybe I'll take a day off. But a chink virus? Fuck off out my face with that shit m8.

It assumes the virus will not mutate, so it's a gamble.

Is this real? I thought it was a meme/joke. are bongs actually doing this? Are they literally that retarded?

>being scared of a chinky virus
mind you, you're majority chink as a country so you have reason to be scared, lmao

stop making me laugh my lungs unironically hurt

Bongoloid elites are going to kill 2 million plebs to appease coronachan

get some rum/whiskey down you, son.
my mate in america who studies medicine or some poof shit says spirits (good booze) and high temp helps fight this shit off.

Based Boris is trying to trim off some of the diversity to save the rest of us.

BrainBong here. I will lay it out for you.
Infection is comparable to the spread of fire except it travels along the (physical) social network. 70-80% of transmission occurs with family clusters. That's why the government hasn't banned mass gatherings yet. They may do to reduce the strain on ambulance/police in future when all hands are on deck for COVID19.
The "herd immunity" idea is that we can't stop this virus (true) and that we can't wait forever for a vaccine (true - it's probably 12-18 months away)
The scientific approach is then to allow the infection to spread amongst those who will shake it off easily, perhaps with a light pneumonia - ie anyone under about 55 without existing medical conditions.
The UK government want to manage/control the spread so people get it, recover and become immune / no longer sources of infection themselves.
This approach is the best approach. The only question is whether the management/control is feasible. The WHO think it is not.

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Is a deadly weapon, it will kill most of whoever gets infected with, it's a debilitating diseases

it just means that anglos have literally gone mad.
europe must lock the borders and wait.

i mean lock the borders with them.

>gone mad
This country has always been filled with and governed by eccentric faggots.

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Most of the people who will die will be white though. Blacks and Muslims are generally younger than your average white person.


Just let the boomers die so we can fill their rental properties with immigrants.

Imagine living in another countries head rent free where they take screen shots of the others news to shitpost on a Ugandan Moped Racing Forum.

But you can be reinfected afterwards, an unlimited amount of time, and each time is worse due to previous damages. This means a theoretical mortality rate of 100% given enough time until some cure is implemented.

Unless bongs are dead set on only letting the children survive in 12-18 months

It's called killing your own voters.

it's literally Ozymandias' LETS KILL MILLIONS, TO SAVE BILLIONS plan

You give everyone HIV, and then everyone will have HIV.

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This is a common misrepresentation. People will self-isolate to protect themselves and self-isolate to stop spreading the infection. Once the non-vulnerable have herd immunity life will essentially go back to normal until we have a vaccine.

There isn't credible scientific evidence for that. The reports from China are a mixture of not having tested properly in the first place and false negatives upon release.

Fuck the people, it's all about business- seems to be the motivating factor.
How very semitic

Without medical care the deathrate for COVID-19 is 20%. By intentionally letting the infection spread you are drastically increasing the chances of COVID-19 overwhelming the NHS and causing millions, instead of hundreds of thousands, of deaths. This is a horrible idea, this is a worse idea than trying to quench chernobyl with river water. In the history of bad ideas your government is right now executing one of the worst.

In the end it's a gamble like any other, and a reaction, we are ignorant, so time will tell.

So what, each year every country has to go into lockdown for a few months before the new strain goes away? And that's even if you can get reinfected.

Tories are retarded. They want to save pensions so will kill of old folks (their core voter base). Only reason they’re risking this is because since they won big in the Norf last election they think they have us forever now and don’t need older voters. When the trauma hits the Norf though, they’ll be wiped out next election

Herd immunity occurs when there are enough previously infected (or immunised) persons in the population that the pathogen cannot transmit to fresh vulnerable hosts. (R0

i love this strategy cause it completely fucks every country trying to contain and stamp out the virus, britain is guaranteeing there will be a large infected reservoir until a vaccine is developed

like china will get reinfected by a brit

vulnerable stay at home instead of being infected and going to ICU. everyone else get on with it until symptoms show then isolate for a week. Hopefully this means much fewer ICU cases, but over a longer period of time. However people are retards and will just ignore everything. The thinking is if you just quarantine everyone now, it's not going to disappear and you're only delaying the outbreak, either they are confident in immunity being real or they're just taking a punt because we are fucked either way. We will be banning mass public gatherings soon, should have done that already but I think people are voluntarily cancelling at this point

>People will self-isolate to protect themselves and self-isolate to stop spreading the infection.
>the plan is to infect everyone
>everyone self isolate
there will be draconian measures to drag whiteys out of their house right?

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if you can get reinfected afterwards it makes no difference what you do for the next 2-3 years

Only boomers and fatties die

Nobody where I work is willing to self-isolate, due to losing wages. Only if it is made law and enforced will it work.

feels good being neet master race

im always laughing at wagies but now im laughing even harder

No, it's a secret. Our secret.

But trust us, we'll save you when the time comes.

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Now seriously the fuck do India doesnt have disaster in it's hand, taking into account that those people doesn't have any hygiene

The eternal anglo rises.

Lol mortality rate is 100% you’ll find out soon enough

1. COVID-19 will kill 20% of people without urgent medical care (oxygen, ventilators, ECMO, IV fluids, etc)
2. COVID-19 causes male infertility
3. COVID-19 is highly mutable since it is an SSRNA virus, it has already produced 5 new strains since its discovery
4. COVID-19 can be stopped by quarantines, china proved this
5. COVID-19 is a close relative of SARS, many SARS patients never fully recovered after getting it. There is evidence that 30% of recovered COVID-19 patients are seeing the same thing happen to them.

It's not a meme and has been the strategy from the start
We are keeping schools open because it allows the virus to spread between people at lower risk

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>Only if it is made law and enforced will it work.

no way to enforce it, cops and military have lungs to

i respect britain for half acknowledging the truth but they should just come out and say the whole thing: "we cant stop it, so just carry on and let the elderly die"

indians hands are full of shit. no room for disaster.

Curious how people who preach survival of the fittest tend to be genetic dead ends.

That is pretty much what Boris said, "many more people will lose loved ones"

Does anyone even know if China has turned their internet back on yet?

This is the stupidest idea ever because of the high reinfection rate. Your government is killing your nation and you cheer it on. Absolute retards

Why is the assumption that you can't stop the spread? Asia has done it.

You let the virus kill the older white population then you have a new vote on Brexit and then rejoin the European Union now that you’ve killed those white nationalist boomer racists

>>if you can get reinfected afterwards it makes no difference what you do for the next 2-3 years
This. If even half of the doomsayer 'predictions' are true then you are fucked either way. Boomers will die in larger than usual numbers, that's about it.

Because it's overblown. Not just India mind you. Other shitholes like the Philippines or Indonesia just don't care. There will be an increase in people dying of pulmonary deficiency and that's it. Probably won't even be reported as corona related.

>COVID-19 causes male infertility
Any credible sources on that?

Probably they mean "we can't stop the spread without doing some draconian chinese dictator-shit, so lets not bother"

You guys are majority paki pedos tho

This country is owned by the (((USA))) and is used as a test subject for everything which a decade or so later reaches American shores, such as our oppressive totalitarian laws. You see it all the time and this virus will be no different. This time they're using us as literal guinea pigs and are seeing how this virus effects us with the herd immunity approach before they use it over there. We are literally slaves.

>The scientific approach is then to allow the infection to spread amongst those who will shake it off easily, perhaps with a light pneumonia - ie anyone under about 55 without existing medical conditions.
except that's fucking bullshit. If you infect the young they wilkl in turn infect the old and you end up even worse than us. The scientific approach is to slow down new infections in order for the medical system to be able to cope

Why don't we get herd immunity from aids by fucking everything in Africa then?

unironically western style democracies dont have enough control or homogeneity to enforce quarantines, corona may end liberal governments as we know them

because they are salivating at the chance of killing off racist white boomers without having to dirty their hands

Big Boris wants to save on pension payouts and reduce the cost of running the NHS

>Britain saves every country and their health systems by imposing worldwide herd immunity
You’re welcome

bold words coming from a country that is majority niggers and spics

none, because it's not true

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this. let pakis fuck every bong bareback. it will cure aids and corona at once

We truly are based, lads.
The original article was pulled because it caused too much panic. COVID uses ACE-2 to infect cells and ACE-2 is present in high amounts in the cells that make sperm. The virus literally kills your balls.

Parliament are expected to pass new legislation in the next two weeks allowing police to have the power to detain anyone who may have the virus. These powers will lay up to two years

You bongs are in denial. You are so fucked. Ya’ll deserve it. Monarchist scum