I see the same Coronavirus pattern in all countries

A. oh it’s in Italy and China, thankfully not here, I don’t care

B. Politicians say “yeah, we are taking measures” but don’t do anything really, just ban some flights

C. 1 week later more travel restrictions, people stock up on disinfectant, pasta, cans and toilet paper

D. Politicians ban more flights, announce new “measures”

E. Slowly the numbers increase but no deaths or just 1-2

F. Large events cancelled or delayed, people talk about corona a lot

G. Then a sudden hit, within days politicians announce severe funds injections, emergency measures etc. - people are told to stay at home

H. Infections keep rising, deaths are going on the rise exponentially, people work from home, all gatherings banned, mass quarantaines, all news outlets report 24/7 on corona

tldr- Uk, US etc. are just late in the cycle, they will get to Italian style shit real soon because they like social gatherings and the virus has been sufficiently spread there

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I’m observing the same thing hans. We are currently now in stage F. I am scared what G might bring. I really hate that it’s the same cycle almost everywhere. it’s as if the governments wants us to panic and be all infected. Hopefully we survive, so we can rebuild from the ashes.

India seems to have not gone through this cycle.

It's a hoax. Just a flu bro. Politicians only react because of the pressure of their population who were scared by fearmongers

it's just the blu fro

>3-5% death rate
>just the the flu bro

>It's a hoax. Just a flu bro
If it's just a hoax and the people aren't dead, Where did they go? The pools?

Not even close, nigger.

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This is proof we dutch bros as absolutely fucked. This Rutte guy is also keeping the schools open in a bid to enable parents to keep working. Dummy, if kids can infect parents, nobody will be working.

It's NOT a flu. We are 100% fucked.

I think i already might be coofing
Is anyone else here coofing?

>every virus is the flu!!

If it breaks 160,000 today I will be an official happeningfag. That would make it the biggest documented rate of increase since that random china spike in feb.

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Italy has an 8 percent death rates and the lack of hospital beds make it worse. There are oldtimers being treated in tents on army field beds... it looks like Rwanda.

You forgot
>I. quarantines become unsustainable, people lose their patience and riots ravage the country.
We're in for quite the show in a couple of weeks. Be sure to prep well. Fear the impending chaos, not the virus.

god save japan
save the anime making niggas

Because of the heat

By the way when I first posted this pic about a week ago, panic shills immediately told me to "wait a week or 2 for the mortality rate to rise, this thing takes a long time to kill"
The mortality rate has held steady. Where are all the deaths?

>It's a hoax. Just a flu bro
Yep off you go faggot

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Holy fuck whats wrong with people, nowhere in my city can you buy and TP, everything else is in stock, maybe the bread is a little low in some places. Why toilet paper? why does everyone panic buy tp its ridiculous

Look how mad you guys get. Kike created panic controlling you. Fucking weak. Ill take a bath in (you's) tonight

herd mentality... because some people did it and it went out of stock others followed so it is now perma-out of stock.

(You) are a faggot :ˆ)


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You should know that at stage D-G most countries stop testing except for severe cases. People are just told to stay home if they suspect they have it. So the increase or decrease of confirmed people means nothing by that point. All countries except Hong Kong, China and Korea have capitulated. Our benevolent leaders are just hoping everyone magically develops permanent immunity after having it, unlike all other similar viruses.

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Too many Jews here. The virus won't kill too many.

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so can you explain how the US happened to test every single infected person by chance?

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real proof, thx for posting

> t. retard

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

hint : if you test only the people that are already sick you can come up with any number, including 25% death rate

Corona isnt immune to Indians

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Why did you bastards cancel the F1 race.
what am supposed to do this weekend now, talk to people?

TP isn’t necessary. You can use handkerchiefs or kitchen paper or even old shirts and pieces of linen that’s cooked out.

I've been here 11 years and this is the first pasta I caused to take off, a great use of Thursday.

Yep. All schools closing so the admin have pressure to close the schools. Sports teams cancelling, so you better cancel yours too. This is literally, everybody else is doing it so I should do it too behavior

its all a scam by netflix, hulu, etc to get a captive audience.

>The average person uses one roll per day

Maybe you, but then again you're full of shit

I tries wiping my ass with aluminum foil one time, hurts worse than a paper cut.

Americans are already a captive audience.

What a pointless thread holy shit
>hey wait guys, I am noticing this clearly visible and obvious pattern

typical burgers, 1 roll per day? pls explain how. I shit on av twice a day & usually use around 2 rolls per week

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Retard. TP is the post collapse currnecy. Don't say it can't happen. The currency you're using now is an objectively worse currency that TP would be.

I know a few people now with a mysterious coof & fever. We're entering stage G now I'd say. Don't forget, the government isn't testing everyone - like the US etc we're probably way, way underreported.

There is a massive gap between the countries that test enough (Hong Kong, Singapore, and now also worst Korea and China) and the countries that don't (everyone else). The countries that don't turn into Italy, the countries that test enough keep it under control and are not overwhelmed.

This would not have happened if subhumans, communists and capitalists had been eradicated 80 years ago

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You just shit too much and don't eat enough fiber. Shut your trap hole, lardass

some expect it to rise as hospitals get overloaded
death rate isn't fixed, it depends on treatment options availability of food etc.

spanish flu had something like 2.5% death rate, meanwhile people traveled less, lived less densely, etc, so if that was around today who knows where the death rate would be.

Must be the magic of cow dung

Just wash your ass with water

Exactly. You don't waste the literal money of the post apocalyptic society on shits.

We see these dramatic vids from China but when it gets out the the 'free world' we don't see anything at all. WTF? This thing is fake a shit.
You fuckers can seethe all you want pushing this fake bs but you're all being played.
>>What's the reason for this fakery?


Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

The number of cases doubles every 6 days, even accounting for people who had it and their symptoms have subsided (ie they no longer are counted). It’s really easy to determine how many people will have it in the coming months. Just figure out the number of 6 day periods and use that as a factor of 2.

The US is at about 2,000 cases. 2^11 = 2,048. In 6 days, that number will double, so we’ll have 2^12 cases. In 60 days (that’s 10 six-day reproductive periods) there will be 2^21 cases, just over 2,000,000.

The timeline for this fits with every study so far, across all regions and borders. The only question is when it slows. Since the US is doing nothing but telling people to wash their hands, we have to hit 1% for herd immunity to take hold and slow the reproductive rate. That’s tens of thousands of dead people as a direct result of the disease.

It will undoubtedly be higher. There are only 300k empty hospital beds in the US at any given time. And our population is a bunch of fat asses. So people will be dying at the normal 5% who end up with hospital treatment, but there will be more who die because they can’t get hospital treatment at all, and those who don’t have covid but need treatment for something else.

Kek. People still havent got this yet.

That's not what the chart means. The chart refers to discrimination when testing, if we very broadly tested we'd likely find more people doing OK.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

I’ve severely underestimated how much other people are shitting.

Mmmm dutch bros....

Exactly, imagine having a functioning government. This would have been shutdown immediately. The West died in 1945.

A german news site just wrote a title
>"They feel when they die. It's like drowning. Just slower"

Boomers in the comments are now literally asking for assisted suicide
Germany on suicide watch from now on

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>One roll a day

Westcoast here. Went round to friend's place for dinner & drinks Thursday night, our kids are best mates at school. We decided to keep the kids home yesterday and won't send them to school next week either. It's a private school with very few shitskins so it will be managed as well as can be expected but we don't want to wait. By the time schools are shut down it will be too late. I told the teacher she has a dry coof and we will monitor from home, they will send learning materials on Monday for us to homeschool with.

>cause of the pressure of their population who were scared by fearmongers

We stand in a mix between D and H, except there are no deaths and most cases reported have been "mild" with only one considered "severe"
Could it be because we have been hitting 28 ºC in ambient temperature recently?

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No, the west took over in 1945. Europe is not the west. The west is the british / globalist / christian / jewish / american alliance.

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I know you're right, dutchy
This shit is a global scam designed to get us to sign our rights away

You're not wrong. I've been having covid symptoms since Wednesday and all the doctors told me was to fuck off, since I would have to have been in contact with a confirmed case before they gave a test. If it's actually COVID, community spread in Utah is massive already.

link pls

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Lies, most comments complain about the headline itself being sensationalist. Germans are fucking gone, good riddance though

I have bad allergies and it's causing mucus to run down my throat, triggering a throat ache and some throat coughs to clear it up, to say the least it's got me a little worried even if I can rationalize it, but I have 0 signs of fever and my chest is doing fine.

Though it makes me wonder if fevers are necessary, or if it just happens that they test people with fevers before all else.

I think I got it now. Was out shopping a little before the shutdown Thursday. Now my joints ache and I feel tired. Great times ahead...

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India hasn't even figured out how to use a toilet yet, the fuck you expect them to figure out anything requiring more than one step for?