5000 deaths

>5000 deaths
I mean seriously? A lot more people died in car accidents since this meme started. Is everyone fucking retarded? Is this a psy op? An experiment? A bad joke? Collective retardation fuled by social media outrage. If this virus happened 20-30 years ago it would be nothing but a footnote on Wikipedia right now.

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If it’s nothing then you don’t have to care about it. So stop caring about it so much.

Deutsche Bank, your biggest bank, is now valued below liquidation price. Its stocks are now 1 dollar below bankruptcy price. Say bye bye.

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Report to a Covid clinic and volunteer your services like a good citizen.

I don't give a fuck.

>I don't give a fuck.

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Well we can’t, because every fucking thread is about it retard. Seeing a thread mocking all you panicking fuckheads is refreshing

In like a month it will be 100x worse but okay nigger


A lot more is an understatement of the century. Around 3000 people die in car crashes every day, and that's the lower, optimistic end estimate. That's about 300,000 since Corona kicked in.

I’m not going to get into a car accident because someone coofed on me two weeks ago.

This but unironically. Two weeks ago Spain had how many cases? And they have how many now?

you do understand that a graph that is going up will eventually pass any graph going flat, if such trends continue long enough. Denying that is the same type of faulty logic which makes liberals declare that white people rape people too

They're really taking the piss now. Is anyone with a clue surprised that the people are really buying it too? A global populace psychologically abused to the point where the muppets in charge can actually pull this off and lock down society and make whatever nwo changes they want. Anyone who doesn't buy it is hated and screeched at, even treated like a threat by everyone else playing their part in the strategic chaos. I've actually been told I'm a threat for not being worried about this. Fucking retarded world we live in.

Why can’t it be a real happening and the nwo seizing control?

>A global populace psychologically abused to the point where the muppets in charge can actually pull this off and lock down society and make whatever nwo changes they want.
We're beyond fucked aren't we. Forget clown world, it's an NPC world.

old people on average (especially in Italy), materialists and afraid of dying so they panic easily

Social experiment. They are trying to push boundaries. I don’t give a fuck I’ve lived through far worse. Shit will be over in a week- but then you’ll still hear about how the virus has killed one more person, keeping this pathetic meme alive.

seizing control that they already have? This is likely part of a plot by both chinks and kikes, but that doesn't mean the virus isn't real

>A lot more people died in car accidents since this meme started
false equivalence.
did the roads get shut down to stop the car accidents?

I believe the virus is real. I also believe chinks and kikes are using it to their advantage.

You don't care because you are economically illiterate. When the euro collapses you will.

When you're telling others you don't give a fuck, you're not just lying to them, you're lying to yourself.

I don't understand what they could win by crashing the economy

You retards decided not to lockdown cities and contain the virus yourself so now every other country and airline is banning flights from Europe

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>trusting fabricated US government statistics

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Why does it have to be real? Why do you default to the narrative being fed to you by the nwo? You believe there is an nwo agenda yet also believe their narratives about this virus being a real threat. There is power in the threat only because of your fear. Literally nothing else contributes to their power, including the virus itself actually being a threat.


Any other issue and Yas Forums wouldnt believe the propaganda issued by the (((media))) but let them hype some happpening panic and they'll fall hook line and sinker.

I thought it was weird that 148 of the 300 cases in Jew York all came from New Rochelle which is where some of the wealthiest kikes live. It's an entirely jewish community that was quarantined there. Then you have Tom Hanks and Trudeau's wife getting it. Bolsonaro gets it next. He's extremely pro jewish.

Because you can see the viruses effects on people, physically.
>inb4 all the videos were faked.

You have seen it first hand have you?

the dollar was going to collapse either way now they can blame it on a virus not a person

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So here is how this is going to play out

In a few months, we will have the data and it will turn out to be less dangerous than the common flu.

And then thank you fools - for panicking about absolutely nothing and giving valuable information to governments about how far they can go in a perceived crisis and what measures people will accept

Also a thanks from big tech about providing them with valuable health and behaviour information they will be able to use for marketing purposes


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>giving valuable information to governments about how far they can go in a perceived crisis and what measures people will accept
this user gets it, i am pretty shocked actually about world response to this shit, retarded planet, glass asap

This, the hope humanity is left is dwindling day by day

Are you literally retarded? It's not about how many people die at the start of the outbreak it's about how many can potentially die once it spreads, which is tens of millions at a conservative estimate.

Things that happened 20-30 years ago are footnotes on wikipedia NOW, but were terrifying to the people at the time.

No wonder Germany is such a shit hole if this is is representative of the people there.

Will Germany let their biggest bank reach bankruptcy or bail them out? This can be a good buy opportunity

Yes actually I work as a nurse at grand river hospital in Waterloo, we have had multiple people with confirmed cases.

Hey at least they'll have toilet paper for the next 6 months. They're just too desperate for a happening that they'll fall for the propaganda if it mentions what they want to hear.

Bump for 0.5% lethality nothingburger

the right to take people away never to return, i don't know if they did it deliberately but that is still something they will try to get out of it. Same with china though they sort of already had that right, but it was coming under question

>A lot more people died in car accidents since this meme started.

>hurr durr the flu
>hurr durr the car accidents
>hurr durr the cancer
>hurr durr the old age

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Oh my ...
At least I have the satisfaction that you will feel like an idiot in a few months
When you will realize that you are a sheep

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Yikes. Sounds like you're the sheeparino buddy.

When will you finally realize that this has been going on for at least 20 years... making people predictable and controlling them
First it was terrorism, now it's a media pushed chinkflu

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This but not intentional, it not a conspiracy just retardation

Yes in the end the people get the system they deserve

It's a global conspiracy to generate widespread panic and disorder.

This absolutely, that's why I earlier made the point that there is less and less hope for humanity

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Bump for the first good thread in weeks

Idiots here don't understand how to calculate lethality.
People getting tested are not a random sample that is representative of the population. There is a MASSIVE selection bias, because they try to find people who test positive and they are limiting tests to people at risk (underlying conditions).

You can't just punch two numbers into a calculator and you have 'lethality"

>At least 12,000 people have died from influenza between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000.

>The CDC also estimates that up to 31 million Americans have caught the flu this season, with 210,000 to 370,000 flu sufferers hospitalized because of the virus.

>Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.

So I guess next flu season we'll be banning travel, fighting over toilet rolls, cancelling sports seasons, cancelling large events, shutting down schools and hiding under our duvets? Will we bollocks.

And this shows to me very clear what authoritarian government with retards on board could achieve. I honestly dont no what times await us. But with this "people" nothing good or at least decent.
My hope that elon somehow makes it on mars

No why would it?

>dont no

I'm afraid that it wouldn't be any better ... to survive therewould require planning and allocation of ressources and people would be crowded into confined spaces
The retards would of course choose an authoritarian regime to do this for them

imagine being this much of a faggot that you felt the need to post this. a good thread died for this you stupid german-arabic faggot.


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You fine Rus, I am going to fail my Russian class at this rate. Fucking 20 Questions and I don't even know how to answer them

The problem isn't people dying, but that infected people can't work.

Russian is a dead language bro.

>Believing ONLY 5000 have died
Nigger, you stupid?

This makes me wonder if, in a few months, when this is over - will you realize that you fell for a meme or will you forget about it and go right on to the next one?

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BBC on the nigger tank HAHAHAHAHA

Sure they can. the majority of cases are mild. The problem is their boomer bosses have a 10% chance of dying if they get infected too.
I gauranfuckingtee you if Covid-19 killed 10% of Zoomers but was almost completely harmless to boomers there would be zero fucking outcry from boomers about it.
They'd just see it as a free late term abortion.

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