

scrivete cosa da fare in casa, libri da leggere, film, serie, postate piatti che avete preparato, postate roba storica, genetica, scoperte scientifiche, novità su coronachan, parlate di politica, ecc.

Attached: d71.png (862x916, 723.18K)

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io sto leggendo il libro di tutti i libri di roberto calasso.
che 94% fuffa.

> che
*che è

did you guys miss the enrichment

> cosa da fare
*cosa fare
cazzo sono impedito

>il resto del mondo pensa che ora l'Italia sia in una situazione apocalittica
Sono l'unico che non vede da nessuna parte cose simili? Sto a casa tutto il giorno ma fuori è letteralmente la normalità + mascherine, e sono Nella Lombardia.

>cases 5198
>death 439

What the fuck Italy? Stop dying.

dio porco non si fermano davanti a niente sti cazzo di negri

per niente user
io sono uscito a fare la spesa qui a bergamo e la città è vuota. un'ora e mezza di coda prima entrare all'esselunga

oh there's more

Attached: migranti_2.png (786x358, 65.69K)

who is ferrying them? the usual NGOs? are they still allowed to sail? really makes you think

all I know is that we are in quarantine and we cannot even leave our houses with over 1000 people dying of a pandemic in a week and yet apparently we are safer than tunisia

or israel

ciao come stai fratelli

Hey italy bros, Swedish news is claiming that there's positive effects from your quarantine and that no new cases has appeared in the 10 first cities to be quarantined since it was imposed. Is this in any way accurate?

Attached: italian quarantine.jpg (635x248, 41.72K)

Get well soon, Pastabro! Don't guve up!

locked at home.. don't know what to do
i hadn't read it anywhere

Update? Succede qualcosa di particolare? Spammate foto del boogaloo anons!

but didn't they stop because of corona chan?

you are always my favorite lads nearby


Attached: migranti.png (726x758, 422.79K)

Dovete dar fuoco alle macchine e alle navi delle NGO come han fatto i greci...

>browse Yas Forums
>read some cool shit
>watch bitcoin, gold charts
>drink tea
>curse commies and retards
>play a pc game
There are lots to do, user.

You do realize that we get them cause the state empowered mgroup rights for women, and this is killing us, yes?

nope. it's fucking unbelievable user

Once Germany steal all of our savings like they did to Greece maybe.

There's already coronavirus on Malta... if they accept those niggers they will get infected and it will be a disaster

im going to to eat
keep the thread bumped lads

>Once Germany steal all of our savings

Aren't they (americans and EU) already doing it with MES and Europe Defender 2020?

Believing Swedish news in 2020

After we are eaten whole, and old people will be starving on the streets with no saved capitals cause they trusted the EU and our government maybe we ll do something.
Cause, you know, i don't the think that the Italian military will be too pleased with that.
They are people too lol.

guys wtf?

By the way, swiss bro, what are the chances that your country will try to steal gold too?
You got a welfare system nowdays, don't you?
You think it'll be paid by theft once the problems start?

we all know italy will be the one to take them in

I don't, that's why I'm asking you pastabros.

That's Prodi's propaganda (a leftist politician that dragged us in the EU and is happy by the fact that the Italian people work themselves to the bone as much as the Chinese).
He is behind the movement known as "sardine".
He did that to give the impression that the normies rose up to figth "fascism and racysm".
But in the end, we don't care, and we ll care even less when the real economic shit goes down.
This is nothing.

If you ask me, it's just bullshit to prevent bank runs lmao.

>You think it'll be paid by theft once the problems start?

no military militia and civil protection will be called in service with low wages and no taxes to help in hospitals etc. They're already discussing it.

yes probably


why aren’t there videos from your country of people dying in the streets like there was in china? is this shit actually bad or is it just a nothingburger

Okay, that's for the short term.
What about the long term tho?
Will you guys return to libvertarianism, take down group rights (women's privileges), return to individual rights and take down the welfare state, or will you double down like the rest of the world?

stay strong spaghetti bros

My neighbor's grandmother died.

Are they dumb or something?

Attached: 1561676258882.jpg (2048x2048, 667.22K)

Read here: .


>Leggi i grandi classici della nostra storia
>Impara il latino
>Impara a cucinare
>Colleziona materiale memetico bellico pro italico per la guerra che verrà

Attached: Gabriele_D'Anunnzio.png (261x370, 149.59K)

Because America is not at war against Italy, so there is not anti-Italian propaganda on twitter.

Attached: ChinaItaly.jpg (768x432, 113.1K)

ieri ho battuto il mio record personale di seghe, domani vado oltre

Oggi ho letto un po' Nocturno Cinema di cui ho l'abbonamento, ho scaricato gta sa e mi faccio una chiusa oggi pomeriggio, poi ho bestemmiato Dio perchè non riesco a installare matplotlib su Python, se qualcuno può darmi una mano mi fa un piacere

at least you still have internet to keep you sane and talk to other anons

I used to be an illumiNEETi most of my life, but being at house arrest with no end in sight for a fucking flu which is only dangerous for >80 years old boomers drives me crazy.
I never end being shocked by the idiocy of my co-nationals.

> materiale memetico
based but italians can't meme due to slow language. do anyone else also think that italian is somewhat "slower" than english?

No it's actually true. The first detected outbreak (Codogno) is now virus free. Fingers crossed in two weeks we will see the effects of nationwide quarantine.
F. Was it coronavirus related?

Yeah I agree Italian feels kind of slow but I think that it hits(?) harder compared to english


We will see but order will be restored by army and militias, as it should be. Young people will be called to arms and will help health and population services.

Proof it was corona?

Porno, YouTube, videogiochi e dormo.
Sono al settimo dj set che mi guardo mentre provo a far girare Elsword sul mio pc di merda (quanto mi sta sul culo che hanno chiuso void non ci volevo tornare sui server Italiani)

post sauce faggot

What a cringe sissy language, hope all you arabs die

tako je stipe!

Taci zingaro

Soros is involved too with the Sardine btw

>around the world first cases start to appear
>sudden increases included in other countries
>all were and came from Italy
You deserved it for trusting the chinks.

Coomer basatissimo

Attached: coomer ave.png (631x340, 51.43K)

Forza user verso l'infinito e oltre

Io sto fumando dalla mattina alla sera. Senza farlo apposta avevo fatto scorta il giorno prima dell'obbligo di stare a casa.

soros is everyone
every progressive organization has his fingerprints all over it