Prep thread post them

I am fucked ?

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lad.... I think catching the virus is the least of your worries....

Yeah. You’re getting robbed fag. Where you live?

Just got myself a visor
How should i clean it when i'm coming home ? bleach and water ? regular disinfectant ?

this should be enough for maybe a month
(or 2 with ''concentration camp style'')

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Hello may i please have a Leibniz special choco yum yum cookie??? I love treats! Do you have any yum cakes or nougats

how do you cook your toilet paper?

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This should last me a few months

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damn, i love gummy worms

that's gonna last like what? a week or two tops?

You have food for 1 week.

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you must be from Melbourne

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Die cityfag.

I'm going to get at least 20lb of powdered whole milk so i continue fermenting milk during the quarantine. If you don't drink a pint of kefir, or at least yoghurt, daily your intestines are still operating on nigger mode.

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>complete lack of meat, canned or dried
Der Swede

just have guns. let everyone else prep.

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I am coming

Thats the vegetarian way

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No, I’m not as bad as those disgusting people.

By the time you work up the nerve to do something you will try to rob a person who has been eating. That person will gun you down before you can make a simple move.

what's in the jar ?

you will be shot on your front door dear autist

piss, honey or whisky.

>PREP AKA buying bit more groceries than usual
if you fags were serious about this, you'd actually stock up for real, not show off your weekly saturday grocery haul.

lol that looks like a normal weeks shopping with food that expires in a few days. Nice trolling. Real hilarious.

>puts his mask on top of the stuff he bought thats been touched by 1000 people.....
1 mouse = you loose 90% of that.
>ants and bugs love those bars
just a pantry /mom/

Bleach/water in a spray bottle
Utah here and my family is already doing this.

>painters mask
On scale of 1 to 12 Utenus alaus, how fucking dumb are you ?

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How based am I?

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pathetic. i eat that much in a single week.

I've stored a fuck ton of gin and whisky, so Im fully prepared

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I got 10kg of dried beans (navy, red, lentils), 28kg of different rice(white, parboiled, basmati), 5kg of pasta(and enough sauce) 6kg of Frozen veggies (all sold out before I could get more), 8kg of frozen meats, and enough multivitamins for the year. Might start up the garden this spring.

That's prep user? That's like a single ordinary grocery trip for me. I've spent close to $4,000 in the past month to stockpile food, and I'm skinny little dude.

Lol. Murruca never changes.

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>A damp, fecal smell permeates the air.

Anybody going shopping to big malls is scum. You should support medium property unlike American slobs.


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>nearly all of it perishable

haha stay scared faggets I'm coming.

lol add up all your calories you don't have more than 4 weeks stocked up
good luck if this lasts (and with your government, it probably will)

>10 round mag
>Hides his califag gAyR-14 cuck stock to avoid ridicule
Absolutely not going to make it.

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Ferment and gut-pilled, i have 5 kg milkpowder and ferment kefir myself. But I'm a bit unsure how kefir grains go with milk powder. What are your results with it?

*coughs on you*

Reminder that people are starting to follow preppers home so they know who to steal from if things get bad.

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I've never tried it actually! I've just being using normal milk for it, since the powder works out more expensive. If it doesn't work I'll dry my yoghurt out, that will make it last a year or so, but the kefir doesn't have the same durability i don't think. I reckon the key is lactose, if the milk still has its lactose the bacteria can still eat it.

Relax faggot it's a 5 round not 10. It is for shooting in the offhand position because I actually know how to shoot. I have 40 + 30 round mags and an index B mag.

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

dude you're such a faggot

The fed are pacified
The hungry actually try to make something happen
Enjoy your tomb

Not enough toilet paper. You're not gonna make it.

See faggot your dead. But I don't need 30 rounds to kill your fat ass. I will just choke you out and save the ammo. See you soon!

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>no deenz
yeah, I'm thinking you're fucked

haha then stop taking the bait you fucking moron.

I really wish I had a respirator mask or some disposable ones....

geez bro you got the whole squad laughing
lmao bro ur so cool
tell me how to be cool like you bro l m a o

>gets blasted by some boomer reliving 'nam,

I live in a household of 7 people. One who is pregnant. How do I even prep for this??

Nice ill be bringing my 930 jm pro to raid your shit, gimmie that ärtsoppa or eat lead.

Dude get the a2 stock like wtf man

>I am fucked ?

Most of your food is air so yeah.

Kek, 4 weeks for an american perhaps. I've got food for 3-4 months. Everything isnt showing since its stacked, and I've also got some more stuff coming by delivery.

My protein bars alone are 43 240 calories. That alone almosts keep a person alive for 4 weeks.

> 36 kg rice
> 15 kg pasta
> 3 kg protein powder
> 2 kg peanut butter
> 1 kg nutella
> 15 kg pasta/salsa sauce
> 12 kg of canned ravioli/baked beans/pea soup
> 4-5 kg beans
> 5 kg cookies
> 4 kg sugar
> 8 kg flour
> 1 kg butter

And alot more stuff like pesto, burger dressing, tube cheese, bread, feta cheese etc etc etc

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Why do this?
You live in a big city?
If i need food i just go shoot some game and butcher it and i have lots of food.

Good bait. I smiled a little.

step 1 stop taking what you hear on Pol about the coronavirus seriously.

step 2 kill yourself

The guns are not far away too

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I live in Stockholm, my fellow muslim. Stores are semi-empty in some places.

When Stefan Löfven declares national emergency, shuts down borders etc etc the stores will be raided - just like in the US, UK, Denmark etc.

Hmm alright, then i understand.
I hope everything gets fucked up, like fuck my shit up anons

Not everyone lives in rural areas with the possibility or permits to hunt.
Good luck hunting your veggies in the scandinavian winter Olaf.

I am simply praying to the Gods.

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That's a little bit of perishable food. Yeah you're fucked. Where's the canned ham? Spam? Rice? Beans?

This is like dildo where's wally.

Can you spot the Thor Hammer dildo?

Dont need no permit, i know a farmer and if he gets some meat once in a while i can hunt whenever i want to.
I will be feasting on boar/elk/moose meat whilst you gnaw on your canned goods my goy.

I did all my prepping this morning. When my supplies run out, I am going to go out at night and hunt domestic cats

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Shouldnt breath all too much from that asbestos gp-5 filter, its no good for your lungs the particles have barbs and stick to the tissue.