Removing homeless from the street

"Let's go boys"

Attached: homeless.webm (640x360, 1.8M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>lie on street
>get shot

Inb4 bootlicking statist cucks explain why this was justified.

>understand that they dont want you to lie down
>go sit on the bench
>you get shot anyway

What the fuck

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He totally had it coming boys, didn't cooperate with your friend and hamburger helper.

So glad I don't live in murrica desu.

He stuck his hands under his waistband, which is what someone going for a concealed gun would do. But he's a homeless hobo, so he probably has ten different rashes on his junk and was trying to itch it after moving caused it to hurt.

we dont even know the context of what happened but yeah cops bad

Are they jews?

Literally a firing squad.

I'm so glad I don't live in the United shitholes of america

very sad

It is justified you faggot homo nigger

so what happened here?

>be tired of hobos in your street
>tip the cops some hobo has a concealed weapon and is threatening people
>expect the pigs to overreact
>hobo removed
God bless america.

All poorfags need to be killed.
Reminder that poorfags vote for commies and they are poor because they are stupid.

>He totally had it coming boys, didn't cooperate with your friend and hamburger helper.

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Lmao how?

Point out what is wrong, nigger

hobos are public and hazardous dangers
If you like them, joint them

>because they are stupid
Average IQ in Nepal: 78



Yeah that's the average and I am the only one here posting. What does it tell you fucking muslim cunt?

>he got jewed into homelessness so he deserved to die

Reminder that the american congress has labeled white nationalism as an act of terror.

There has been a massive amount of homeless asshole junkies in American big cities since Obama. This is a solution. Not good but better than nothing.

What does that have to do with this being justified or not? They didn't shoot him because he was an hobo but because they are literal dumb ameriniggers who overreact on everything just like... Yeah you guess right, just like NIGGERS!

they shot him for reaching for the gun in his waist band, cuck faggot. why would you defend some homeless nigger anyway. he deserved it for being a useless leech

Where is the one with sound?

Truly a man of culture, don't you have an alt right forum to shit post ?

Oh wait...

You dumb chink like nigger

No nigger, he made his own choices. Homelessness is always a choice

No arguments, disappointed from a mountain jew

>>he got jewed into homelessness so he deserved to die
this. people need to realize that when someone is homeless or a drug addict it's not their fault it's the jews

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read nigger, read

Catholic but whatever.

he literally had a gun in his waist band, retard. your dumb meme insults mean nothing btw. i could open up a notepad file of all flag based insults and know everything you're going to post for the next year. you're a little NPC robot

>no arguments
>can't answer my simple question
What did I expect from A FUCKING LEAF !

You guys are fucking pathetic imagine if this was your father. I hope all you racist cowards end up dead.

>Homelessness is always a choice

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source you inbreed nigger mutt.

Imagine living in a society where you think everyone is carrying, because quite literally everyone is. So many people get shot by police within doing anything it's actually absurd.

I can understand most of the law enforcements "paranoid" attitude, but the situation is just out of control.

Why can't you buy an Apache In Walmart without a license? This is limiting muh freedom.

LMFAO you amerilardniggers are beyond retarded! You are so fucking dumb you didn't even notice that this was adressed to me fucking lmao

Perhaps cops need to be declared a shoot-on-sight nuisance in order to protect public safety.

Look at this moralfag.

that pic'
''when people loose everything and got no more to lose, they loose it''
or whatever the Salente uses to say

i've been pretty much a bum at times in my life and i think this is great. you need discouragement. you only fall into that shit because hey why not

A mutt calling me a NPC? HEY MORON I DO NOT STAND WITH THE HOBO fucking mongrel that can't read
stay mad bootlicker

prove me wrong, treefucker

Homeless are a race now ?

>cops should let themselves be killed by useless homeless niggers so a german cuck posting on Yas will suddenly change his opinion on the USA.
no one cares what you think bro

WTF was that? How can they justify killing him like that? Wow, that is truly fucking unbelievable.
took one google search btw, low IQ idiot

>Get kidney problems, take some drugs
>Be loopy because of drugs, hard to speak coherently
>Wobble slightly in front of some officer with your hands flopping around
>Get shot multiple times in chest
>Officer gets a medal

Kek, what a country of subhumans, land of the free to get murdered by the state

>I can understand most of the law enforcements "paranoid" attitude, but the situation is just out of control.

This is what happens when you have a multicultural society with an excessive population. You can't trust anybody and there is no national spirit. Why is that Switzerland has so little gun violence and gun deaths despite having a very high gun ownership per capita?

Haven't you seen Hobo With A Gun?

no such thing as racism, stop repeating this buzzword

>t. nigger

combining the flag based insults doesnt actually make them more "deadly" or whatever you feel you are doing. its just pathetic. americans do not care about other countries you dont even exist as far as im concerned

>playing dumb
homeless white men are a majority if you want to look at it that way.

>Homeless man owning a gun
Yeah sure you dumb nigger bootlicker

no one cares about your opinion, krautcuck.

That's ok, they will get karma once they die. See the thing about the universe is that for every cause there is an effect. For every death you cause you will be held responsible in the future. If you cause pain or inflict something onto someone, you too will feel that same pain and or energy in the future.

So the police are murderers AND liars. Gotcha.

LMFAO this is not even the same case ! You ameriniggers are even to dumb to use a simple thing like google!

>Homelessness is always a choice
Homelessness is not a death sentence you dumb retard

>t. hobosucker

you think 3 officers walked up to him with rifles drawn for no reason? the homeless dude just robbed a store at gunpoint and was a danger to everyone

While you are right I think the economic stress/education and media is actually a more pushing force than the heterogeneity.

Comply when asked and live, is it too hard you fucking subhuman?

>Reaching for officers gun
The guy wasn't even near them when he got killed you fucking retard.

Then how is anything racist?

>Want to live in a fascist state
>Absolutely seeths when the cops clean up the streets the fascist way

There's absolutely no way of making the Yas Forumstard autismo happy, is it?

>reaching for officers gun

from the bench, far away? telekinesis?

Low IQ posters will ignore this post and keep on kissing hobos' asses

>not having any empathy
this is why nobody likes you guys.

go back to english class bud




>a-a-americans d-do not care about other countries!


why do people who dont speak english post on an american website? it really makes you think doesnt it?

Only the dumbest nigger in the whole world would reach into his pants with 3 armed cops pointing guns at him.

This was doing a service to the human race. The homeless guy probably caused nothing but damage and sorrow to other people his whole life.

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In a fascist state people wouldn't need to be homeless or want to, People wouldn't need to rob gas stations or wageslave for a society that has no future.

empathy? Are you retarded? Hobos are a problem that must be dealt with

Can you read? I never implied I'm on one side or the other.

I bet I would knock you out cold before you greasy burger hands can reach for your little Glock.

>peasant philosopy
So don't bother doing anything about it... just let it continue and The Universe will take care of it. Also have your daughter washed and sent to the castle.

you could ask every single american if anyone cares about switzerland and not a single person would say yes. you literally dont matter to us

Literally making shit up to justify this cold blooded murder, where's the source he robbed a store?

Yet another reason I wanna be a superspreder.

>excuse me, do you have any change
>here you go.

>I bet I would knock you out cold before you greasy burger hands can reach for your little Glock.
id take that bet. i have multiple family members who killed hundreds of germans in ww2 and id love to contribute

someone should infect them all, fuck them, fuck hobos, kill them all
They have everything in the world to help them but make the choice to be morons
kill them all, accept help or die

I'm not here to say whether it's right or wrong, because there are no such things in that absolute. I am saying no matter what you do, from stealing, to causing chaos, You always get whatever you put out in the future. Which is why it's not good to murder. I'm assuming webm guy had a gun but all must pay for their causes with the appropriate effect, It's the law of the universe. Universe doesn't work on emotion.

Do you think it is reasonable that when you lose your house due to economic turmoil that you would be killed for not owning a house?

why didnt they ask him to move onto the grass before shooting him? tax payers are gonna have to pay to fix the holes they put in the bus stop. fucking idiots, i swear

This is the correct one

Guy was a fuckwit waving a gun around and had previously attacked police with an axe so fuck him.

Get off the internet

You deserve it too for being a boot licking cuck

All traitors they were, condemned the White race, cockgratulations subhumans

Not helping yourself when it happens and choose degeneracy? Absolutely, no tolerance for evil

You ever seen this?

>Comply when asked and live
Reminds me of that guy who also got killed in the hotel while following hundred orders from the cops who killed him. Go up and down, go left and right then he fucks up once and cops shot up lol. He even begged them not to shot but you bootlickers will still justify it.

oof i fucked up. thanks for the real link. i guess we kill a lot of hobos here with guns lol

Wow. This was stunning. What reason did they have to suspect that the man had a weapon?

If they did not have reason to suspect he had a gun then they should not have shot him.

make me? you could always retreat to your safe space cry closet

Keep coping bootlicker

fun fact: ive never been homeless or been held at gunpoint by the police! that only happens to useless niggers

Unfortunately you're probably right. That's why I feel like this was a murder.

We should round up all the homeless men and force them to fuck OPs mother.