So how is your country doing?
>Borders closed for foreigners
>Citizens returning from abroad must go through 14 day quarantine
>canceled international flights
>international trains canceled
>land borders controlled by border guard and military
>shopping galleries closed except pharmacies and groceries inside them
>restaurants, bars and clubs closed
>gatherings above 50 people banned
>schools and universities closed
>military actively helping with border control and management of quarantines
>parents of young children who have to stay home and take care of them because schools are closed, are getting extra income support
>installments for business owners are to be soon suspended or lowered
>medicine students are self organizing to help with running the hospitals
>scouts helping with groceries for the elderly
>people are panic buying everything like retards even though Poland is one o the biggest food producers in Europe and one of the biggest toilet paper producers in the world
>markets are empty because of the above and not being able to transport products fast enough
>hand sanitizer prices are through the roof
>Polish oil and petrol concern (Orlen) is mass producing hand sanitizer in 5l bottles to stabilize the prices and meet demand
>Doctors are reporting shortage of protective equipment, government says it's the fault of bad hospital managements because protective gear is still available with suppliers and in government storehouses
So how is your country doing?
Other urls found in this thread:
>niggers killing and raping
>jews doing what they always do
>Chink flu not killing people en mass
>transition to life dictatorship while noome goes to protest because of corons
whats that book with a lizard about
But for real it's just a notebook
op an news about government agencies closing? I'm unable to find informations about it
Should have done this a month ago
what is this?
I didn't write anything about government agencies closing. Yesterday PM said that public administration and banks will stay open. Some self governments are limiting operation of local government offices
Take a good look son, this is a FAGGOT
everything closed except for food or work
not sure if female with manly jawline or some witcher wannabe who ended up looking like a school girl because officers told him to tie his hair
This is amurrrrica
>Infect 60% of the population
Tens of millions of people are infected to gain "herd immunity".
Congratulations for you! You people really have dedication!
France :
>"everyone is going to get infected anyway, so we will do nothing"
Nah. We've just got a cretin as PM.
I honestly believe the lefties in the civil service have talked Bojo into this to try and wipe out the perceived boomer resistence to any "re-join the EU" mallarky.
As historically stupid decisions go, this one is epic and will be listed in the history books, next to Dunkirk and George "W" Bush.
I'm not coming out of my house until everybnody's dead or 2023, whichever comes first.
They have cancelled classes, they want private companies to implement work from home, entrance to the country is only permitted to residents, movie theaters have all closed down
The minimum I guess
this is good because you have no cases yet
sauce to photo?
got anymore fren?
not him but looks like first aid class for polish soldiers
>sauce to photo?
Polish territorial guard twitter
>got anymore fren?
there is more on their twitter
It's quite clear that government and authorities still want to treat corona as a big nothing burger that will pass. They banned mass events of over 500 people and are advising people to keep distance but that's it, schools are still open and there are no travel restrictions.
thanks fren
t. wz93 camo lover
About future war with reptilians. Poles are prepping.
>When 2 cases were confirmed, a stop on colleges, clases, soccer game attendance, and any activity that puts too many people in one place was stopped by orders of the president for 15 days since March 9
>next day 5 new cases are confirmed, all of the cases are coming from people who traveled, no new cases from internal activity.
>Soccer games were completely banned now, even if people don't go, buses are required to only let a certain number of people in.
>Today 7 cases were confirmed, again from outside sources, everyone that enters the country gets controlled for fever, the ones that have it get tested.
>Right now new buses are being deployed by the military so less people need to go in them per bus.
I don't know if our government acted fast, or if it was too late.
>There's been a ban on price speculation of hand sanitizer and any other product related to this pandemic
>Thankfully people are still not panic buying, a couple of days ago I went to get some food and a lot of stuff was available, there was a shortage of rubbing alcohol but it's getting restocked pretty consistently.
>Gas stations are giving away 2 liter jugs of alcohol for free.
>>There's been a ban on price speculation of hand sanitizer and any other product related to this pandemic
this is good, we should do this
>Gas stations are giving away 2 liter jugs of alcohol for free.
we can't do this because we would end up with mass methanol poisonings across the country
Hand Sanitizer is toxic. Imagine rubbing petroleum onto your skin.
I've been in Poland for 5 days... Heaven on earth
>Be British
>Other countries have always considered us a nation of mindless sheep
>mfw PM announces he wants to build "herd" immunity
The thing is people use it to wash their floors and any high contact surfaces, those are on of the recommendations the local health authority gave.
Also what's your opinion on the reaction of my government? Was it too late already?
Looks like a bee keeper hat to me
I hope everyone understand that containment is simply to control the rate at which people get infected? In other words all of us will get covid-19 sooner or later.
>we stay at home
>we leave to go to work, buy groceries and go to the hospital
>only essential businesses are open
>only factories that can provide healthy environment can stay open
>community is getting tighter and tighter
Yesterday all around Italy people sang the hymn from their balconies and windows
Today they will do the same, at 18:00
>>Citizens returning from abroad must go through 14 day quarantine
its real user?
Of course is real
And is also the sensible thing to do if you don't want your country to risk more infections
i mean you right
but it looks i am stuck on this shitty island
Maybe the movie 28 Days Later wasn’t meant to be entertainment but rather a documentary.
>bojo is leaving us to die
>I'm stocking up on food and preparing to abduct gf to hole up with for lockdown
at least based bossman has given us all the go-ahead to wfh
Well if is your home, you should be happy
If is not, you should not have been there in the first place
I am happy that they close border
not so happy that I am outside it
but man need to earn a living
keep yourself safe pastanigger
you have to go back
Also America
>kids school closed
> going on a kickass camping/dirt bike trip with them this week.
>keep yourself safe pastanigger
Nope, they cannot fire you if you refuse to work due to safety concerns here
Prime minister said nobody will lose their job because of the virus
Also I can work from home
i was talking about myself but i guess its good for you
cheers for lazy(and safe) pastaniggers then
Sam Hyde is everywhere
we don't want you here anyway parasite
You are the one in the country where the doctors have given up, not me
Stay frosty
>entire country quarantined
>cannot leave your house unless it is for buying important things or for essential matters (work)
>everything closed except food markets, pharmacies
>boat people still coming in (yes really)
>never ever been on welfare
user it looks like your brain is rotten seek help
that was just some banter
why you so touchy you moor rape baby
>in the country where the doctors have given up
they have given up long ago user
you are literally going out to other country , work for their benefit and then you have oudacity to not call youreself pathetic piece of shit parasite
>why you so touchy
If english men were able to recognize touchy people, UK would not have a problem with rape gangs
seriously are you retarded, young or high on gasoline?
Is fucked.
>had emergency HQ on the 10th january before a single case was even probable in Europe
>ordered respiratory apparatus, masks and hazmat suits before even the first case in europe
>as soon as cases started happening in Europe ordered hospitals to make measures to double available beds within 24 hours, even though we have the highest amount of beds per capita in the EU (yeh, really)
>when it started growing ordered minister of agriculture to take stock of supplies and ensure their robustness for 2 years
>closed schools after first case in Europe
>closed all bars/restaurants/etc. after first case in europe
>after cases became more than 10 closed borders to risk countries
>passed measures for international emergency with 10 cases
>passed 3 years in jail/20k fine for breaking quarantine, already enforced on 4 neanderthals who went drinking on friday after testing positive, they were arrested and forcefully brought to their homes under guard
Doing well, but the west is gonna fuck us as usual.
Everything under control in Germany.
That's some good equipment there.
altar boy was running around my village giving mass schedule, only few houses can go at one time
Samurai haircut.