No it isn't silly, Chinks may lie about their data, but Koreans can't get away with it that easily.

Yes the virus is very much active in the western countries, and infection is on the rise, but judging by the data, it doesn't mean it will continue to rise.

That being said, hope you're all safe, and if I'm wrong, the time of the NEET is nigh

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-14 South Korea Coronavirus 8,086 Cases and 72 Deaths - Worldometer.png (733x501, 24.25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

SK went into turbo autist mode unlike Europe or the US. Shocker

graph is wrong, we hit above 8k today

sauce is

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-14 China Coronavirus 80,824 Cases and 3,189 Deaths - Worldometer.png (834x654, 26.69K)

China 100% lies about numbers

it's from march 13, probably has to be updated

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-14 China Coronavirus 80,824 Cases and 3,189 Deaths - Worldometer(1).png (792x578, 24.51K)

Korea, Japan and Taiwan are lying too right?

I don't really see the point in that, since the damage is already done. They're actively shipping aid worldwide, which kinda signals that they might be lying a little less than we think

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-14 China Coronavirus 80,824 Cases and 3,189 Deaths - Worldometer(4).png (794x520, 35.95K)

>No it isn't silly, Chinks may lie about their data, but Koreans can't get away with it that easily.

>Yes the virus is very much active in the western countries, and infection is on the rise, but judging by the data, it doesn't mean it will continue to rise.

>That being said, hope you're all safe, and if I'm wrong, the time of the NEET is nigh

Translation: I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about and I could be right or wrong as stated in my last sentence, Just making this thread because it's a slide thread.

South Korea tested 3600 per 1000000 population to get that curve. Lots of places aren't testing nearly as well, so they're gonna have nearly unchecked community spread followed by a run on hospital ventilators.

Japan lies about everything

I'm making this thread to try and calm the mass hysteria you fucking dumb cunt. Pol always concentrates on the bad side of things, causing people that already have the autism to have the super autism.

Attached: 89840441_1607785749373481_2205326888858025984_n.png (733x501, 45.87K)

I don't see how you can cover up the deaths though.

>Korea, Taiwan

Yes, they lie.

I'm not suggesting deaths are being covered up.

Look at the deaths to recovered ratio. Cause deaths are almost certainly detected, but if recovered is low in comparison to deaths, it means that a lot of cases are likely running their course without detection, and consequently spreading to more people on average.

SK is 510 recovered, 72 deaths.
Italy is 1439 recovered to 1266 deaths.
USA is 12 recovered, 47 deaths.

It's only safe to assume when time passes, to see some more data. I'm pretty sure the US will have a better ratio than that, cause this shit isn't being taken seriously. Chinks and Koreans learned this the hard way, and it will be interesting to look at the Italy graph in a couple of weeks, and judging by the data, it won't be on a constant rise.

yeah you don't because you have no idea what's going on censorship wise

Everything that doesn’t confirm my conspiracy theory is planted by the conspirators.

You do?
Please provide source and factual evidence. Until no facts are provided, it's absurd to believe this is the truth. Commie bad isn't hard evidence, and I don't think mass hysteria should be fueled by assumptions only.

what do you know? what do any of us know?
such confidence.
media, politicians, corrupt academia: can't be trusted
and yet you are so fucking confident the us response has been lackluster

it seems to me the us response has been swift and competent, but i will admit i have no way of knowing for sure.

Iranian numbers?

Korea has high IQ infrastructure, I want to see how dumb people countries will be dealt with by Corona-Chan

USA has the benefit of low population density, (especially in the northwest which saw most early cases) which should help slow the spread.

Italy was only about 3-4 days behind Korea, so they're doing something wrong.

Iran is pretty much on the rise infection wise, but the death toll is dropping while recovery is rising

Swift? Competent?
They didnt even had kits, they were/are not testing rigorously, and are brely

Swift? Competent?
They didnt even had kits, they were/are not testing rigorously, and are barely advicing against gatherings

The problem here is that no other country is doing anywhere near the amounts of tests and tracing ROK did since day 1 of outbreak.
Nice try tho.

how do you know? did you watch the tv news? did you read a newspaper? of course you did, so how the fuck would you know.

>Chinks lie but Koreans not so much
>Stupidly implying that capitalist countries aligned with the (((west))) wouldn't lie about the numbers
You might bag a few zoomers with this

can anyone who gets their information from the tv news and corporate media just fuck right off cause adults are talking and trying to figure this out

Uh.. even CDC admitted they missed corona deaths which were labelled as flu/viral pneumonia deaths. How'd they tell? Some post- death testing, so uh if US is missing corona deaths guess what buddy

>source and factual evidence on Chinese censorship
again this just shows that you are absolutely clueless about everything including this situation, spend some time googling questions before you get angry at people lecturing you here

Korea has a death rate of about 0.8%. In order for Italy to have a similar death rate there would need to be about 2,000,000 undetected cases.

Provide factual evidence to your claims. Opinions aren't evidence, and the closest thing I have come to evidence is that up there. If you have better evidence, please educate me. I know China censors shit, but gib evidence that they're bullshitting about Corona being suppressed. I don't see why they would send out help to other countries if they have a crisis on their own.

i don't think you understand
the commies have lied about every pandemic, they lie about their gdp, they lie about everything since forever. that you need a citation on this suggests to me you have been living under a rock for decades

Out of an abundance of caution we are going to cancel the 2020 elections over here.
It;s not worth the risk of loss of life, and the voting systems would be a giant petri dish for Corona.
Trump will have to hang in there for another year and we'll reevaluate after next Spring.

> I know China censors shit, but
no buts
china censors shit
there you go, you figured it out. they censor shit, a lot, all the fucking time. thats why we dont trust them. now you get it

Pretty sure Trump has corona rn mate and his 73.. not sure if he can hang around thaaat long.

Ooh are you guys talking about datas? I LOVE datas. Can someone help me interpret this datas please?

What's the ratio of cases that were closed due to DEATH? Can anyone calculate this tough maths problem for me?

Attached: 44 point 2 percent.png (1042x556, 28.87K)

The virus spread will not stop by itself until 70% of the people are infected.
The only thing that stops it is preventing people from meeting up.

its too early in the epidemic for this calculation to have much value lol

some Coronal deaths in the US are being listed as pneumonia also. it will catch up. it's a big money maker here though, if you attach Corona to anything right now you get $$$. books are being written, new fads and trendy flu products, doctors are getting paid for talks, government giving out taxpayer money faster than toilet paper disappears from a Walmart.
So we actually would lie the other way. MORE cases, for MORE money.
plus all the jews will say they have it for victim points. this shit is better than cancer it's way easier to lie about.
insurance omg they are making a shit fuck ton in collusion with doctors and pharma salesmen.
I'm trying to figure out how to make some "out of thin air" money on this thing right now myself.
Zika didn't last long enough. this one here will last so you can get paid.
also, maybe yamulkes with a drop down face mask? or a menorah that uses ionizing light bulbs for room disinfections?

How about SK then?

Is everyone lying? Are you the only person telling the truth? Is pol the only reliable source?

>MORE cases, for MORE money.
no.. MORE cases = MORE panic = Trumps markets plunge

see &

you spelled Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrong.
her and Breyer both have it.
Trump could eat Corona laced Big Macs on 5th avenue and not lose any voters or die.

I fucked a man am I gay?

Ivanka might have it user

>markets plunge
lol that's the big boys taking out some money.

thats what you dont seem to understand

you can't just trust something you heard of read because even official sources that are supposed to be legit are often full of shit

anyone looking for a reliable source doesn't understand information in the modern age

you simply cannot be confident of anything you hear or read anywhere

you think all the big corps like Apple would want to be shutting down rn? They would be pushing for a hush hush on new cases as much as possible, one reason why CDC is doing a ridiculously low amount of daily testing

i know the normie reaction to this:
>then who do you trust, where do you get your information
and if thats your response then you still dont get it. there is not a single fucking source in the entire fucking world that can be trusted. all we can do is take info from all the sources and SPECULATE based on that. CERTAINTY isn't possible.

No reliable sources so make exaggerated assumptions that fit an apocalyptic scenario?


Attached: soy009.jpg (250x242, 7.9K)

not concerned at all about ms. kushner.
The Trumps will be ok because Israel already has a cure for all their main people. You have to grind up babies just the right way and suck up the juices and poof there you go you're cured.
It's all Suzuki theater user. the funds I have being managed by a financial advisor have barely moved.
they all have names that I've never heard or see in market news and they are all doing just fine. not a single share of apple or tesla or anything even remotely recognizable.
now, as a degenerate gambler I bought some shit on my own. killed it on AMD sold at 50, getting killed on pot stocks but they were way down before so whatever.

Attached: Busa.png (634x389, 669K)

Koreans are applying much harsher measures to contain it. In Europe it'll probably be MUCH MUCH worse.

actually i'm in the nothingburger camp. i think this is all no big deal being blown out of proportion by an irresponsible media and panicked normies but thanks for playing. i am looking at the data from the cdc and who albeit with a grain of salt and things arent really looking that bad. but im not confident about that because i understand sources cant be trusted and this is just speculation.

stop watching tv news and just automatically believing it you fucking retard. stop buying up all the tp

yes and Europe has a third world system of bathrooms. you can't barely get hot water anywhere which discourages people from hand washing and the water pressure is so weak you can barely wash yourself properly which is why they smell very bad of body odor or they smell like perfume covering body odor.

Genuinely China is more honest with the numbers than Germany.

That is correct, but an unreliable source of it being not that bad is ten times better than an unreliable source that we're all going to die.

Which of course doesn't mean people should be reckless.

It probably will be happening in Germany, only country in Europe right now that does pretty much nothing coz "jetzt sind sie nun mal, die Viren".
Children in many German states will go to school on Monday like normally lmao

is the media telling people to buy tp? how the fuck did this get started, how shitty are their assholes?

>CoronaClean by RonCo
>mobile robot roams your house emitting ozone
>can be programmed to bring tendies
>also a TeleMed device
>has a small rubber tongue and licks your toes for relaxation
fuck how am I not a Bazillionaire yet???

So basically you're a schizo who won't trust anything? I live in the US, nobody has stopped me from going outside and nobody has taken my temperature. Meanwhile in China they have roadblocks where they check everyone's temps and then detain people. They are clearly doing a better job of containment now than we are. Our "plan" to roll out in the next couple of weeks is: go to Walmart if you're symptomatic and get a test done.

yes, we should all wash our hands and keep the elderly away from large crowds, that much i am pretty confident in.

meanwhile the tv news are the ones telling people to panic. the "conspiracy" right now from the cdc is that its not really so bad and people should maybe calm the fuck down

I'm also curious myself. When I heard the burgers and kangaroos were stockpiling TP, I thought they were retarded, but when I went to the market yesterday I saw people here stockpiling on TP and then it hit me : people are retarded in general, regardless of nationality

one nip has more honosty and respect in him than your entire pathetic child fucking country, and dont ever forget it nigel. you are a disgrace to the anglosphere and such an abomination to order and liberty that the only sensible blood that came out of your land left to start a new country that lives the way you and your broken people wish you could live. similar to how the japanese broke off of china to do their own thing. they will always be honorary - you are a nigger and you are going to die like one in your home off new africa.

american tv news is just fucking disgusting bud, it has gotten to the point where i honestly think the military is going to have to step in and do something about it.

my point exactly

not in my state

same, I think most states closed schools and universities.

i was in luxembourg yesterday and police had to seperate people fighting over toilet paper

are you telling me you have sources you trust?
lol like who?

i get my data on cornavirus from the who and the cdc but i dont take it as 100% truth because official sources do manipulate and lie and corruption is rampant in academia.

absolute trust is just naive is my point. if you want to be naive then go back to watching your tv news and leave us alone. go buy your tp and panic like you were told to

this timeline is amazing

>people are retarded in general, regardless of nationality
I keep about 100 - 200 rolls on hand all the time but it's because I buy in bulk when it's on sale because the price goes up and the quality down every year.
My Charmin Ultra Soft from 2018 is not nearly as soft as the ones from this year and is almost as bad as the generic soft stuff from 2018.
also a roll of toilet paper soaked in pvc glue or similar makes a nice semi slow fuse for things. tampons are good for malatovs.

really I'm looking at the data and this seems MUCH MUCH worse than swine flu and that was a shitshow too.

whoops not totally caffeinated yet the 2018 is softer.
time for another cup...

0.2% mortality rating under 40 years old according to the cdc so i'm not worried. there seems more danger in the panic then the deadliness of the virus itself. it spreads fast but also seems to be reaching a plateau as most pandemics do. i see travel bans and large gatherings shutting down and people wearing gloves and washing their hands. it'll likely blow over bud, the sky is not falling.