My sister wants to be a nun, how do I talk her out of it? White people are practically an endangered species.
>no friends, just stays inside all day and reads and meditates
>doesn't care about the white demographic crisis, still doesn't want kids
>doesn't want a husband
>probably schizoid
>fasts so she's holocaust-mode
My sister wants to be a nun, how do I talk her out of it? White people are practically an endangered species
OP is an incel (infectious)
With Women dont be pushy, just say "I dont think its a good idea, but you do whatever you thinks best..." She'll most likely forget about it by next week.
If you live in a white area get her a job somewhere, people need to be social.
Try pouring lukewarm massage oil all over her bare breasts and bottom. Rub the oil in. Lightly brush the vulva area. Then apply a good handful of Brazilian wandering spiders.
Find her a Christian Husband
Tell her to sell her eggs first?
I can try, good idea.
she has been like this for two years now. I thought she was just joking at first.
you are not in danger you retard fuck.
Damn, she sounds like the perfect woman, send her my way user.
Good for her. The world needs more devout Catholic women.
dude nuns are based, it should be an honour of yours to have a sibling in the church. makeup for it yourself have twice the children you were going to have then double it again. b-b-b-but I cant afford it!!! shut the fuck up, struggle is life, 20 kids will be your reward, a strong lineage. and dont you dare bitch out
I want a trad wife.
I am 29.
I am Catholic as well.
Would she be able to date me?
sounds like she is browsing pol atm
We will be happy to take her in user and enfold her into the warm embrace of the church.
>hey, please just listen to me. I found a suitor for you, from a site called Yas Forums.
Most nuns quit OP.
If she's a devout catholic tell her she can help the church outside of it.
Perhaps some business or charity linked to the church but not under their rules? Something like that.
oi, you know the rules, send us her nudes.
Fuck her if you haven't, let her know that sex is the real pleasure. She will be eventually raped there anyway.
just let her be degenerate
Is she smart? Is she educated? Does she have any qualifications? Write her up a CV & start applying for jobs she can do, once she starts to have money she'll enjoy life more as she's able to do things.
Becoming a nun in this day & age is a bit of a meme thing, and its always been a horrible life to live.
the most sociopathic wasteland shithole of the web
Well I'd say you were asking for it. She must be built for BBC.
I think she just wants to live the hermit monk-like lifestyle, to be honest. She told our mom she wanted to be a monk when she was a teen, and then my mom said only men can be monks, so I think she is doing this because it's the closest way to achieve that.
Tell her Christ was both a man and God. Autistic purity spiraling diminishes his humanity and his sacrifice.
introduce her to one of your friends
Be pushy and tell her that she wants to fuck men. Use that verb ("to want"). This will get ingrained into her psyche.
Let her do what she wants, faggot. Would you rather she whore herself out in search for a "husband"?
As for white birth rates, this wouldn't be such a concern if you did your part, user.
It's not a shithole
The rest is correct.
Is she's still virgin, pop the cherry then
Talk to her about how good it feels to have a man by her side. Tell her that this guy wouldnt judge her,wouldnt force her to do stuff for him and above all ,tell her how much she'd enjoy riding him. Be blunt about it,she's your sister. Tell her that she's missing on so much
>no friends, just stays inside all day and reads and meditates
Absolutely based.
That’s actually sad. I feel bad for her in a way, and I don’t usually feel bad for roasties.
>its always been a horrible life to live
How? Nuns have always lived better lives than most women. The church always took care of them. The first woman with a phd in computer engineering was a nun.
It sounds like she's one of the few women who would belong in the nunnery
Don't (not joking) - she is undertaking a very noble path. Focus on yourself and let her do what she is driven to do - her works and prayers will be a positive force in your life especially as her relation.
no sis I promise anime beats catholicism
most definitely ass, so definitely a shithole
I know she is your sister and all. But is she attractive, does she have a nice face or is she uggo?
Moat women WANT to be pounded hard,just find her someone who'd be willing to pound her
>The church always took care of them.
.....well that is one way to word it! ha
Match her up with one of your redpilled friend, and make sure they have white babies. Promote based and redpilles ideals daily and she'll gradually be redpilled herself.
>probably schizoid
If she's mentally ill, becoming a nun is probably a good thing. What the fuck is the point of pumping out white kids just to get abused by their psychotic mother? You'll just create another generation of resentful Yas Forumslacks. If she can't be a healthy parent, then she shouldn't be a parent at all.
fucking hot, got more?
It's most likely best you dont reply to these moral types of threads mate!
Browsing pol ass to mouth?
>how do I talk her out of it?
you don't. That's her own personal decision.
t. a brother of a future priest
Stupid goyim.
chaim, she'll eventually visit israel like most nuns. do you want to embrace her autism there? i'm looking out for my jew friends as well.
You can leave any time, faggot.
What the fuck would you know about "morality", Muhammed?
will you talk to her about it?
You sister is being called to the life of prayer and devotion to Christ. Some people are meant to go that way, and there is nothing you can do about it that will change their destiny. Try instead to rejoice in your sister's calling, and pray for her.
I have talked to her about it. She just ignores me.
I will say "hey your eggs will dry up" and she just goes into her room.
I'm really not trying to be a dick, though
I know a woman who ended up like this here in Greece. Your sister might be a lesbian.
God I wanna fuck a hot nun so bad
Admit it: You're trapped her with all the most spiteful faggots in the universe and there's not one occasion where you could just hit them in the face for their autism
On the spectrum, eh?
If god exists I don't think he would want people to become genetic dead ends.
Let her be a nun, world's ending soon anyways. There's really very little biblical source that is in favor of being a nun. Unfortunately Paul's bullshit letters strike again. Christianity would be a lot more tolerable without the interloper fraud that is Saul shitting it up. Most absolute garbage that comes from Christianity is because of Saul. Most Christians are Paul's disciple way more than they are Jesus's. They'll never admit it though.
>how do I talk her out of it?
Show her statistics of how many nuns had to get abortions because they were raped by priests and forced to abort the baby.
...if she's such a zealot then there's no way she'd be against abortion...find someone to rape her gently (He only has to cum inside her) so that she could get pregnant. By that point her instincts would come out and if they'd have one more white kid,just make sure that he has no mental problems. Sorry,it sounds awful but this is the only solution
but user
we chad nationalists nao
OP let us arrange that I marry your sister. I am STEM student and my inheritance is large. You can know I'm not a loser because I'm up at 7:30 on a Saturday.
Well I read a story about some buddhist nuns that got raped then couldn't be nuna anymore since they weren't virgins A LMAO
If she’s a virgin marry her off to me I can take care of her fren
>My sister wants to be a nun, how do I talk her out of it
You should follow her example, faggot. She is better as nun than as a whore.
Nuns don’t have to be virgins anymore, the rule is that you must be single and/or widowed (not divorced).
Most American nuns are lesbian nuns in disguise, anyway.
>mutt's law