How did it happen?

What made the english so successful?

They originated from similar geography as people like the irish and mainland Europe. Yet, they managed to create an empire that conquered a good percentage of the world.
What made them different that lead to their success over very similar people?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>They managed to create an empire that conquered a good percentage of the world.

Then, for the first time in the history of mankind, a people just willingly surrendered and gave everything away.

>(((Then, for the first time in the history of mankind, a people just willingly surrendered and gave everything away.)))

That's not what happened. Two world wars made it collapse. You're talking about stages at the end of the collapse. Having said all that, they're a sovereign nation and out of the EU. Who's to say the tide doesn't turn? The country still is a majority white country.

>What made the english so successful?
we used to tell the truth and act decisively on that, now we're subject kosher political views and indecision!

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make this bread again after corona killed most of them

Early industrialisation, mainly.

True, you did it at the behest of the Jews, but it wasn't really a hard sell. You guys almost seemed eager to hand it all over. Were there even any protests?

roman and nordic admixture to create the literal master race


But they had become a success long before any industrial revolution.


Also exploiting niggers and other subhumans.

Being on an island helps, makes it pretty easy to establish a border with the rest of Europe and avoid a lot of the pointless infighting, also our culture (at least used to) reward innovation and thinking outside the box to solve problems. we're also really competitive with anyone.

It was the first nations to industrialize and it did so very quickly. Success was bound to come out

This. Celt/Roman/AngloSaxon/Norse is a powerful mix

Some immigrants that went to london during the 50's and 60's got killed or were seriously vandalised. It got so bad that riots were a normal thing. West indies, Indians, bangladeshis, etc protested for civil rights.

>Hi IQ engineers, scientists
>Hard working
>Laziness, stupidity and criminality executed during middle ages.
>No niggers

We had a great shipping industry, and certain financier elites from Europe, under constant threats from their neighbours, funded a civil war in England, then took over in 1688 so they can have this island as a HQ due to its strategic advantages, then used our shipping prowess and private armies, to go around the world conquering it. Many colonialists were people just trying to escape this hideous elite, then they'd get away, and the elite - through Freemasonry - would land in their communities and take over, thus consolidating their control.

1. Have powerful naval tradition
2. invent steam engine/ island is coal
2. ???????????

... Discovering America made the country in the centre of the World. Centrum of the world is changing the point since we have fast transportation. This is why England is going down for years.

Collapse of CCCP and open market in Eastern Europe gave UK and other Western Counties a short boost, so everyone was profiting from it.

But now when the world stabilise, one again after discovering America after 2 WW when Americans fought for Pacific Ocean, after collapse of CCCP, England once again will be a rock on the ocean, where people fuck goats, as in medieval ages.


>exploiting niggers and other subhumans
odd way to say 'raising up'!

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Britain had
>British weather
>British food
>British women
Of course they'd build an empire spanning the globe.

Living on an island and being closer more connected economically to the rest of Europe than Ireland

Inventions and our quick minds.
Until recently we had a culture of competitiveness and intellectualism.

Germans are good at inventing shit too, but sadly they came across us. Lesser races don't even need to be mentioned, the greatest colonies in the world come from our stock for a reason.


Living on an Island made shipping a big deal and with great ships you can sail far and wide
Combine that with the luck of having just the right people in power at the right time and you have an empire

>Britain was successful because of niggers
Fuck off Mbongo

For 200 years England was the “imperium”. It’s not that fucking long...

It was English 5 minutes.

Some good points.
Shipping industry and open sea's are good points yes.

Ya i thought the same myself. They did focus alot more on education than other countries or empires.

will of power

>What made the English great
Shit food. English food is so godamn boring and we had eaten turnips for so many centuries that we were driven to visit each and every nation on earth and pwn it's inhabitants in order to extract their tasty edibles and spices and delicious food-stuffs.

Attached: Tea.png (1353x519, 658.66K)

advancements in science and technology
a lot of fucking hard work
general bantz

Getting assraped by invaders every couple of centuries prolly wizened em up here and there. Lord knows they never contributed anything themselves so they had to take it from everyone else.

>The country still is a majority white country.
For now, I expect the 2021 census to be devastating for us considering birth rates for the non-brits as high as ours.

Britain barely ever got 'assraped by invaders'
It happened once with the Normans

Eugenics. we became experts at it a long time ago. We bred the best bowmen,sailors, soldiers, miners, leaders.

If i'm feeling cheerful about the right-turn politics has taken recently, then a lot of shitskins are feeling very nervous about the same. Expect voluntary repatriations in general across Europe soon. The meme war was won, now it's all just sitting back and watching it unfold among the normies. With a little stirring just for fun ofc.

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Delusional post

We filled England with niggers until it had herd immunity against niggers.

>t. A snow nigger who has never seen a British summer in the Lake District or Somerset

Take what exactly? Natural resources? The people who had natural resources never had the knowledge to use them. If you look at countries that were never colonised by European empires then you'll see that they are still poor and undeveloped. People nowadays have benefited from colonialism in poorer countries. Im not saying i supported everything they done, but the truth is the truth. And in the mainstream world you can't speak the truth anymore.

I'm afraid I do not share your enthusiasm.

Shitty weather forced them to find a new home. Too bad their ancestors accepted a life on the island, they must have been fleeing from someone.
Besides they are the shortest people and have smallest dicks, let's not get into their faces and genetics.

The first born always stayed at home. We had a lot of spares to send away to fuck around.

>shitty weather
The land was very fertile for agriculture and its one of the reasons as to why they got ahead. Shitty weather is like the Sahara or Siberia. And weather patterns change in time.

Sure, you idiots fuck without constraint.
How have you managed to cram 60 million people on that small island is beyond me.

Because the Irish are an honourable and noble people so they kept to themselves, whereas the *nglo is perfidious and destructive so formed an empire of oppression.

Nuclear family and sociopathic appreciation of eccentric people. This is why they worship transsexuals now.

>they are the shortest people
Cope, in Romania I felt like a giant the men are so short.

It was because we are land locked. We knew how important a strong navy was back when global trade was taking off and we took control of the oceans and controlled the worlds economy and became mega rich. We were also good at war, our navy was always told to never retreat so we won naval battles by pure grit.

We are not land locked

Well, you should know that Romanians are quite a bad example to compare to.
I don't care about your height and it doesn't bother me, but it's just something to be metioned as that's what the stats say.

>Besides they are the shortest people and have smallest dicks
why do you care about size you nig.. i mean serb

>The meme war was won, now it's all just sitting back and watching it unfold among the normies. With a little stirring just for fun ofc.
Tfw you vote yourself to be poor and then think you're better off

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It's true that size isn't as important when performing the job, but it could just be a very relevant indicator of a genetic change, presumably for the worse.
You know how when dog breeds stray away from pure blood they develop certain psychological characteristics, most usually agression and uncompliance. This idea just matches with your history.

We are the exact opposite of land locked

>going to be poor?
How so? It's not like they can't trade. Typical stupidity from NPC's. Pretending that anyone outside of the EU is inferior.

They are just small minded. They don't realise we planned to leave the EU before there was an EU.

Ach eiranon its not hard, we have the same cultural ability for greatness but we have so stubbornly clung to resisting a foreign power with greater technological and cultural advancements.
Our history books are still we wuz high kangs and vikings and sheet

venetian black nobility moved from Venice to the City of London.
This video by Webster Tarpley covers it all:

>referencing dogs

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They were enslaved and oppressed by the Romans, a technologically, culturally, and materially superior people.
Makes you really wonder about niggers.