Polish border guards arrive at Greek border to keep refugees out of Europe

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dumbasses, let them in, they will all go to germany

Stop being criminals in white countries you mongoloids

germany? nah, they'll come to join me here in comfy swedistan.

Based Yas Forumsand

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Kys jew shill

>Polish border guards
>Greek border

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you're a jew shill, letting them all in will accelerate the change, not letting them in will just keep the status quo
and that's assuming turks don't just crush the border defence when they feel like they have enough migrants there

they should be dressed as uhlans on horseback with lances
that, that you gotta see

Good Poland!
Bóg z nami

in the later middle ages the poles saved austria from being overrun by turks
poles were once based before getting sad sacked in the 19th century

sick of seeing this niggers ugly face

Based polskibros, god bless ya frens

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Cringe and yikespilled

>Polish border guards
What are they going to do? Clean the migrants toilets to a less than satisfactory degree?

Based and Hussar pilled

Old Ottoman busters like poles and bulgarians rise up

You seem to be motivated by pro islamic sentiments


Yes, you are.


Yep, lampshades dont get to have opinions.

"I want to genocide turkish niggers"

Muslims need to be killed,that's the only solution for this predicament.

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The defense of EU borders is a shared responsibility.
Kinda like you and Israel.

Are Greeks aware that migrants are not bulletproof?


Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna
Gott mit uns


have fun with your police force being infected amidst a national crisis

Please dont notice al the libtards crawling out of the sewers.

Great job Poland! This is how a united EU should work.

Sorry serb bro, that hour dumb junkie kids voted for the Greens Muslim lovers who bombed Belgrade.
Keep our kids Stockholmsyndromkids heads drug free.

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based. let's take constantinopole back while we're at it, eh?

I am jealous of the Greeks and Polish.


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it's about time europe focuses on our main enemy america. If we wiped muttland off the map(which would be pretty easy since they aren't nearly as strong as they think) literally all of our problems would go away.

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will you subhuman mutts fuck off? this thread is about europe and seeing as how at most mutts have 2% european ancestry you can fuck outta this thread.

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gtfo meme flag at least use your own. Thinking eu is going to burn this decade if grece looses this one

Are you implying that Greece has money for bullets?

>t. sandnigger

The EUs response has been pathetic, but I wouldn't expect anything different from those cucked faggots. Greece should just let them jump the fence then shoot the leeches

>Thinking eu is going to burn this decade if grece looses this one
that's why its important that we rid the world of amerifats now. Imagine life without muttland existing. no degeneracy(at least not anything close to what muttland produces) and we wouldn't have to take in refugees after they bomb some muslims country to shit for the jews

We don't have to take in refugees after they bomb a country that kills theirs and our citizens on a daily basis and are basiclly filled with terrorists that are danger to us. We can just tell them to fuck off like Poland did. You are a complete fucking cuck and you don't even realize this

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stfu you kike loving mutt. I can't wait until you piss of a european country and get wiped off the fucking map within a month

>actually thinks eu would be able to protect themselfs from russia without help of us
Bitch only USA was paying to NATO get over it european armies are shit and USA could destroy them within a day and you would not even be able to protect yourself since you can't own a gun

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Soon the rest.

Attached: NGO burning in Mytilene Greece right now.webm (320x566, 2.86M)

Austrians and Poles fighting back muslims just like in the old days.

Based. Thank you Poland and Greece!!! God bless you

>We don't have to take in refugees after they bomb a country that kills theirs and our citizens on a daily basis and are basiclly filled with terrorists that are danger to us. We can just tell them to fuck off like Poland did. You are a complete fucking cuck and you don't even realize this
The endless refugees and kikes infiltrating our government are symptoms. The disease is america they only solution is to erase them from history. a lot of people like still seem to believe muttland is strong they are not. Their army is filled with 70IQ mutts and spics that will probably nuke themselves by accident. Trust me america wouldn't last a month in full out war against ANY european country much less a united europe.

No problem man was thinking about joining eighter border guard or prison guard. I think I'll go for prison guard since I'm living far away from a border. Gotta keep sand niggers in check

You are a delusional idiot.

Shit meme. Tired of seeing that photoshopped roach 'superchad' btw.

Fucking based Pole

It will take all of them to change the light bulb.

Just say some stuff on tv.
That’s all it takes to collapse us apparently.
>wipes ass with sock because no toilet paper


I've got but one question: where the fuck can I volunteer? Will happily patrol that border and slot floppies all day if you hand me a rifle and 3 meals a day.

On that note: alternative thread theme for those who don't like Sabaton:

Anyone offering me 40 shillings on the drum?

If I remember correctly in one of states in america you can't even change a light bulb without electrician legally. Try again after you change your laws mutt

based poland

>lets help turn our neighbour into a complete shit hole, that surely won't backfire!

We have more soldiers in the EU then we do at home tough guy.


Invaders. Setting up Trojan horses all over Europe. Someday they will unleash hell and Europe will then become a caliphate.

I hope based Polands are fun during our pork BBQs.

Hahahaha it’s ok bro.
Honestly I am seething at your nationalism that is so white.

I still ask myself why you don't just spray swine blood all over the place. Not very based

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>we have an army of 5'2 obese mutts all over europe!
oh no what ever will we do! america only exist because a lot of europeans now are pussies. If our people decided we didn't want you to exist anymore you wouldn't.

Just shoot those fucking refugees already. Nobody will even notice because the entire world is focused on the pandemic.

every time Poland selflessly helped some other nation (except Hungary) we got betrayed, fucked and partitioned by them (except Hungary)

Why would I want to infest our future Ziemie Odzyskane II

> promotes white on white war

You’re not even European user.

Oh yeah can't wait to annexed by fucking Greece.

Fuck off meme flag. Europe isn't your EU.

We have more and more people of colour here but they are not retarded and in limited amount. We take in "refugees" from ukraine too, but you can live here only if you are actually working. We literally are doing what the rest of the europe is doing but better so it actually works and forces those niggers and people from country that doesn't exist to work, it basiclly brings in people who are actually good not useless money takers that will steal my tax money.

if only they would do the same to ukrainian and belarusian menace. I hear more filthy russian language spoken every month
They do

unironically beautiful sight, that

polsky dont play around

keep those goat fuckers away from europe my dear polish anons

He actually thinks US army doesn't have any requirements to get in. Have fun dying I guess

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You don't have to, there are others like Austrians and Hungarians who sent men down there and they'll probably get more support from places like Serbia aswell.

I noticed, quite a few countries help Greece but you Poles seem to be the only who jerk themselve off over it. Have you ever helped someone without patting yourself on the back?

bet this is a jealous 56 percenter larping as a European

>> promotes white on white war
holy fucking kek. I really wish mutts would stop calling themselves a white country. you count spics as white and still only manage to be 56% "white" are there legit any people in america with over 50% european ancestry?

Absolutely based. Thank you Poland, thank you Bulgaria and thank you Greece for standing strong against the brown flood.

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Just think how much whiter America would be if we just started shooting border jumpers ten years ago. Now we're like 38% white or some shit, every time you go shopping you are in a hellscape of brown unidentifiable abominations that smell of all types of shit getting everything free while the last 500 white people in America pay for it. Sad!


okay chang. when your country isn't busy being chinas vacation resort you are sucking the jew cum out of americas ass

Have you seen what comprises the US Army these days? It's mostly retarded spics and niggers, retarded roasties and disgusting she-boons. Why they began allowing women into the service I'll never understand; almost all of them get knocked up and never even serve, and even if they don't what the fuck can they do? Break a nail firing a gun and then get raped to death by whoever is around.

My favourite image of a kebab being skewered

Are you a nigger that hates himself and tries to pass on as a white racist? Or you try to provoke us for dem news you are writing down right now? Check out requirements you have to meet to join US army and then try to do female ones. Bet you can't tell austria to hire males in the army too while at it since they stopped a while back for some reason.

You don't have an army in EU that could fight for shit.

Being a white officer in the Army these days must be akin to a white teacher in a public school. You are supposed to somehow teach these 60 iq gibs lords to be a competent fighting force. If we didn't have air superiority we'd get fucking stomped I think.

Don't joke about Polish plumbers and electricians. They will kick your ass. American truckers and welders have nothing on them.

Pic related

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I had a Croatian teacher that would always talked shit on Serbians, i always wondered( as a kid if it was true), now im sure they were right fighting against muslims


Exactly what catholic Poland wants... A Muslim Germany.


You actually have to have above 80iq to get into american army I think

Notice all this roach skinned kike does is attack anybody supporting Poland's actions here by attacking every other white nation showing camaraderie. Best to ignore and move on, this hook nosed animal's entire goal is to derail the thread and get us at each other's throats.

>says the mutt with an army that can't beat rice farmers or rag heads
imagine if you mutts fought against white people. You would be slaughtered
