Why don't you visit Poland? This country is first world, beautiful, safe.
Why don't you visit Poland? This country is first world, beautiful, safe
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damn.. those juicy tities..
i am totally incurious about other places. and whenver u've gone about foreign cities it just been the most boring day of my life
fuck off they're full kurwa
don't come, we are closing the borders.
I am Brown. I've heard most Poles discriminate against Brown people.
Thta only applies to girls, boys cherish people of color, myself included.
>this country
Our country. Thank you very much
sorry, we are full atm.
Because it's pleb. Europe but without the class. Lacking in the art and history that Western Europe overflows of
boring rude people, stuck up woman, nothing to do. no culture except "church".
>Why don't you visit Poland?
Because they'll close their border for foreigners soon so I can't.
I do and am reminded that the rest of europe once looked like this and the dumbass population threw it all away.
WTF I love Poland now!
>first world
I don't speak the language. Also they don't use the cyrillic alphabet and it weirds me out.
Going on holidays to a country with no niggers really is a relief. Last time I went to Malta I barely saw any, except for an area with a lot of rapefugees they let in.
>Going on holidays to a country with no niggers really is a relief. Last time I went to Malta I barely saw any, except for an area with a lot of rapefugees they let in.
The area with the rapefugees is where all the white woman were hanging out and partying
i gotta defend my territory and Food Storages atm
gotta be ready for coronaboogaloo
other way around janeczek
We are literally completely closing our borders later today.
Fuck of we are full, but for realz this time
in here Blacks are actually not let into technoclubs at all
There’s a lot of polacks there
>t. WWII looter
I don't get why Poles hate you less than the Russians. It's one of the great mysteries of life
i won't go there. and i have two obvious reasons for this.
1. they are a safe place from coronavirus, so i don't want to burden their safety.
2. i know that polish people and eastern european people don't like asian people in usual.
Ur my nigga if u
- don’t steal loot or vandalize
- are a responsible father if kiddy mode
If above ur based and I’ll protect you as I would any of my frens.
are they to busy fucking white woman in the back alleys?
>American "clubs" of any sort are absolutely dead because of niggers
Never stops being funny desu
>>American "clubs" of any sort are absolutely dead because of niggers
The day white westerners submitted to Blacks is the day whites lost every right to go to a club to pick up white woman.
Koreabro you clearly haven’t met the 20 yr old doomers
Pls come
i'm gonna coooooooooooooooooooom
>This flag
>This butthurt
Fuck off, Gypsie. You're the India of Europe.
Me on the right
Polish are everywhere and quiet that cause no problems. They also suffer from the eastern european genetic rule of either hunch back looking women or super pretty women, the men nearly always have an overhanging forehead. Might be russian influence over the years. Overall Polish are great.
I'm married and don't want STDs thanks
>Fuck off, Gypsie. You're the India of Europe.
crying about flags while hiding yours, jesus christ do the world a favor and shoot yourself
Because I'm not going anywhere near Europe my family left that place and I see no reason to go back.
>using one user's opinion as a pretext to suck r*ssian cock
visited Poland 3 years ago, loved it. Polish women are hot too, top 3 in europe
>I'm married and don't want STDs thanks
enjoy losing all your accumilated finances and future finances when the misses gets bored and finds a BBC. you'll wish you had std's instead
rarely, balkan, turkish and anglo girls here fuck blacks
german, asian girls here fuck only german chads
polish, russian "slavic" girls fuck turks, arabs and pajeets
>Why don't you visit Poland?
Because borders are closed, fuck off.
So europes a fuck fest orgy of all types of browns. a true model of diversity.
There are a plenty of Uber eats subhuman pajeets in Poland. It's fucked.
this coming from the 8% White Country, kek
You can have all of the 1 million poles in England if they are so great. Irishman bottom fantasizing how his polish top will come save his country from the refugees and other non-whites. Us English are in this alone, we don't need poles to fight our battles. And they wont lift a finger to help you by the way, they are destroying your working class and reaping all the benefits your country has to offer. Enjoy irish bro.
,61% black and blacks barely get laid here most blacks are incels
Its pretty much over if you are full black here, mixed race tall american blacks and anglo girls ive seen happen (t. bartender)
Balkan girls sometimes talk to blacks friendly too. And Ive seen turkins fuck them.
German women mostly ignore all non german guys because German guys are the chaddest. Polish girls mostly fuck German guys but I know the few turks/arabs we have go for them. So does the occasional pajeet, usually pajeets are instant incel to balkan or anglo/american girls but tend to get friendzoned by german girls, and can actually get with Polish girls.
Russians are like Poles. Turks similarly here are hated by all other women except Poles/Russians because they dont know the stereotypes.
What an ugly face...
milk truck just arrive
because a European light skin Turkic German like me would get attacked, they don't see the difference with a non-European immigrant
>this coming from the 8% White Country, kek
except white woman here dont fuck niggers, ever. so while your country might be more white, your woman are fucking the niggers.
>This country is first world
When are you poles going to start paying us brits back for this?
>korean trying to give us more corona
Nice try, are you part of that cult?
This is how the Polish Witcher TV Show looks like.
I need my face between those titties.
That is german land.
In east slavic countries and Germany girls fucking blacks is a very rare sight.
you might not believe it, but german anons here can confirm that if you go to a part of the town you can find blacks they are ALWAYS alone and in packs.
Blacks are never let into bars or clubs which denies them the opportunity to sleep with girls via regular meeting. And you can catfish on tinder if you really wanna know how undesired they are.
You are confusing us with your anglo shithole cousin UK where I could see couples like this every day.
T. I havent seen a black male white female couple for an entire year of riding the U-Bahn and S-Bahn and have seen maybe total of 200 blacks so far (out of maybe 10s of thousands of people).
for what?
Because we're Western and Catholic.
I'd advise you to learn some history
What a fucking cunt. Filming herself instead of Krakow
>Imagine the smell
>german land.
thats an oxymoron.
Ooch aus B?
Kind of shitty how you dime out british citizens like that. A lot of them have a british pass port and identify as british. Tell me this. Why do you hate England?
>You are confusing us with your anglo shithole cousin UK where I could see couples like this every day.
i left the UK 2 wears ago to come back here because of all the race mixing i saw, it was to nauseating for me. (that and the depressing weather and shit attitudes the scots have)
Anglo girls? im calling bullshit. Hardly any anglos In germany. All the slavs do here is fuck blacks. Most anglo women wont go near one and we have massive slags in our nation. Apart from London of course then there isn't much option in dating.
It's a great advertisement video for her cunt
>t. Polack in SK
It's pretty
Uplifting their broken slavic rape baby state, through exported wealth sent back via polish migrants to the uk
only faggots look at faces user
I don't know what it's like now but I visited Poland with my ex who happened to be a very passable trans girl back in 2016 and we thought it would be an LGBT-friendly destination because I had been seeing a lot of online ads from their board of tourism and they all implies gay folks were welcome. To my surprise we were mistreated like dogs in every restaurant, shop or tourist attraction we visited. We were so scared we decided not to go to the beach out of fear of being assaulted.
Anything to the East of Austria is simply not worth visiting.
I was there in December. I'm dying to go back
If you look at the ONS birth statistics Polish women had only 4% children with a different race of birth than white and 3% of these were pajeets or other asians, only 1% were african or caribbean.
With anglo women it was 5% JUST WITH BLACKS and CARIBBEANS so I doubt it. Also Poles are the only slavs you have. The rest of the EEs you have are Balkan-Turks (romanians) or Baltics (Basically cucked swedes) like Latvian/Lithuanians.
So massive gigacope mate.
no nigga
2/10 you try too hard
But your language doesn't sound latin at all.
Not interested
>a very passable trans girl
show us pic
but you didnt uplift jack shit, init, if anything, the polaks uplifting you culture-less swines.
>through exported wealth sent back via polish migrants to the uk
hahahaha go cry me a river.
So much this. Even Poo-lacks hate Poo-lacks. Most of them migrate from the country because it's so miserable in vast majority.
She's ugly