China hate thread

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After the crisis has passed, regardless of the outcome, what should be done with the culprits? What is realistically going to happen?



Why do we allow them to exist? It's time to nuke all the bug people before they kill us all with the viruses they create from all the disgusting shit they eat. Fuck your culture

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I hope Vietnam becomes the new China so I never have to deal with chinks again.

>Those teeth in the last clip

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I hate this capitalist coonsomerist Marxist dystopia.
And their sweat shop labour gooks.

Bat eating savages. If its from a lab then no non white country should be allowed near biological weapons of mass destruction again.
They are too stupid.Only non whites allowed are the Japanese. Maybe Koreans.

Chinese are forced to never eat bat's again and dogs and any other animal.
Or else.
Boxer rebellion 2.0.

(big filthy flem. Spit)


China did nothing wrong. China gave us 1.5 months of warning and we squandered it fingering our assholes. Even to this very day the USA has not even bothered recommending that its healthcare workers wear masks. Our satanic elite are eternally, permanently out to lunch and not even a pandemic can bring them back to their senses. They've been to too many narcotics-fueled blood orgies to even know what's real anymore.

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The sad thing is that they will continue to eat gutter bat meat after this

Okay Pajeet

Gggggrrrrrraaaaaaagggghh. Flffesfff

Fuck this shithole country, and there shithole people. I live near the Vancouver border, and every single fucking time I encounter one of them, it runes my fucking day. they are scum, and now my greatest criticism of trump is that he isnt nearly as tough on China as he should be.
chinese shill detected

The WHO is China's little bitch

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It didn't even come from a bat you dumb wop nigger.

Stop buying shit from china.

>China did nothing wrong
Ok retard, get Chang's cock out of your mouth

you ungrateful pasta nigger, I should tell Xi to take back the support and supplies

S fuck Chinks



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Why haven't we stoppef eating pork after swine flu tho?

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Chinks stinks



I agree, we too were given plenty of warning but chose to sit and watch. Too late now.

>b-but chinks took so long to notify us
You guys all sound like beta onions chugging faggots. Listen to yourselves, your countries lack the ability for awareness and you blame it on China just because it's supposedly ground zero. Do you autists have any concept for procedure? If you suddenly discover some mysterious fucking flu going around, what do you do first?

>n-notify the world o-obviously
this is the average Yas Forumstard answer, good thing none of you are actually in any seat of power

Reality is, you figure out WTF it is you're dealing with first, without crying wolf over something you can't even put a finger on yet, while prioritizing containment and safety measures for your OWN country first, as any self-loving country would. (mutts wouldn't understand this concept of course) All this petulant crying over how China didn't alert the world fast enough is just pathetic and low IQ verbal spasm.

>inb4 chang / shill / faggot / nigger /
Don't bother with guessing, It's chang
>inb4 M-meflag ..sage!
Doesn't refute anything I said

Eat the bat, get the gat

Don't make me go over there to rape your women again

Shut your fucking mouth, chink.

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user factories are going to move back out of china. the chin..chines...CHINKOS being so INDIAN has caused the Elite's pockets to be jingled the wrong way. This is putting all your greasy meat balls in one basket.


wew lad, imagine having something like that saved; i can almost smell your basement from here

I've posted basically the same thing since yesterday, it's always just

>b-bat soup
>bugmen trying to save face. etc.

Zero cohesive counter points for anything, just a lot of sexual frustration induced ad hominems thrown around, no wonder you guys have to resort to fetishizing Asian women... which you NEETs think are bugs anyway? The self-loathe here is real.

I said shut your fucking mouth, chink.

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>Americucks here are just jealous that their dear country didn't get to test their own WMDs first
>Whiteknighting as diversion tactic to drown out the noise surrounding the stockpile of WMDs they own

Long live the CCP you aryan dicksucks.



You have to go back to r/aznidentity

its a fucking jewish american bio-weapon and you guys are mad at china because they contained it? retard alert

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lmao absolutely nothing. Xi Jinping will remain in power until he retires and then the mid-level bureaucrats responsible for fucking up the local response move to national politics.

We don't want them anyway.


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Blessed numerals.


Post webms of insectoid automatons killing themselves by accident.

Japan was right in genocideing them in ww2
Rape of nanjing 2.0 S O O N

Those guys were fired, dumbass. China, for its many faults, is ruthless with its own people because there are literally thousands of competent people thirsting to prove themselves for every high ranking government position.

Nobody with a functioning brain likes china, the ones that do just have a raging boner for hating the Americans


i hope a meteor lands in china, they are the scum of the earth, this is what communism does to their minds

fuck off dirty chink

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>thousands of competent people
By China standards, perhaps. In practice, they're worth less than nothing in the real world. All their knowledge is either stolen or an outright lie.

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How about don't eat bat in the first place?

adrenochrome harvesting

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Shut the fuck up lowly chinese. Did you forgot to stamp your timecard in at your Nike sweatshop?

Bat eating savages should be eradicated

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